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Sehr heißes Thema (Mehr als 25 Antworten) Maksim <> (Gelesen: 10922 mal)
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I Love Anti-Scam

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Re: Maksim <>
Antwort #15 - 11. Februar 2018 um 11:28
i love you:*
So 05.02.2017, 04:45Sie
Hello my love. I'm so happy to read your mail. Oh.. your every letter bring me so much joy. Your letters warm my heart every day. I am very happy that I met you. And I miss you every day. I every minute think of you. You're my happiness. You are my life. I have never experienced such strong feelings. For such a short period of communication I'm very much in love and love more than life. I don't need anyone but you. You're my ray of sunshine that warms my heart every minute. I want to be with you always. You are forever in my heart. And I know we can all... every day I imagine how we make love. As we have a good time together. Oh... I'd rather like to be in your arms. Only yours. I want to gently kiss your lips, my Prince Ralf. Gently hug you. Every day to bring you Breakfast in bed and massage. You know all my feelings for you. I can't describe with words my love.... You are the most precious I have.
Oh.. Yes, I see ads of used phones online. Their cents for approximately 150 euros. Oh.. it's so expensive for me. I would be so happy to buy it. But I can't afford such an expensive luxury. I would be very pleased to talk to you on Skype. I have no idea of prices on camcorder microphones. I never buy them for myself. My dear, please let's not waste extra savings. Very soon I will fly to you and we can be together. We will see each other.
At the moment I'm still working two jobs. To work I left only one week. After my travel to you I will look for another job and will work at the same time in the dental center and the new upcoming work.
My love Ralf, today I woke up and to go to travel Agency and to learn all about travel to you. I come back and a Manager named Elena met me. We went into her office and began to discuss all the issues. She asked me where I wanted to arrive. I said that I would like to arrive in Germany, Cologne, 25 February and return flight on March 10.
She said okay and left for a few minutes. Elena brought a bunch of papers. For a long time and explained everything to me about.
In General, to arrive to you I need passport, visa , health insurance, group "A" and some help with work and from the Bank. She said all this without problems prepares their travel Agency. Elena said for me the period of registration of documents will be about 2 weeks...
I also asked on account of the price. She said the paperwork is now much more expensive, but for me he can do a small discount. And the execution of all documents will be released in 23410 roubles, or about 371 euro. And Elena told me about the tickets. She said that they are directly involved in complex travel arrangements. And they book the ticket as well. She said that she has a very good option for me. I got interested in this and asked to speak. She said she has the best tickets for February 25. She said that airport I need to get myself. I can take the train to get to Moscow. But this ticket includes all Lounges at the airport.
Departure from Moscow Vnukovo airport at 10:45. And arriving in Cologne at 12:05. (Flight number: DP819).
And also in the ticket included a flight back on March 10.
Fly from Cologne in 12:40. Arrival in Vnukovo, Moscow 17:45. (Flight number: DP820).
The Manager said that the return flight can be free to move if necessary. Elena will also give you a discount on the ticket. The cost of this flight will be 6 447 roubles, or about 102 euro. And Elena has calculated how much the whole trip. And the whole trip to you, my angel, Ralf, will be released in 473 euro. She said that at this time a lot of people are going to visit other countries... And the money you need to pay as soon as possible. I thanked Helen for the information provided. She asked me to come to her in the coming days.
My love Ralf, I spent every second thinking about you. I understand that you became part of me. A part of my life. I only want to be with you. And I also trust you with all my heart. I opened you my soul, my heart. I'd rather be with you Oh...I have tears of happiness. I think that would be the best way to arrange a ticket through Elena. She said that if you pay we will enter into a contract with its travel Agency. And my Prince Ralf, it's really a good ticket and very profitable trip.
Oh... more than anything I want to be in your arms. I want to gently kiss you and hug. I really want to cook every day for you to make love to you.
But now I'm crying. I have tears. I can't calm down. Hysterical. I watched all their savings at the moment. I understand that I have no such big money. I have only part of the amount. I only have 120 euro. I don't know what to do. I don't know what to do. True. I'm very excited. I can't calm down, only your picture in my wallet helps to calm down a little. I'm so scared that our meeting could not take place. I can't survive this. I can't do this without you. I was hoping to meet you. I thought about it day and night. But organizing alone this trip I can't. I am very ashamed in front of you. I only think about you and dream to be in your arms.
I love you more than life itself. I don't need anyone but you. It's a feeling. When your heart is filled with man. And you realize that you live for him. You receive a photo or just a letter, and you have a smile on my face. Oh... I can't describe it with words. I want to be in your arms. But I'm really sad that I can't organize a trip.
I love you more than life itself. I'll wait for your letter.
I kiss you a million times. Only your, loving Max .
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Themenstarter Themenstarter
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I Love Anti-Scam

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Re: Maksim <>
Antwort #16 - 11. Februar 2018 um 11:29
My angel, what's wrong with the phone? I can not get through.
So 05.02.2017, 05:31Sie
My angel, what's wrong with the phone? I can not get through.
Hello my dear ) I love you:*
So 05.02.2017, 09:28Sie
Hello my dear. I miss you so much. I love you more than life. My soul just sings ... I am very glad that I have you. I am very pleased that I did not try one of our meetings. I'm so happy that you could hold me sum of 350 euros.
My dear Ralf, I was once again so happy today to hear your voice on the phone. Today on the way home, I go to the bank and get to know the manager, as it is possible to send to other countries. The manager said that it is necessary to apply for registration of a bank account. And it will take about two weeks. All this is due to the unstable situation in our country. I said it a long time and I can not wait so long. I said that I need to get money in the coming days. The manager advised remittance system like Western Union. She told me about this system.
To send money, you need my data.
Name: Maksim
Surname: Orlov
Middle name: Dmitrievich
Country: Russia
City: Ivanovo

And what would I withdraw the money through Western Union.
So I need your data.
Transaction number (MTCN)
As well as the amount.

My angel Ralf. Please make me transfer the money tomorrow morning. I can get your savings and pay them immediately to the travel agency. And tomorrow night with a clear conscience, we can talk more.
And of course I would be so happy if you still hold me 150 euro phone. I would be very pleased.
I'm already looking forward to our meeting. It remains quite a bit and we'll be together.
I also read about this system on the Internet. About this system write good reviews, it's a great system, and the money can be removed instantly.
My dear you can read on the Internet about this translation system. (here the site of the system).
Please do me the money transfer of 350 Euros is necessary to our trip. Oh ... I'm already looking forward to the moment when we will meet. I really want this. I'm so happy. I am very grateful that she introduced us.
I'll look forward to your response.
Only your angel Max: *
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Themenstarter Themenstarter
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I Love Anti-Scam

Beiträge: 24
Mitglied seit: 26. August 2017
Geschlecht: männlich
Re: Maksim <>
Antwort #17 - 11. Februar 2018 um 11:31
Hello my lovel )
Mo 06.02.2017, 12:45Sie
Hello my love Oh ... I'm very happy to receive your letter. I think every minute of you. I do not understand what happened to me. This has never happened. You conquered my heart. I love you more than life, my prince Ralf. You're the most precious thing that I have.
Today I was so happy to talk to you for so long. It gave me a lot of fun. I am ready to talk with you night long. Oh .. I so want this. But very soon we will meet and be together. We will be the happiest in the world.
My dear, I have no way to communicate with you in to Skype. As I tell you that in my house there is no microphone, camera and headphone jack. I was so sad it. And buy them at the moment is very expensive for me. Please let's not spend a penny. We can not spend the savings. We need to save. And go to the Internet cafe I am very afraid. I'm so scared that other people might notice me. Please let us tolerate more silent and we will see each other in real life.
I'm so happy that you help me with travel arrangements. I am very grateful to you. Thank you so much. I do not know what I would do without you. And tomorrow afternoon I'll go to the bank and will receive your savings. And after I run a travel agency and will pay the rest of the amount. I will carry flight, from 26 February to 12 March and it will be the final date. Tomorrow I'll write you all about my flight. I'll try and call you tonight. And so tomorrow I'll do a photo of your passport and send it to you, if you so neobodimo.
Oh ... Ralf your eyes, your lips, your smile. It drives me crazy. I want rather to kiss your lips, neck ... gently hugging you. I would like to give you a massage. I'm sure you would have liked. Especially if I was completely naked on top. I do not need anyone but you. You are my life. I will always tell you the words of love. I was afraid to fall in love. I do not want to get burned again. I trust you a billion percent. And I'll come to you. I know, you meet me at the airport on February 26 .. I must cry with happiness. We will have the first night ... the first kiss. We'll make a lot of pictures together. We will always love each other. And we are happy. And all will go, turn around on us. And maybe a little envious. I'll be there with you in sorrow and joy. You also can always count on me, my angel Ralf. I will always be your shoulder and you're mine. I love you with all my heart.
Once again, thank you, my sweet Ralf. I really appreciate your help. I will pay the money to a travel agency tomorrow. And we will be together. I know that my heart is in your hands. And your heart is in my hands. I kiss you a billion times. I'll be waiting for your letter. Only thy loving Max: *
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Themenstarter Themenstarter
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I Love Anti-Scam

Beiträge: 24
Mitglied seit: 26. August 2017
Geschlecht: männlich
Re: Maksim <>
Antwort #18 - 11. Februar 2018 um 11:32
Hello my love )
Mo 06.02.2017, 12:45Sie
Hello my love. Oh ... I'm very happy to receive your letter. I think every minute of you. I do not understand what happened to me. This has never happened. You conquered my heart. I love you more than life, my prince. You're the most precious thing that I have.
Today I was so happy to talk to you for so long. It gave me a lot of fun. I am ready to talk with you night long. Oh .. I so want this. But very soon we will meet and be together. We will be the happiest in the world.
My dear, I have no way to communicate with you in to Skype. As I tell you that in my house there is no microphone, camera and headphone jack. I was so sad it. And buy them at the moment is very expensive for me. Please let's not spend a penny. We can not spend the savings. We need to save. And go to the Internet cafe I am very afraid. I'm so scared that other people might notice me. Please let us tolerate more silent and we will see each other in real life.
I'm so happy that you help me with travel arrangements. I am very grateful to you. Thank you so much. I do not know what I would do without you. And tomorrow afternoon I'll go to the bank and will receive your savings. And after I run a travel agency and will pay the rest of the amount. I will carry flight, from 26 February to 12 March and it will be the final date. Tomorrow I'll write you all about my flight. I'll try and call you tonight. And so tomorrow I'll do a photo of your passport and send it to you, if you so neobodimo.
Oh ... Ralf your eyes, your lips, your smile. It drives me crazy. I want rather to kiss your lips, neck ... gently hugging you. I would like to give you a massage. I'm sure you would have liked. Especially if I was completely naked on top. I do not need anyone but you. You are my life. I will always tell you the words of love. I was afraid to fall in love. I do not want to get burned again. I trust you a billion percent. And I'll come to you. I know, you meet me at the airport on February 26 .. I must cry with happiness. We will have the first night ... the first kiss. We'll make a lot of pictures together. We will always love each other. And we are happy. And all will go, turn around on us. And maybe a little envious. I'll be there with you in sorrow and joy. You also can always count on me, my angel Ralf. I will always be your shoulder and you're mine. I love you with all my heart.
Once again, thank you, my sweet Ralf. I really appreciate your help. I will pay the money to a travel agency tomorrow. And we will be together. I know that my heart is in your hands. And your heart is in my hands. I kiss you a billion times. I'll be waiting for your letter. Only thy loving Max: *
« Zuletzt geändert: 12. Februar 2018 um 11:46 von Uli »  

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Themenstarter Themenstarter
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I Love Anti-Scam

Beiträge: 24
Mitglied seit: 26. August 2017
Geschlecht: männlich
Re: Maksim <>
Antwort #19 - 11. Februar 2018 um 11:33
I love you:*
Mi 08.02.2017, 13:48Sie
Hello my angel. I am very happy to receive your letter. I have carefully read your letter. Thank you very much, that you send me your address. I am so pleased. To be honest, I do not always have the opportunity to write to you two letters a day. But I will try if possible to write to you more often. I work a lot. But I can not stop thinking about you. Unfortunately today I was not able to call you. I think that you will not be angry at me. It's so expensive to call for me. But I would be happy if you help me with a mobile phone and I can call you more often.
But I'll call you. To be honest I like it more. I hope you do not mind.
I talk to my mom about you and the relationship. I write her your phone number. When I come to you and be with you call it on your mobile. She is very worried and wants what I would call her immediately, as soon as we're together.
My name is Maksim. But you can call me Max, Maksi, Maksimka. This diminutive affectionate words.
How I would like to remain with you in Germany and to be with you always. To be together to the end of his days. But, unfortunately, on a tourist visa, I can come to you for a maximum of 30 days. I was very sad. But I believe that one day we will live together. I have a dream one day to move back to your country and to live together. Living together before the end of his days
Oh ... I did not sleep at night now. I thought about you. I thought our love. I can not describe my feelings in words. I love you with all my heart. And I just want to be with you. I want to be with you grief and in joy. I do not need anyone but you. You are only mine. And I'm only yours. We are together forever ... I look forward to our meeting. I want to get to the airport. And I see your eyes, your smile. And I run into your arms. Oh ... I want to hug you. And hold you so tight to him ... .I will kiss you everywhere. I'll be faithful to you always. You are a part of me. And I'm a part of you. Love makes our world more beautiful. Love gives happiness in life. And we make the world happier. And we will be the best pair. I love you, my sun Ralf.
I want more to be with you. If I could fly. I would have got you a star from the sky. You are my star. The star that I love more than life itself. And love will be in our hearts forever .... I think about you all the time. I already miss you. Billion kisses. I'll wait for your letter with impatience. Only thy loving husband Max: *
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Themenstarter Themenstarter
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I Love Anti-Scam

Beiträge: 24
Mitglied seit: 26. August 2017
Geschlecht: männlich
Re: Maksim <>
Antwort #20 - 11. Februar 2018 um 11:34
I love you:*
Sa 11.02.2017, 09:39Sie
Hi, my angel. Oh .. please forgive me that I made you worry. I am sorry. For two days I could not write to you. I felt bad. I had very high temperature. I lay at home. I could not even stand up in bed. Oh .. how do I want to hear your voice. I missed you so true. I missed your care, your support. Just the thought of you gave me strength. I very much miss you. I love you more than life. I can not pinch all their emotions in a letter.
I look forward to our meeting. I want to hug you and kiss. Oh. Very soon, I will come to you and we will be together. We will be happy. Oh .. but I'm so sorry that after our holiday we will again be separation. Oh .. I do not know how can I without you. How do I want to be with you always. I really want to see you every day. I want to live with you forever. Till the end of one's days.
My dear, now I feel a little better. I need to take medication. Oh .. they are so expensive. I'm afraid that my disease can go into a sore throat. I'm so scared .. But I hope that I'll be all right. I love you so much.
Tomorrow I'll write you more. Your baby Maksim. Please do not worry. I will always be with you. I'll always be near. I love you.
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Themenstarter Themenstarter
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I Love Anti-Scam

Beiträge: 24
Mitglied seit: 26. August 2017
Geschlecht: männlich
Re: Maksim <>
Antwort #21 - 11. Februar 2018 um 11:42
Hello my love!
So 12.02.2017, 13:39Sie
Hello my love. I really miss you. I constantly think only of you. Oh .. how do I feel bad that you're not there. I so want to hug and kiss.
Dear, I love you more than life itself. I love you with all my heart. For a long time do not communicate you become the closest person to me. I have no one closer than you. Every day I think only of you and I dream of our meeting. How do I feel bad without you. Thank you very much for your support. You warms my heart every day. Dear Ralf, now I feel better. Tomorrow I will work. Tomorrow I hope I can call you in the evening. I miss your sweet voice.
Just the thought of you give me strength. I only live you. I really want us to be happy. I really do not sleep at night, I always think of you. Do you dream of me every day. I do not understand what's going on with me. But I'm happy about it.
Every night, I feel lonely. When I close my eyes I imagine that you are lying side by side. And it gets better.
I really very much in love with you. You're just the man I was looking for all my life. We will be together forever. We will be happy the rest of his days. I love you my angel. Ralf. Now I'll go to bed. I need bed rest. Please ask me that you still interested? I really want to get to know each other better before our first meeting.
We will be the happiest couple in the world.
I love you. 
Hello my dear )
Mo 13.02.2017, 14:42Sie
Hello my dear. Once again, I very happy to receive your letter. I am very happy that fate brought us together. You Belong With Me. We love each other. Together we will be the happiest in the world. For such a short period of communication, we have become very close friends. We have much in common. We are very similar. I believe that we should be together. And there are very few to our first meeting, first kiss, first night.
My love by, today I melted with joy when I heard your voice. Oh .. I was so pleased.
I really wanna be with you. I do not need anyone but you. You're the most precious thing in my life. You are the best man.
My mother, very happy that I found such a man as you. I look forward to our meeting. Every day I live only you. You're always in my head. Talking with you, I feel butterflies in my stomach.
I'll look forward to your response.
Your loving Maksim: * 

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Themenstarter Themenstarter
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I Love Anti-Scam

Beiträge: 24
Mitglied seit: 26. August 2017
Geschlecht: männlich
Re: Maksim <>
Antwort #22 - 11. Februar 2018 um 11:43
Hello my love.
Mi 15.02.2017, 13:13Sie
Hello my love. I just opened the mail and saw your letter. Your letter I lifted the mood. I am very happy when they come from your email. Destiny has made us a great gift to know each other. Unfortunately, yesterday I had the night shift. Please forgive me that I could not write to you. I worked at night.
I constantly think only of you. You are my angel. You are my life. I think a minute before we met ..
As you have asked me to write the address.
City: Ivanovo. Country Russia.
Location: Street Lezhnevskaya 213. Apartment 37.
I also looked at your location. We are looking forward to be there.
For I tell you earlier that I rented one-room apartment not far from my work.
I love you very much. I really wanna be with you. I do not need anyone but you. You're the most precious thing in my life. Every day I look forward to letters from you.
At the beginning of our acquaintance, I thought it was the usual affair on the Internet. But this is not the case. We love each other and we should be together. You've become the meaning of my life.
Tomorrow I will write more. And also I try to call. I'm so tired. I'll go to bed.
I'll look forward to your response. Only your loving Max: *
Good morning, my love.
Do 16.02.2017, 13:39Sie
Good morning, my love. I read your letter very carefully. And I as always was so happy to hear your voice on the phone.
And your every word makes my heart still hotter and hotter. You say so many correct words. And I think as you do. I want to go with you on one road life. And love you till the end of days. I do not need anyone but you, my angel Ralf. You know my feelings for you. But I can not describe them in words. It's ... as if you were walking down the street and suddenly it starts to rain of money. But I want to tell you that our love can not be bought for any money. It is not valuable. I understand you like yourself. And I'll kiss your lips very soon. I'll hold you tight. Oh ... I love you, my prince Ralf. And I trust you a billion percent.
You are so handsome. I look at all of your photos over and over again. I look forward to our first night of love. And we will be happy.
I work in hookah last day on Saturday. And on Saturday I NOS say goodbye to his colleagues.
My love Ralf, tomorrow I'll go to a travel agency. Oh .. I think that all the documents are ready. How happy I am. Very soon, I will come to you. We will be together. We will be happy.
Today I made a small gift for you that will bring you. I know you'll like it.
I think every minute of you. I want to be only with you. With you forever. I love you more than life.
I already miss you. You're the most precious thing I have. I want to kiss you a billion times. I'll be waiting for your letter. Only thy loving husband Maksim: *
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Themenstarter Themenstarter
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I Love Anti-Scam

Beiträge: 24
Mitglied seit: 26. August 2017
Geschlecht: männlich
Re: Maksim <>
Antwort #23 - 11. Februar 2018 um 11:47
Hello my love!
Fr 17.02.2017, 12:26Sie
Hello my love. I am very happy to see your letter. Thank you very much, that you write to me the letter. I am grateful for the fact that it brought us together. I am very happy to have met you. After acquaintance with you made me happy. Talking with you, I feel butterflies in my stomach. I really liked your photos. Such a beautiful horse. How pleased I was to see them. Unfortunately, I was never interested in horses in Russia. I can not say anything about it.
How do you know that today I had an appointment at a travel agency. I went there and the manager met me. Oh .. I think that today I am able to receive documents. But Elena said that the documents are ready. And on Monday I have an appointment at 12:00 in the visa center in Moscow. I'll get a visa and all other documents. Oh .. how happy I am. I can not convey all the emotions in a letter.
I am very pleased that we are together with you to try our meeting. So I need your moral support. Every day, your letters bring me so much joy. Together, we can overcome any difficulties.
I'm already looking forward to our first meeting, the moment when we will meet hug and kiss. I imagine in the willow, as we will spend time with you. We will be the happiest in the world. I promise, I will always be with you. I will never lie to you. I will always be honest with you and sincere. Together, we will live in love and joy. I will always support you in difficult times. You can always count on me.
I'll look forward to your letter.
Your loving Maksim: *
Hello my dear )
Sa 18.02.2017, 11:36Sie
Hello my dear.
Once again, I received your letter. I am very happy to see it. My soul just sings when I read your letters. You became the most dear to me man. You are my Everything! You are my angel! I am your angel! I'm ready for anything! I will never turn away from you not. I'm so happy that fate has made us a great gift, to know each other. You lit a big fire in my heart, which can not be put out ever. I can not any day, not to hear your voice. It is necessary for me to. I depend on you, really! I do not even know how to describe you all my thoughts in this letter.
Of course, I will bring you my photo. It's so beautiful. I hope you like it. I'm already looking forward to Monday. I can get a visa and all the documents.
We will be together. We will be happy the rest of his days. I am also looking forward to this moment. Oh .. I will melt with happiness when I see you.
Every day I imagine on willow as we spend time together. We will be most happy. Everyone will look at us and envy our love. We will walk in the park by the handle.
Just the thought of you gave me strength. I keep thinking about you. I think about you every minute, every second.
�You are very dear and close to me. I will be faithful to you always. You are my man.
I'll be waiting for your letter. I kiss you.
Your loving Max: *

I love you:*
So 19.02.2017, 10:36Sie
Good day, my love. I am very pleased to receive your letter. Thank you very much for that. Oh ... .I save all your photos into a folder on your computer. I watch all your pictures again and again. And my heart was beating very fast. I understand that I can not live without you. I look forward to the time when I see your eyes, your smile. I'll run into your arms. I want to hug you tight and do not let go .... I was so happy to talk to you by phone. Thank you very much, that you've got. I hope that after my journey to you, I'll go back to Russia and will prepare all the documents that would have to move in with you.
As I told you earlier that I talked with my mother about our relationship. She is very happy that I found such a serious man as you. She wished us luck. She was so happy for us. She is happy that I found happiness in life.
You are my Everything! You became my meaning of life!
How happy I am that tomorrow I will get a visa. Oh .. emotions overwhelmed me the most. Today, perhaps I can not sleep at night, I will think only of you.
We will meet on 28 February hugging and kisses. I will present to the willow as we spend time together. We'll sit and talk on the souls nights on end with a glass of red wine. And then we will deal with a passionate love. I look forward to this moment.
Our hearts are linked together. Connected forever. And we're happy about that. I love you more than life. And I do not need anyone but you. You are the native people for me. You've become a part of my life. I can not live without you. I want to be only with you. I just want to kiss your lips. You are only mine. And I'm only yours. And together we can all ... .Our love - is an invincible force. We began to love and we have become stronger. Love makes mankind and the world more beautiful. I think about you every minute, my angel Ralf. I woke up today, I dreamed about you. I would like to feel your breath beside. I want you to lay next to me. And I turned to you. And I would kiss you everywhere. I want to enter into me from behind. I just want you ... I look forward to our first meeting. The first night of love ... ..We will be together forever ... we will be happy.
I think about you every minute. You're always in my head and in my heart.
Now I'll go to bed. Tomorrow night I'll try to call you.
With much love, your only the Max: * Good Night *
--- love, hi.
Mo 20.02.2017, 02:30Sie love, hi.
Thank you for your letter. I loved your picture You are cute. Thank you for the very kind words. You know how much I love you. We are so close to each other. I want to please you every day. But unfortunately this letter will bring you little joy and warmth. I don't know how to write you this letter.
I am writing this letter to you with tears in his eyes. It makes me sad. I'm afraid to write this letter. I understand that you're the most precious thing in my life. But I have no choice. I love you with all my heart. I love you forever. And I want to tell you about today.
My dear Ralf, you know that today I had met the visa application centre in Moscow. At lunchtime I went there. All the documents were already with them. And I had to get all the documents today. But the Manager gives me a copy of my passport. And says they got a letter. I didn't understand what was going on... the Manager told me that within the Russian Federation introduced a new law that I will not be able to fly out of the country if my account does not will be a certain amount of money. At the airport I have to show a Bank statement which confirms that my Bank account has money. Which will be a living wage. I was shocked at her words. I asked why it was not provided earlier. And I was told that there will be no problems. I was told that my flight in 8 days. I cried. The Manager said that this innovation. So affected the sanctions. Not a stable situation in the country. And there is nothing they can do about it. This is a mandatory procedure for all now. The Manager said that this amount of money is a living wage for the term of the visa, or at least 30 days. 30*71 = 2130...And the Manager said that my Bank account should be 2130 euro. I heard the amount and I felt bad. I felt dizzy. I couldn't even imagine what this amount of money is needed. tears flowed greatly, and my hands were shaking. I shouted that I don't have that kind of money. I could not resist, I started to say that I will find my love in Germany. I argued with the Manager. Certificate of availability of money from the Bank is needed in any case. The Manager said that he understands me. She apologized to me but said it was due to conduct sanctions. And she's not to blame for this. it is the government of the state. Oh...I was very angry. I'd rather get out of Russia. I want to see you, my angel Ralf. I wipe my tears... the Manager explained that the money does not need to spend. You need only to show their presence in my Bank account. Nothing more is required... It's a little bit pleased with me.
I'm very excited. I am very afraid that you will turn away from me now. But I believe you. I know you love me. And you know how much I love you. I have no one but you. I want to be with you always. I'll be there in sorrow and in joy. But now I am writing this letter asking for help. In Moscow, at the Bank I need to make a statement of my own account. And it should be written that my account is 2130 euro. The money I won't spend. Penny. After you do the statement, I will immediately send them back. I need 2130 euro just for one day. I want to apologize for this uncomfortable situation. But without this statement I will not release you. I can't think about it. I told the girl from a travel Agency that I don't have my personal Bank account. She said I needed to go to the Bank and do my banking account. I went to the Bank, I walked over to the girl serving the customers. I told her that I want to make a Bank account at their Bank.
The girl said good. I ask her how much time will be issued for the account. She said it will take about two weeks. I explain to her the whole situation. I said I needed you in the nearest 3 days to provide proof that I have money in my Bank account. I tell her that I'm going to fly to another country. And she take pity on me and made me an exception and said that might help.
She told me that if I make that amount, it will be able to issue my Bank account in two days. Oh.. I was very grateful to her. Dear Ralf, please make me transfer via Western Union. I'm not going to take the money. I immediately the money in the Bank transferred to the Bank account. I am counting on your support. As soon as I make a certificate, I will immediately send them back to you.
I've been getting ready for the trip. And you, too. We're one step away from each other. Oh...I love you more than life, my dear Ralf. I took a sedative pill just. My heart will not stand, if we don't meet. I want to see your eyes on February 28. I want to see your lips. I want to hug you tight. Please, I beg you to help our meeting now. I understand that this is a lot of money. But the money necessary on very short notice. I won't even hold them in my hands. Only need a Bank statement. And we can be together. we will be happy.
I think about how we will be together to make love, we enjoy each other every day. I can't live without you... I hope you by all means will find this amount.
I promise you that I'll never ask for help. I will always support you. I wipe my tears. I love you. I love you. I speak you these words always. You're the man of my life. I believe in you with all my heart. You are my angel. you are my hero. I kiss your lips.
Only your crying baby:*.
« Zuletzt geändert: 12. Februar 2018 um 12:08 von Uli »  

Maksim_Orlov_-_Boarding_Pass.JPG ( 74 KB | Downloads )
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Re: Maksim <>
Antwort #24 - 12. Februar 2018 um 12:06
Zum gefälschten Pass 88 11 078608 von Maksim Dmitrievich Orlov:

Zahl im Stempel stimmt nicht mit der rechts darüber überein.
Ein Pass mit dieser Nummer kann nicht aus Ivanovo kommen.
Der Rayon Oktyabrsk gibt es in mehreren Regionen Russlands, aber nicht in Mari-El, wo der Pass laut Pass- und Stempelnummer ausgegeben worden ist.
Passnummer passt nicht zum Ausstellungsdatum
Es handelt sich um einen Inlandspass, der maschinenlesbare Teil aber ist von einem Auslandspass. Die sind im Aufbau unterschiedlich.

Im Forum haben wir den Pass bereits von Mascha <>
Von extern habe ich den Pass in schlechterer Qualität bereits zur Prüfung vorgelegt bekommen. Ist dort unter

Bei seinem Boardingpass, der in der Regel frühestens 24 Stunden vor Abflug ausgestellt wird, gibt es einen kleinen Schönheitsfehler. Der Flug DP819 ist ein Mittagsflug. Die geplante Abflugzeit am 28. Februar ist 12:00 Uhr Ortszeit und landen wird er 13:15 Uhr Ortszeit in Köln-Bonn. Heute, am 12.2.2018 ist die offizielle Abflugzeit 12:03 Uhr!
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Re: Maksim <>
Antwort #25 - 27. April 2020 um 09:32

« Zuletzt geändert: 27. April 2020 um 09:34 von Hoffmann »  
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Re: Maksim <>
Antwort #26 - 11. Oktober 2020 um 10:12
Hoffmann schrieb on 27. April 2020 um 09:32:

Die Bilder wurden bei Anton Zakovorotniy / Anton Sakoworotny / Антон Заковоротный aus Mogilev geklaut. numerische Id, erstellt 2008

Die anderen Links sind Fakeprofile, die das Original zusammengetragen hat.

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Re: Maksim <>
Antwort #27 - 11. Oktober 2020 um 12:28
@ Stiray

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