Hi xxx xxx! I trust you‘re doing fine.
I’m following up on my previous message to see if you’re still open to
chatting. I realize you’re probably swamped, and it’s possible my earlier
email didn’t reach you, so I just wanted to check in. There could be many
reasons why you haven’t responded yet. Maybe my background or where I’m
from wasn’t quite what you expected, or possibly something I mentioned in
my last email didn’t come across well. If so, I truly apologize, as I never
meant to offend.
I’d be grateful if you could let me know if you still want to chat. If you
no longer wish to communicate, I’ll completely respect that and won’t reach
out again. I simply didn’t want to leave things hanging. Thanks a lot for
taking the time, and I apologize if I’ve been a bother. Looking forward to
hearing from you when you’re ready.
Sincerely, Liuba