Yesterday I wrote you a very emotional letter.
It was a cry from the heart in a hopeless situation.
By my action I wanted to show that I trust you!
That's why I sent a naked photo. I have never done this for anyone!!!!
I won't send photos like this anymore! This is very humiliating!
But, unfortunately, this was the only chance to show you that
you can trust me too!
I don't know how to convince you that I won't deceive you!
I will return all your money when I arrive.
My phone number here is +77473895195, call me.
I want to explain everything to you.
I hope you can reach me.
It is possible that my cell phone tariff will not allow me to receive calls
from other countries.
Because I can't send a message to another country.
Apparently, messengers are also blocked by the cellular provider.
This will not be surprising to me, because Kazakhstan is a third
world country. Technology is poorly developed here.
I'm not deceiving you. You can read about it on the Internet.
I have a good profession and I'm not interested in working here!
Their standard of living is not suitable for me.
Kazakhstan is located in Central Asia.
But I think you have already looked at where this country is located.
This is a Muslim country. My faith is different from theirs.
I am a Christian. But I believe that God is one.
Many residents of Kazakhstan are still nomads.
They live in a shack and ride horses across the steppe.
90% of the country's territory is bare steppes,
where there is no infrastructure. That's why I want to leave here.
I have an excellent education and I want to realize myself away from here.
I hope now you understand why I want to leave here so much?
And why did I ask for your help?
Help me please! I won't deceive you!
P.S. Please send the money to my card or account.
I have already written to you all the information.
Here are my bank card details:
Name bank - Jusan Bank
Bank card number – 5395 4550 5376 3288
The bank is located in Almaty, Kazakhstan.
Use the PaySend, TransferGo, WISE or Revolut systems
https:/ /
https:/ /
https:/ /
https:/ /
Or send money to my bank account at the same bank:
IBAN for USD – KZ33 998P B000 1266 1677
IBAN for EURO - KZ06 998P B000 1266 1678
Swift Code Bank: TSESKZKA
My address:
Country: Kazakhstan
City: Almaty
Address: 5th microdistrict, building 6, apt. 14
Zipcode: 050000
or send money to my bitcoin wallet
- bc1qdenqzampu7uz23lmlwcgdzexm3luvtkc3zykzn
You can send bitcoins online:
https:/ /
https:/ /
https:/ /
Or use a bitcoin ATM:
https:/ /
https:/ /
Also a QR-Cod photo of my wallet.
Just scan this code and the money will go to my wallet.
Please help me!