It was a surprise to see your message to me.
My apologies for not answering you before. But I don’t check my mail much lately. What is your name? My name is Ziya.
Many people write to me, but most of the time these are not real people. I am very tired of fake profiles on the Internet.
Are you really a real man? Convince me you’re a genuine person. Tell me the question – what color are my eyes?
I have sent my photo. Tell me more about yourself. Where do you live and tell me your name? I live in Singapore.
Do you know where it is?
Even if you live across the world, we can be good pen pals. I have many friends all over the world.
I keep in contact with them through written correspondence and webcam.
This is how we could communicate with you. I am not in a serious relationship now, because I am working on a big project.
My profession is an environmental scientist. I am engaged in marine studies.
What do you do for a living? What kind of relationship are you looking for? I will be glad to hear from you.
Send me your photo, and don’t forget to answer with your name.
And answer my secret question. I want to make sure that you are a real person. Always happy to make new friends.