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Normales Thema Vlada <> (Gelesen: 117 mal)
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Standort: schwebend zwischen den Welten
Mitglied seit: 13. Juli 2010
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Vlada <>
10. Dezember 2024 um 11:02
Hello dear xxx, I hope this letter finds you well. I apologize
for the delay in writing to you and I am eager to explain how I came
across your email address. I have utilized the services of an online
matchmaking agency to connect with like-minded individuals. This
agency specializes in helping people discover meaningful connections
over the internet. Recently, the agency's manager reached out to
inform me that they had identified a potential match for me based on
my preferences, and that person happened to be you. The initial
contact was facilitated through the agency, but I have since
transitioned to my personal email for direct communication.Thank you
tell about yourself and your life. I'm interested to know you more. My
intention in reaching out to you is to establish a genuine and
meaningful connection. I value sincerity and integrity and believe in
open and honest communication. I have no interest in playing games or
engaging in superficial interactions. It's important for both of us to
acknowledge that we are mature individuals, and I am committed to
investing time and effort in a relationship that holds depth and
substance. Age holds little significance to me, as I recognize that
it's the life experiences that truly shape a person. Speaking of life
experiences, I can't help but reflect on the turmoil we often witness
in the world today. The ongoing conflicts, such as the distressing
situation between Russia and Ukraine, deeply sadden me. I am fortunate
not to be directly affected by these circumstances, yet my heart goes
out to those who endure such hardships. I'm curious to know your
perspective on this matter and whether you align with a particular
stance. I firmly believe that dialogue is a powerful tool to bridge
gaps and resolve misunderstandings. History has taught us the grim
consequences of endless strife, and I have delved into various
historical texts to comprehend the intricate causes and far-reaching
effects of wars. I'm intrigued by your perspective, especially if you
have a military background. Your insights into this matter would be
enlightening. Allow me to introduce myself further. I am Vlada, a
35-year-old residing in Gori, xxxia. Having faced life's challenges
following my father's passing, I've grown to become an independent and
self-reliant individual. My focus has been on running a small business
– a quaint pavilion where I curate and sell souvenirs and jewelry. My
dedication to this venture has often kept me preoccupied, leaving
little room for personal pursuits. I am passionate about staying
active and fit, regularly engaging in sports and yoga. Music holds a
special place in my heart, particularly hip-hop and R'n'B. I am
curious to learn more about you and your interests. What type of music
resonates with you? As a realist, I appreciate that life exists in a
practical realm, and I understand if my message may or may not pique
your interest. However, I genuinely hope to hear from you and engage
in a meaningful exchange. Looking forward to your response. Warm
regards, Vlada

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Date: Tue, 26 Nov 2024 04:50:38 -0500
From: Vlada &lt;;;
To: xxx 
Subject: Hello!
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« Zuletzt geändert: 28. Dezember 2024 um 19:14 von vierauge »  

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Forum Administrator

Stillstand ist die Vorstufe
des Untergangs

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Mitglied seit: 09. Juni 2011
Geschlecht: männlich
Re: Vlada <>
Antwort #1 - 15. Dezember 2024 um 09:08
Die Bilder wurden bei Valeriya Tsvetkova / Валерия Цветкова aus Tscherepowez gekiaut.

Lerochka Tsvetkova / Lerochka Cvetkova / Лерочка Цветкова / frühere Domän lerochka_tcvetkova

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