xxx I felt great when I saw your reply and I want to share this positivity with you, wish you a good day and a pleasant evening, I want everything to work out for you and you to be cheerful.
I am happy just from the thought that we will be able to get to know each other better and get to know each other, for me it is so interesting, I am thinking about developing further relations, I really want to know more about you and your life, as well as about the place where you live, see your recent photos, ask you questions, and in this way we will be able to have a very interesting conversation.
I promise to try to check my mail more often. I am very serious and really want to try for our relationship, to tell you more about me, but first I want to make sure that you get this message, because sometimes I have to send messages for work, and my friend tells me that sometimes she does not receive my messages, but then she finds out that my letters sometimes end up in spam in her mail, and she always takes it out from there so that she can answer me.
she told me about a good way, first you need to mark my letter and then at the top in the search bar select incoming messages, and move it to the incoming and only then click reply. I think the same thing can happen here.
And it would be best if you added me to the list of trusted contacts in your mail so that we do not lose each other because I did the same and I will definitely not lose your answer. I hope you will do this and we will always be in touch. Today I work until late and I have a hard working day, a lot of paperwork, but you really brightened my day and now my mood is high. Well, I hope to see your answer soon and write you more about me, I would really like to see your recent photos, Jamilya
Nachfolgemailadresse zur Startmailadresse:
Jamilya <>