how is your day?
I took a women's test in a magazine today. It's about compatibility.
I don't really believe in it, but I liked some of the questions
and I want to ask you them I will be very glad if you answer them.
I think it will bring us closer. and give me more
understanding about you. my answer will also be in the question. LOL
What would you do if you were with me right now?
If I were with you right now, I would just want to enjoy the moment and spend time together.
How do you see our first 3 days if I came to visit you?
If you came to visit me, I would tell you about the local attractions,
look at the city through the eyes of a tourist and spend time together.
What do you like most about me?
I like your openness and ability to listen to other people.
How many times a day do you think about me?
I think about you several times a day, especially when I am free from work and busyness.
What would be your ideal first date?
My ideal first date is a cozy dinner in a restaurant with a pleasant atmosphere, a beautiful view
and interesting company.
Can you describe to me your most tender fantasies concerning the two of us?
My tender fantasies concerning the two of us are connected with solitude in a cozy and romantic place
where we can enjoy each other and our feelings.
I spent a lot of time at work today, checking papers and assignments.
My girlfriends and I talked about relationships today, I told them that I met a man
on the Internet and he is far away.
One of them gave me this test That's why I am asking you these questions!
I wish you all the best and will wait for your answer.
I won't be able to send you photos today. I will do it in the next letter!