Hello xxx.
I am very pleased that you found the time to reply to my letter. I
sincerely hope that our communication will become the basis for a
further personal meeting and, perhaps, develop into true love.
Unfortunately, I do not have my own computer, and I have to write from
my work device. Let's clarify some points right away. If you are only
interested in light entertainment or naked photos, then you and I are
not right for each other. I am a serious girl, and I am not going to
participate in games. I came here to find a true connection and I hope
that this communication will lead to something good. Now I am on a
break, and I will try to share with you as much information about
myself as possible. My name is Vera, I am 33 years old. I was born on
September 10, my height is 174 cm, and my weight is 58 kg. I live in
Kazakhstan. My city is Almaty. I work in a beauty salon, providing
cosmetic services to women. There are no bad habits in my life, such
as smoking or drugs, although sometimes I can afford to drink a glass
of red or white wine with dinner. What about you? Do you have any
habits you would like to share? I have an apartment, a job and
friends, but unfortunately I can''t say that I feel truly happy. Have
you ever felt empty? I live alone, I don''t have children and I miss
intimacy and love. So I decided to try to meet a serious man online. I
found your address through the marriage agency Magic love. This is
my 4th experience of meeting through such an agency, and
unfortunately, before I only met dishonest men who only wanted naked
photos or my money. Now I hope that I was lucky to meet a decent man
like you! I like watching romantic movies and listening to love songs.
What do you look for in a woman? Do you want her to become your life
partner or are you just looking for easy communication? What prompted
you to answer my letter - interest or politeness? I am very serious
about finding a partnership, so I will be grateful for your frank
attitude. Please share with me your photos from your life - I will be
interested to know more about you. I have put a lot of inspiration
into this letter and tried to tell as much about myself as possible. I
hope our correspondence will be interesting to you. If you are not
interested in me, please do not waste my time or yours. Please tell me
everything you consider necessary about yourself. I look forward to
your answer! Have a nice day! Best wishes,Vera