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Heisses Thema (Mehr als 10 Antworten) Melimkan <> (Gelesen: 789 mal)
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Themenstarter Themenstarter
General Counsel

I Love Anti-Scam

Beiträge: 1548
Standort: Schönstes Dorf in Niedersachse
Mitglied seit: 20. Dezember 2021
Geschlecht: männlich
Re: Melimkan <>
Antwort #15 - 24. Februar 2025 um 13:35
Hello my dear xxx! Hello my honey! Hello my sunshine!!! How are
you today? I hope that your mood is at the highest possible level on
the scale of joy! I am very happy and my days have become even
more pleasant since we decided to meet! It's like I opened a new
chapter in my life, and I can't wait to get to the moment where for
the first time our eyes find each other in reality xxx, of
course, our meeting is not  only something magical, euphoric and
romantic. Yes, it is obvious that all this will be so, but I also
understand that the organization of my trip to you will require a
serious and prudent approach from me. I've never traveled before, so
I'm new to this, but I bet I'll figure it all out. Everything is
possible! The main thing is to believe in it and make an effort!
Unfortunately, today I have a lot of work, and I could not find time
to go to the passport and visa service, but in the next couple of days
I will definitely go and find out everything. We are planning our
meeting. Can you imagine it? For weeks I couldn't even dream or
fantasize about it. Who would have thought that my life would change
so quickly? But I'm happy with these changes! I hope you do too!
Yes, I understand that preparing my journey will take some time, but
the thought that we will end up together gives me energy and
motivation. I am very serious and I am sure we will succeed! I believe
that very soon I will be in your arms. I can hug you and feel the
warmth of your body! I can kiss you and feel the taste of your lips!
We will breathe the same air and experience the same emotions! I
want to give you my affection and tenderness. I want to know what it's
like to be with you! Maybe now I'm too bold to write about all this,
but in reality I will be shy. In any case, this shyness will disappear
very quickly, because we both know what we want Our letters show how
comfortable and good we will be together! I write about all this and
at the same time imagine what the moments and days that we will spend
together will be like! I'm just melting like snow under the sun
thinking about all this! xxx, now it is important that I learn
about the formal steps that I must take in order to come to you. As I
said, I didn't find time for this today, but I think that tomorrow or
near a few days I will go to the passport and visa office. xxx, it
seems logical to me if you write your full details and the name of the
nearest airport to you. I may need this to find out all the details
and nuances of organizing a trip to you. Please write in the next
letter your full name, your telephone number, your address and the
name of the nearest airport to you. OK? Please don't forget it,
because I don't want to waste my days. I want to quickly begin the
process that will lead us to a meeting! Now I'm a little worried
because I've never flown an plane before! I have never seen other
countries with my own eyes before! I could only see it in a travel
show on TV But the most important thing is that our meeting will
be our first romantic date, and I, like any girl, am a little nervous
and want everything to go well! I want to charm you from the first
minutes! I want you to see me as the right woman for you! I
believe that everything will be the way we want, right? I'm
looking forward to the day when I can hug and kiss you! My xxx,
I'll stop here. I have to get back to work. I will think about you!
Mentally, I'm already with you! I will wait for your answer. I wish
you a good day! Kisses and hugs! Melimkan

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Date: Mon, 24 Feb 2025 11:37:56 +0300
To: xxx
Subject: Hello my dear xxxx
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« Zuletzt geändert: 24. Februar 2025 um 21:08 von Stiray »  

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Themenstarter Themenstarter
General Counsel

I Love Anti-Scam

Beiträge: 1548
Standort: Schönstes Dorf in Niedersachse
Mitglied seit: 20. Dezember 2021
Geschlecht: männlich
Re: Melimkan <>
Antwort #16 - 03. März 2025 um 11:05
Hello my dear xxx! I'm glad to get your letter !! I am very pleased
to  read  your lovely words and thoughts about me! How are you doing ?
How  are you ? I hope you are all well! Every time I read your letters
my  heart  love!!  My  xxx, in my last letter I ask you the name of
your  nearest  airport,  phone  number and your full name. I read your
letter  and  saw  that you didn't give me an answer to my question. My
dear, I understand that I need your data in order that I could go to a
travel  Agency  to  see the total cost of preparation of documents and
purchase  the  ticket to come to you. My dear, now I really want to be
with  you, so we can start building our relationship. You do know that
1 our with you meeting will replace to us of 10 000 letters. So , I'll
wait for your letter, with your details. My dear, now I have to finish
my  letter, because I have a lot of work. I'll wait for your letter. I
kiss you! Sincerely, your Melimkan

p.s. Why do you want to see a copy of my passport?

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Date: Mon, 3 Mar 2025 12:38:31 +0300
To: xxx
Subject: Hello my dear xxx
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« Zuletzt geändert: 03. März 2025 um 15:07 von Stiray »  
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Themenstarter Themenstarter
General Counsel

I Love Anti-Scam

Beiträge: 1548
Standort: Schönstes Dorf in Niedersachse
Mitglied seit: 20. Dezember 2021
Geschlecht: männlich
Re: Melimkan <>
Antwort #17 - 05. März 2025 um 12:33
Good day my sweetheart xxx! How are you? I hope your answer to this
question is "Couldn't be better!" or at least "I have nothing to
complain about!" As for me, everything is fine and I'm full of
energy! My heart is beating so fast! I feel like I have super
strength! What or who could be the source of this superpower? It's
you!!! My dear, thank you for writing the information I requested.
Today I went to the passport and visa service, but they did not find
time for me. The man said that I should have called them first to make
an appointment, but he took a couple of minutes to listen to me, and
when I explained to him what I needed, he advised me to contact a
travel agency, because if I would arrange my trip myself it will be
very difficult. Travel agency will help me with all documents,
certificates and procedures. Plus, using their services, I can save a
lot of money, because they will find tickets for me and prepare
documents at competitive prices. They will help to correctly fill in
all the necessary certificates, applications and will accompany me at
every step of organizing the trip. But most importantly, for the most
part, I won't have to waste my time on all of this. This is important
because due to work, I won't have time to do all this myself. The man
advised me a travel agency with an impeccable reputation, which is
time-tested. I didn't waste my time and immediately went there. At the
travel agency I had a conversation with a very nice lady who explained
everything to me. It may seem complicated, but if all this is put
together, then we can see that the preparation of my journey to you is
quite simple if all the rules and steps are followed. So, here's what
I need for a trip to Germany, Hannover airport:
• international passport = 60 euro
• visa = 85 euro (most likely, the only visa that will be available to
me is a tourist one)
• booking air tickets = 663 euro (round trip.)
• medical insurance = 190 euro
My dear, these are the basic documents that I need to come to you. But
in order to obtain these documents, I need to obtain many other
documents and follow formal procedures. To obtain an international
passport, I need photos, a certificate of employment, a certificate of
residence, applications for a passport, and a few other different
certificates. I will not write to you about this in detail, because it
will take a long time. Then I need to book tickets. After booking air
tickets, after that I will need to collect documents for a visa. This
also requires a lot of references and documents. Taking into account
the payment of all documents, certificates, state duties and services
of a travel agency, all this will cost me 1048 euro. xxx, I
explained everything to you briefly, what I need to do so that we can
be together I asked for time to think and consult with you. It is
important for me to share everything with you and to know your
opinion. I want you to know that the decision has already been made in
my heart. I'm ready to meet and ready to start preparing the trip.
Please tell me your final decision. Are you ready to take me by your
side? Do you really want to meet us? This is a very serious step and
we need to approach it thoughtfully. I thought a lot and I want to do
everything to be with you! Please write me the answer, and then I can
decide whether to conclude a contract with a travel agency or not.
According to the rules, I need to conclude an agreement with them and
pay 50 percent of the cost of the trip, and then they will start
preparing the documents. An international passport is made in 14
working days. When the passport is ready, I will need to pay the
remaining 50 percent. This will help me get a visa without any
problems. xxx, I have some savings now, so I'll have enough for the
first half of the payment and for a small part of the second half. I
don't want to bother you with this, since I myself decided to come to
you. I think that I can find the missing amount and pay everything.
You don't have to think about it or worry. For me, the main thing is
that you are ready to meet me! It seems that I wrote everything and
did not forget anything. I am ready to pay a fee and conclude an
agreement in the near future in order to be with you as quickly as
possible! I want to fall asleep and wake up with you, I want to give
you tenderness and care! xxx, let's make our dream come true! Dear,
the letter has taken a long time and I need to get back to work.
Gently kiss! I wish you a good day! Your, Melimkan

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Date: Tue, 4 Mar 2025 10:55:57 +0300
To: xxx
Subject: Good day my sweetheart xxx
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« Zuletzt geändert: 06. März 2025 um 21:43 von Stiray »  
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Themenstarter Themenstarter
General Counsel

I Love Anti-Scam

Beiträge: 1548
Standort: Schönstes Dorf in Niedersachse
Mitglied seit: 20. Dezember 2021
Geschlecht: männlich
Re: Melimkan <>
Antwort #18 - 05. März 2025 um 14:07
Hello my honey XXX! I hope that your day is bright and pleasant,
and you are full of enthusiasm and desire to spend every moment in the
best mood and with a charming smile on your face that dazzles everyone
around! Speaking of me, today I'm in an incredibly great mood,
and in this letter I'll tell you why! I hope that you too will be glad
after reading this letter and understanding what I have done. XXX,
this morning I asked my boss for an hour off work and went to a travel
agency. I signed  a contract with them and paid half the cost of the
trip! Last night, lying in bed, I thought about this a lot, and this
morning my heart told me to follow my feelings. Please forgive me for
what I did before I read your letter, so I went to a travel agency
without knowing your thoughts about it. XXX, today our relationship
has taken the first step on the path that will take us out of the
virtual world and lead us to reality! I have always told you that my
intentions for you are the most serious and sincere, and I hope that I
was able to show you this today! I wanted you to see that this was not
a game for me, and I have high hopes for us. The preparation of my
documents has already begun, and at this stage I have a lot to do,
despite the fact that the travel agency will help me with everything.
I need to provide a package of my documents, fill out the correct
applications, complete the formal procedures and obtain all the
necessary certificates. Then the travel agency will prepare everything
without my participation. I am glad that I contacted the travel
agency. I really wouldn't be able to do it all by myself, because I
don't have any experience with it, and I wouldn't be able to be away
from work that much. It is very convenient, so I will save a lot of
time and effort. I will have more time to work. Moreover, I also need
time to get the missing amount to pay the second part of the contract.
I already have an idea about it, so don't worry. XXX, I'm so glad,
and at the same time, it's so hard for me to believe that we will be
together soon! But it's true! It is a reality that soon thousands of
kilometers between us will disappear! I will be in your arms!!! Oh,
how cool it is just to spend the day with the thought that now our
meeting is not just a dream, but an event that will definitely happen!
I promise you that I will make every effort and opportunity so
that our relationship will always develop positively. I want to give
you tenderness, care, affection and love! I want us to never regret
that fate crossed our paths! I bet we'll have a million reasons to be
happy when we're together but of course I understand that life isn't
always sweet as honey and sometimes there will be something bitter in
a spoon but I will never let you in alone to go through the
difficulties and trials of life! You will always have my shoulder to
lean on! You will always have my hand to keep you from falling.
XXX, I really can't wait to see your reaction in your next email
I wonder what emotions you felt when you read that I signed a contract
with a travel agency My angel, I close my letter, mentally I'm
already with you! Accept from me a million soft and wet kisses! Have a
nice day! Your, Melimkan

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Subject: Hello my honey XXX
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« Zuletzt geändert: 06. März 2025 um 21:48 von Stiray »  

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Themenstarter Themenstarter
General Counsel

I Love Anti-Scam

Beiträge: 1548
Standort: Schönstes Dorf in Niedersachse
Mitglied seit: 20. Dezember 2021
Geschlecht: männlich
Re: Melimkan <>
Antwort #19 - 10. März 2025 um 12:10
Hello my dear xxx! Right now I'm so overwhelmed with pleasant
emotions that I don't even know how to start my letter There are so
many words in my head, but it's so hard for me to put them together so
that at the same time they make sense I'm so happy, that I signed
a tourist contract, and now we are so close to making the dream of
meeting a reality!!! Wings have grown behind me, and I have more
energy than a nuclear reactor! It is a pity that these are not the
wings on which I could fly to you, and this is not the energy that
would allow me to come to you at the speed of light, but all this
motivates me and helps me organize my journey to you! My honey xxx,
today I warned my boss about my plans. Of course, she was not happy,
but she said that she would find a replacement for me. She added that,
if necessary, she would take me back if something in my plans changed.
I didn't go into details with her, so our conversation ended with me
thanking her for the opportunity to work for her. Of course, I'm still
working and I'll be working until the day I leave, because only here
can I communicate with you. Moreover, the employment status will be
useful to me in order to find money to pay for the second part of my
trip to you. I need 430 euro and I don't think I will have any
problems to get a bank loan for this amount. At first I thought to ask
my parents for money, but I know that they do not have such
opportunities, because their pension is barely enough to pay bills,
buy food and also pay off the loan they took out to buy and install a
new fence around their home. Today after work or tomorrow morning I
will go to the bank. I will repeat once again so that you do not worry
about this issue. It will be better if you think about how we will
spend time together when I come to you I just want to warn you
that you donot need to take me to expensive restaurants, cinemas or
luxurious places. I do not want to be and will not be your financial
burden. The most important thing is that we spend as much time
together as possible, developing our relationship and turning the
spark of love into an uncontrollable fire! I'm already looking
forward to all the feelings that we will experience, being in each
other's pleasant captivity By the way, today I have advanced the
tasks that I have to complete in order to get the necessary documents!
This morning I took a certificate of employment to the travel
agency and filled out a couple of applications there. I also took the
photos required for an international passport. In general, the
progress is obvious, and everything goes to the fact that soon I will
be with you! I believe that I will be successful in this, everything
will be the way we want! I thank fate for giving us the opportunity to
find each other among billions of other people. Unfortunately, not
everyone manages to find their soulmate in life and kindle the fire of
love in their hearts. We got this opportunity, and I'm very happy! Now
in our hands the opportunity to be together in reality, I have no
doubt that step by step we will achieve our goal! xxx, now I have
to close the letter and make another woman prettier (that means
happier too) by giving her the hairstyle she wants I'm sending hot
kisses to your lips! Take care! Only your Melimkan

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Subject: Hello my dear xxx
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« Zuletzt geändert: 10. März 2025 um 17:21 von Stiray »  

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Themenstarter Themenstarter
General Counsel

I Love Anti-Scam

Beiträge: 1548
Standort: Schönstes Dorf in Niedersachse
Mitglied seit: 20. Dezember 2021
Geschlecht: männlich
Re: Melimkan <>
Antwort #20 - Heute um 09:03
Hello my dearest XXX! How are you today? I hope that everything is
fine with you, and your day is not stingy with pleasant events and
bright emotions. I sincerely wish that every day of your life be full
of kindness, warmth and happiness! Sweetheart, when I wrote my
previous letter to you, I couldn't put the words together into
sentences because I was full of happiness. Pleasant emotions were in
me and around me, like butterflies that made me smile! I was inspired
and my heart was beating so fast! But now I can't find the right words
because I'm very upset. A day like today makes me believe in bad
omens. Most likely, the mirror that I broke recently predicted the
news that I will share with you now. I wrote to you that I want to go
to the bank to get a loan from the bank to pay for the second
installment. This morning I was at the bank where I have an account
and I applied for a loan. But the bank did not approve a loan for me
... No, please do not think that I immediately gave up after that.
I've been to a couple of other banks, but they also didn't approve a
loan for me. They all told me the same thing. They can't approve me a
loan because I already have a loan to buy my apartment, which I still
pay for. Plus, the difficult situation in the world and the global
crisis forced the Kyrgyz banking system to switch to stricter lending
rules. In addition to a dramatic increase in the interest rate, they
also had to adopt rules that strictly define who can and cannot be
approved for a loan. Unfortunately, due to all these circumstances, I
cannot get a loan from any bank, because it will exceed my debt
burden. But even this did not stop me, because my desire to be with
you is unshakable. I called my parents to ask for their help, although
I knew their financial situation, but unfortunately I got the answer I
expected from them. My mom and dad said they would give their last
shirt for me and they would sacrifice everything they have, but they
don't have that kind of money. It would take them about six months to
accumulate this amount, but this is on the condition that they do not
buy food and pay bills for these six months. Their pension for two is
a little more than 11,000 Kyrgyz soms. I think you will be surprised
how it is if you look at the exchange rate of my national currency
against the currency in your country. They are very sorry and ashamed
that they cannot help me. They are very worried about me. I also want
to sink into the ground in shame, because I told you that you do not
need to worry about this issue. I told you that I would do everything
myself, but now it turns out that I let us down and our dreams. I am
writing to you about this and I feel my eyes watering. I know that I
shouldn't be doing this, but my desire to be with you is stronger than
this feeling of shame, so I ask for your help in paying for the second
part of my journey to you. I have always been quite independent and
very rarely asked for help from anyone, which is why it is so
difficult for me to write this now, but I think that I should ignore
this awkward and unpleasant feeling if I do not want to lose the
opportunity to be with you. XXX, how do you feel about me asking
you for help? Do you think I have the right to ask for help from you?
Are you ready to help me so that our meeting will take place? Please
write  to me, can I count on your help and support in such a difficult
issue? XXX, I confess that I am very worried now, and I will be
even more nervous waiting for your letter, but I want to believe that
we will not miss the opportunity to be together. Happiness does not
knock on our doors every day, and it is not every day that we have the
opportunity to find love. We can be indecisive now and regret it for
the rest of our lives! Love and happiness are worth fighting for! If
your eyes burn as brightly as mine when you talk and think of me, then
we still have a chance to meet. All I can do now is to wait for your
next letter and try to hope for the best. I wish you a good day and
send you tender kisses. Your, Melimkan

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