Hello xxx,
How are you? Thank you very much for your letter.
You are so sweet to me, it is so pleasant for me to read your letters,
when I close my eyes I can see you saying this to me, it makes me feel
very good.That's a great feeling, I am thanking God that you are in my
life.Even though we are far from each other in reality, in my dreams
we are together,we are walking together at some nice place in the
nature holding hands and saying tender and warm words to each other.I
feel that you are very special to me,I need to read your letters like
I need air or water for living.I couldn't even think that something
like that could happen to me.You know xxx i don't think that the
outside beauty is the most important thing, you can be beautiful for
some time, even the most beautiful,but in some years this beauty will
go away, there will be other people who are going to be looking
better.I think that the real beauty is inside your soul,that what
stays forever.The person should be beautiful from inside,in my
Don't you agree with me, xxx? I see in you the person
who I can talk easily with,who is interesting for me, the one who is
making me want to know you more and more.I would like to know your
soul,I would like to know everything about you. I see that you are
not playing with me or joking around, many of our thoughts are the
same,our values are very close and we are looking for the same
things,we both are looking for the special one. I see that I can
establish the emotional connection with you, I can talk to you on any
topic, it's very easy for me, it seems like I know you for a long
time. xxx I like your thoughts about life and relationships between
man and woman.By your letters I can say that you are a decent man
with serious intentions.I like that in you.I think that we are even a
little bit alike in that.I'm very serious about our correspondence. I
like to read your letters and I think that I will really like to talk
to you in person,you seem to be an intelligent and well educated
person.I hope that some time we are going to meet.
I don’t want to lose you and stop our correspondence.I understood that
all those qualities which I appreciate and was seeking in man, I see
in you xxx. Now xxx, let me answer my another very important
question but please say only honestly,ok? Do you see in me the
qualities that you appreciate and were searching for in a woman of
your dreams?
OK, xxx, I'm finishing my letter now and I hope that you are having a great day!
I'm thinking about you and I'm really happy that we've have our
correspondence! This thought makes me smile
Hope to hear from you soon, Alfiia