Good afternoon my amigo.
It was long time ago I found your email on the internet, still it was hard for me to drop some lines to you. Seems like I am too shy to write a man first.
First things first, I am a genuine and fair woman. I hate crooks your money or personal data.
I have a strong and genuine desire to meet a upright and kind lover who will be so loving to me and will admire me.
In my country there is no man I'd like to be with, so I will be glad to change the country.
Important, in case you are only interested in my nudes or my savings, never reply to me again. Agree?
Viktoriya is the way you can call me. I am 37 years old. I am living in Kazakhstan and it is a huge country in Central Asia. Check Google if you want to see where it is located.
The difference in age is not something important to me, to be sincere I'd rather choose an older experienced man.
In case you felt something close to your soul reading my message and liked my pictures, I hope to hear from you soon.
I would be happy if you share info about yourself, the place where you live and your country. Isn't it pleasant where you are???
One more time I'd like to be honest with you from the beginning and highlight that I am interested in a serious and truthful relationship. Games, sex talks or nudes do not interest me.
Your amigo, Viktoriya