Hello, How are you today? Thank you very very much for your reply to my
letter. I am very pleased to meet you and I hope that we will have a
very interesting communication.
By the way I got your e-mail in local dating agency here in my city.
They said you are a single man and want to meet a woman. That is true?
Dating through Internet is very popular in Russia now, so I am trying it too.
My native language is Russian, but I know English language a little,
but not very good. So I am sorry for mistakes in advance. I will use
translator program to write you because I do not know all English words.
So now a little about me:
My name is Maria.
I am 27, born in 17 May 1997. I am taurus by astrological signs.
My weight 51 kgs and height is 167 cm.
I am single lady, and I never been married and I have no kids.
I am from Russia, the name of my hometown - Leninogorsk (Republic of Tatarstan),
it is about 1100 kilometers from Moscow. Leninogorsk is just a small Russian
town with population about 60000 people. Its very far from your country
and climate is very different here. I have a medical degree, I am working
as a nurse. And I am happy to work in this sphere and help to people for need help.
I am trying to have a healthy lifestyle, don't smoke and don't drink
alcohol, never use any drugs or something like this, try to eat
healthy food but not always, sometimes I can not resist to eat
something tasty and not so healthy, but i think it's normal I love
music, different types, from classic music to modern. I love
travelling, but I never been in another countries, but I like to
travel inside Russia. I love meet new people and discover life from many different sides
At the moment I have one main dream, to find true love. I have much of love in
my heart and I am ready to give all my love to someone special. You
can think that it is strange that I did not find a man in my
country/my town.... well, I just don't see a right man here...for
several reasons I'm little disappointed in Russian men whom I see
around me.. That's why I'm looking for a man on the Internet. I know that
people are different everywhere, there are good and bad people people
in any country. But I am sure that it is possible meet a good man in
Internet from another country... I heard many good stories about it and I wish to try.
This general information about me. And I will be very happy to find out more information you.
Please tell me everything about you, where do you live, your
hobbies, your job. And if you have any questions for me please ask.
I wish you have a good day and I will wait for your reply. I send you
some photos of me and will be glad to received photos from you too.
Your Maria.
Nachfolgeadresse <tenderrose1705@gmail.com>