Hello my new friend.
It was long time ago I saw your email on the site for dating, but I never dared to write you. It is not easy for me to message a man first.
I'd like to say that I am a real and candid lady. I hate am not interested in your money or personal data.
I hope to meet a honest and good-natured man who will love me and will pay respect to me.
I am eager to change the place of living as I am not interested in man of my country.
Still, let you informed that, if you only have got an intention to ask me for my nudes or my savings, never contact me back. Done?
Viktoriya is the way you can call me. I am 37 years old lady. I am living in Kazakhstan and it is a big country in Central Asia. Check Google if you want to see where it is located.
Age difference is nothing to me, moreover I like older men.
In case you like my photos and my letter, I would be glad to receive an email back.
Kindly ask you to tell me the information about your personality, your city and your country. Is life good at your place???
Again I would like to mention that I am interested in a serious and truthful relationship. Games, sex talks or nudes do not interest me.
Your newmade buddy, Viktoriya)