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Sehr heißes Thema (Mehr als 25 Antworten) Anastasiya <> (Gelesen: 1416 mal)
Themen Beschreibung: ---> Astana
General Counsel

Greetings Earthlings

Beiträge: 1929
Standort: Somewhere out there
Mitglied seit: 29. November 2023
Geschlecht: männlich
Re: Anastasiya <>
Antwort #15 - 29. Januar 2025 um 13:07
Hello, my favorite xxx. I'm happy to receive your letter.
I was waiting for your phone number to hear your voice, but you didn't send it to me.
I spent Saturday at home, relaxing, cleaning the house, doing my laundry, and just
thinking about you and watching movies. There's not much you want to go anywhere
in this cold.
Sunday was a little warmer, it was -15 in the afternoon. That's why it's just as difficult
to stay at home all day, and I decided to clean up after breakfast and go to the gym.
After completing the training session on the simulator, I immediately returned home.
I took a shower and had lunch. In the afternoon, my friend came and we had tea with
the tea she brought and talked to her. After seeing my friend off, I then got ready for
the working day and ironed my work clothes for Monday. After completing all the
tasks, I cooked dinner and watched a movie. That was the end of it. I got into my bed
and hugged my pillow, ending my day.
I couldn't sleep for a long time today. I've been thinking about the two of us.
I lost not only my head but also my peace. I always think about you.
between us there is a great understanding and I love you.
I got your answer, I realized that our feelings are mutual.
I love you, I can't live without you. I didn't feel a sense of happiness anymore.
Now I'm sure, yes I'm happy because I love you xxx!
the night I thought a lot and I think we should meet. the letter is one thing.
We need a meeting, my dear. I'm sure you agree with me!
Soon my vacation and maybe we spent my vacation together. I will be very pleased
to meet and visit you.
I want to talk to my boss and ask him for a vacation. I think he will not refuse
me a vacation. During my work, I always did everything on time and I never had
any reprimand.
I will be able to visit you and we will be able to meet you!
What do you think of our meeting? are you satisfied with my suggestion?
Today I dreamed of our meeting How we met at the airport and we went to your house.
but on my way home, I'll buy you food. I want to make dinner for us. and not just dinner.
this will be our first romantic dinner with you.
Oh how much I love you and want to be near you I have to go now.I'll write to you.
I'm very worried because I want to see you.
I love you xxx! Anastassiya

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Date:Tue, 28 Jan 2025 14:22:38 +0000 (UTC)
From:Nasten'ka SSS <>
X-Priority:2 (High)
Subject:Re: Hello, my love xxx!
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« Zuletzt geändert: 31. Januar 2025 um 00:26 von Stiray »  

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General Counsel

Greetings Earthlings

Beiträge: 1929
Standort: Somewhere out there
Mitglied seit: 29. November 2023
Geschlecht: männlich
Re: Anastasiya <>
Antwort #16 - 03. Februar 2025 um 12:40
Hello, My Love xxx. I am very glad to receive your letter and reply.
I started the day lazily on Saturday, didn't want to get up early and didn't want to burden
myself. That's why I woke up late, had breakfast, and had fun. At lunch, I had a salad and
drank tea, but I didn't strain my stomach. I went straight to the gym afterwards. Warm-up,
yoga, then exercise equipment, and after finishing, I went home. I bought groceries on the
way home. And when I got home, I changed the bedclothes and packed my things for washing
and sent them to the laundry. While the clothes were being washed, I watched a movie.
When I finished watching, I hung up my clothes after washing and went to bed after washing.
That's how I spent Saturday.
Sunday couldn't sleep for a long time. After waking up, I had breakfast and turned on the
music, I ironed the dry clothes after washing. Then she dusted and mopped the floors.
I finished cleaning in the bathroom. After cleaning, I took a quick shower and packed my
things and went to visit my aunt. After the sauna, we had dinner. I've already returned
home in the evening. I got my things ready for work and spent the rest of my time watching
TV. Then, after watching the movie, I went to bed thinking about you dear. That's how I
spent my weekend.
I'm happy that you also want us to meet. It would be very good for us
to meet and spend time together, have an intimate relationship with you.
You're the person who's important to me, you're a good, kind person.
the first thing I would like to offer you to come here to Kazakhstan,
in my city, but then I realized that it is not a good idea.
And in general, I believe that a trip to Kazakhstan will take a lot of time and money.
There are also these difficulties with the virus.
And take a big risk. since Kazakhstan is not a very stable climate
and you're going to be very difficult, and there's a chance you could get seriously ill.,
and it's very disturbing and it bothers me.
I'll have more free time and I'll be able to go to a travel agency.
to find out what you need for our meeting and what you need to do the documents.
and then I'll need some of your information: please
Send me your full address and your full name, okay? Email me the nearest airport to your
city. Will wait for this information I wrote that my boss will let me go. but I can take
a vacation for 28 days.
I love you and I want to see you. so I want to ask you if you are happy that I come to you?
I love you so much and I want to be close to you. when you are in love with this fly
in the month of love.
but for me, our meeting is very important, we just have to meet my friends, tell them too.
now my heart belongs to you. and I know you love me, but I want to have your heart forever.
I believe in eternal love. if you love a person, that love should die.
only such love can be true. I hope you agree with me xxx.
of course, love is not only spiritual, but physical. that is, the man and the woman will
fulfill each other sexually.
sex is important in a relationship. but all the same sex - is one, and love-something different.
Love-is when you are full of happiness at the sight of a loved one, when not only
you never get tired of talking to him, but you also want to continue indefinitely on
these conversations.
when the usual bed magically turned into a love bed with decorated rose petals
when, in the end, he can not get enough affection and beautiful body of a loved one.
I think you'll agree with me. then the meeting is mandatory.
I really hope to write today, because I want to know your opinion.
Looks like I'm waiting for your answer. Your love Anastassiya.

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Date:Mon, 03 Feb 2025 11:13:41 +0000 (UTC)
From:Nasten'ka SSS <>
X-Priority:2 (High)
Subject:Re: Hello, my love xxx!
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« Zuletzt geändert: 03. Februar 2025 um 17:24 von Stiray » 
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General Counsel

Greetings Earthlings

Beiträge: 1929
Standort: Somewhere out there
Mitglied seit: 29. November 2023
Geschlecht: männlich
Re: Anastasiya <>
Antwort #17 - 10. Februar 2025 um 21:55
Hello my love xxx! I am so happy to receive words of love, tenderness and hope from you. Every time I read your messages, I feel a wave
of warmth envelop me, and it gives me the strength to continue living on. The distance may be great, but your words manage to close any
distance between us, and it fills me with indescribable joy, my beloved.
xxx, write to me as soon as you feel better and don't forget to reply to my last letter dear. I will be waiting for your return.
I am so happy that my life is not empty and that you are in it, my love. I'm glad I can think about you every day. You are the meaning of
my thoughts, you are my feelings, you are my light. I will never stop loving you. You are my world, and I want you to always know how much
you mean to me, my dear.
I've been thinking about you all weekend, my love, and I've been imagining how cozy I would be in your arms and receiving kisses that
would warm me with every touch of our lips. I've also been thinking about you all the time, imagining the day when we can share the little
moments we're dreaming about now. I know that when this moment comes, every experience will become even more special because it will
be imbued with all this love and dedication that we have created despite the distance.
Saturday was cold, honey. That's why I spent the first half of the day just doing my chores around the house. It got a little warmer towards
lunch, so I decided to go to the gym, and on the way back I bought some groceries. I was already finishing the rest of the day with washing and
drying my clothes, as well as cleaning the bathroom and taking a bath, I was already getting ready for bed. She ended my first day off
so simply and quietly.
Sunday, I was in no hurry to wake up, and even when I woke up, I was lying in my bed thinking about you and listening to music. Then, after
making my bed and having breakfast, I decided to watch a movie with my mom. Then I cooked lunch and after lunch I had a free afternoon,
all the housework was already done. My aunt invited my mother and me to visit and go to the sauna. She also asked me to buy medicines and
some things for her in the city. We bought everything my aunt asked for and went to her place. I helped my aunt with her chores, went to the
sauna, and after dinner I was ready to go back home with my mom. When I got home in the evening, I packed all my things and got ready
for the working day, and after that I went to bed. That's how I spent my weekend dear.
Even those days off and the loneliness, I kept thinking about you, but your strength and your love inspire me no matter the distance, darling.
I promise to always cherish our love and appreciate every second with you, as you do. After all, you and I both perfectly understand what it's
like to be far from each other, and we really appreciate what's between us and everything that we'll have. In the meantime,
I will continue to work and dream about the future that awaits us, full of hugs, laughter and endless days together. I love you, my darling.
I wish you a good day and a positive week. Always your faithful love Anastassiya!

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Date:Mon, 10 Feb 2025 14:18:41 +0000 (UTC)
From:Nasten'ka SSS <>
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Subject:Re: Hello, my love xxx!
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« Zuletzt geändert: 10. Februar 2025 um 22:16 von Stiray »  

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General Counsel

Greetings Earthlings

Beiträge: 1929
Standort: Somewhere out there
Mitglied seit: 29. November 2023
Geschlecht: männlich
Re: Anastasiya <>
Antwort #18 - 12. Februar 2025 um 17:13
Hello, my beloved xxx! How are you, my dear? Why don't you write to me? I miss you every minute when you're not around. Thoughts of you never leave me for a second, and I long to be in your arms and feel your warmth. I hope everything is fine with you, and you feel the full force of my love, even being far away. I love you infinitely! Answer me. Anastassiya

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Date:Wed, 12 Feb 2025 13:41:31 +0000 (UTC)
From:Nasten'ka SSS <>
X-Priority:2 (High)
Subject:Re: Hello, my love xxx!
References:<DAF08798DC735C1669FC5C46379626656F8524D7@unknown> de-webde-live-8d9fbf8c-fgs6b> <> de-webde-live-8d9fbf8c-44mzx> <> de-webde-live-8d9fbf8c-xq6cm> <> de-webde-live-56785d657d-ldhsq> <> de-webde-live-56785d657d-4mz99> <> de-webde-live-56785d657d-rx8bj> <> de-webde-live-8d9fbf8c-dhhw4> <> <trinity-88457eb2-00a4-47ed-b5e6-948c3cb4a53e-1739128394927@msvc-mesg-web001>
« Zuletzt geändert: 14. Februar 2025 um 14:25 von Stiray » 
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General Counsel

Greetings Earthlings

Beiträge: 1929
Standort: Somewhere out there
Mitglied seit: 29. November 2023
Geschlecht: männlich
Re: Anastasiya <>
Antwort #19 - 14. Februar 2025 um 11:34
Hello, my love. xxx how are you? I've been waiting for your letters so much, and I've been really waiting for your reply today.
It's our day and our holiday. Are you busy again, my love?
I want to congratulate you, my beloved, on our Valentine's Day! This day, filled with love and warmth, feels very different because
you are not with me. I am so sorry that on this special holiday we cannot be together, hug each other, share these moments of
joy and tenderness.
But even distance can't weaken the bond that exists between us. My love for you is only getting stronger, and I believe that this
test will only strengthen our feelings. I can imagine what the next Valentine's Day will be like, we will definitely be together,
and this holiday will become even more special for us. We will be able to make up for all those moments that seem inaccessible
now, and create new memories full of happiness and love.
May this day give you at least a small piece of the warmth that you give me with your every care and attention. You're the most
precious thing I have. I dream of a time when there will be no more distance, and we can be close so that no important moment
passes without us.
I want to wish you a warm and pleasant day and send you the most tender and sincere kisses, my love. I am always with you,
in your heart. Know that I will miss you every second. Your love is Anastassiya.

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From:Nasten'ka SSS <>
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Subject:Re: Hello, my love xxx!
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« Zuletzt geändert: 14. Februar 2025 um 14:27 von Stiray » 
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General Counsel

Greetings Earthlings

Beiträge: 1929
Standort: Somewhere out there
Mitglied seit: 29. November 2023
Geschlecht: männlich
Re: Anastasiya <>
Antwort #20 - 17. Februar 2025 um 20:58
Hello xxx. Darling, I am glad and very grateful to you for your answer and your gentle words, which I have missed so much these days.
Thank you for writing to me, you were able to warm and please me in my lonely and cold days.
xxx I am glad, that to you it is already better also than temperature was not present more. I hope you you will definitively recover the
darling and then we can start to plan ours with you I will meet my love.
Today, my love, I wanted to write in the morning when I came to work, but I had to take a break because of work. That's why I'm writing
to you later. I know my words and my letters always make you happy and make you as happy as me. That's why I always try to answer
you quickly, my love.
There are not enough words to describe the joy and love that I feel when I read and imagine your thoughts, darling. Your every word
is a whisper of tenderness that crosses the distance and reaches my heart, enveloping me in warm hugs that fill me with peace and
happiness. You are my light, my inspiration, and my greatest desire.
The weekend is over and I'm glad to get back to you, my love. I won't say that the weather was good, it's winter time and we don't have to
wait for pleasant weather. It was cold and on Saturday I didn't really want to go anywhere. I spent Saturday relaxing, cleaning, and just
thinking about you. The first day I was just having fun and relaxing. The second half, I took care of the house and helped my mom,
in the evening, after all the chores and dinner, I watched a movie and went to bed. That's how Saturday went.
Sunday was a little warmer, it was time and I didn't know what to do before lunch, so I went to the gym and worked out on the machines.
On the way back, I bought groceries, fruits, and frozen sea bass. After lunch, I lay down for a while to listen to music, you won't believe
I fell asleep. I must have slept for a couple of hours. Well, I'd say it's just as good. When I woke up, I decided to cook the fish and marinated
it in the evening. Then she started making apple pie. My colleague from work came to visit and my mother and I had tea with apple pie.
When she left. I put the fish in the oven, along with the potatoes. The dinner was delicious. Mom also liked it. I just missed you and the
romantic candles. It would have been a wonderful evening. I've been thinking about it. After dinner, I rested, got ready for work, and
washed up and went to bed. That's how I spent my second day off. I had a good rest and slept well, honey. I haven't been dreaming at
all lately, I'm probably just thinking about you, my love.
Even if distance essentially separates us, our thoughts and feelings keep us united. You know that true love is in the soul and in those
people who love each other without physical contact. I imagine every moment we spend time next to each other. Every day that has passed
brings me closer to you, to our future, in which all our dreams will come true.
I'm thinking about the moment when we can finally share all the little moments that we can only imagine right now. Your love is my
strength, my reason to keep going forward with hope and determination. Be strong and always strive only forward. I wish you a pleasant
day and a good week, my love. I'll be thinking about you. Your spark of true love Anastassiya!

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From:Nasten'ka SSS <>
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Subject:Re: Hello, my love xxx!
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« Zuletzt geändert: 19. Februar 2025 um 18:05 von Stiray » 
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General Counsel

Greetings Earthlings

Beiträge: 1929
Standort: Somewhere out there
Mitglied seit: 29. November 2023
Geschlecht: männlich
Re: Anastasiya <>
Antwort #21 - 19. Februar 2025 um 11:07
Hello, my dear. I miss you so much, my love! Every day feels longer without you, and every evening feels sadder. Thoughts of you haunt me throughout the day, and before going to sleep, your face is in front of my eyes, as if you are lying next to me in my arms. You know that I love you with all my heart, dear, my source of inspiration. I wish I could hear your voice, see your eyes, feel your touch. Let the distance separate us for now, it's only temporary, my beloved. I love you and miss you very much. My feelings are getting stronger every day.

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Date:Wed, 19 Feb 2025 08:21:49 +0000 (UTC)
From:Nasten'ka SSS <>
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Subject:Re: Hello, my love xxx!
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Re: Anastasiya <>
Antwort #22 - 20. Februar 2025 um 12:06
Hello my love. I want to convey all the feelings that overwhelm my heart. Every time I think about you, everything inside me warms up and fills with light. You have become more than just a person for me - you have become a meaning, a support, an inspiration. I love you so much. Maybe these words seem too simple to express the depth of what I'm feeling. But my love for you is more than just an emotion. It's a state of mind that lives in me. I think about you every day, every minute. Even when we are far from each other, you are always with me, in my thoughts, in my heart, in every breath. Take care of yourself, my dear. I hope you're getting better. You'll write me when it's time, honey.

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Subject:Re: Hello, my love xxx!
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Mitglied seit: 29. November 2023
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Re: Anastasiya <>
Antwort #23 - 21. Februar 2025 um 10:18
Hello my dear. I was looking forward to hearing from you, imagining how I would receive your message and how I would shine with joy. But there was no answer. You know, I miss you so much that even the weekend seems longer without your words.
I miss you, my love, your attention and warmth. I'm always thinking about you. I always wonder what you're doing, are you thinking about me? I can imagine how wonderful it would be to spend this weekend together.
I hope you're doing well. Remember, my dear, I am always with you. I will miss you and hope for your letter soon. I hope you'll answer me as soon as you can. With love, your Anastassiya.

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Subject:Re: Hello, my love xxx!
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Subject:Re: Hello, my love xxx!
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« Zuletzt geändert: 22. Februar 2025 um 20:18 von Stiray » 
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Re: Anastasiya <>
Antwort #24 - 24. Februar 2025 um 17:38
Hello darling. xxx, how I missed you dear. I am glad that you wrote and did not ignore me and pleased me with your gentle
and loving words, my joy! Your letter is like a warm ray of sunshine in the middle of winter, illuminating my day and enveloping
my heart with your love.
xxx, I'm glad you're feeling better now, honey. Can we start preparing our meeting now, my love?
I can hardly find the words to describe how much I missed you this weekend. Time seemed to drag on endlessly when you
weren't around. Every minute without you is a small eternity. These two days, the emptiness of your absence has filled every
corner of my heart. How I missed your thoughts, your warmth, your attention! I am glad to return to your words and your thoughts,
my love. It's more pleasant for me to be in your attention and to hear about how you think and miss me.
Winter can be cold and difficult, but your love warms me even from a distance. The idea that we can walk together in the sun,
share laughter and build our future every day fills me with hope and happiness. Every word you say reminds me how much I
want to be with you, and even though we're miles away right now, I feel like our hearts are beating as one. I miss you so much
and I want you, my love!
I spent the weekend at home, honey. It seems that last working week was a little more busy than usual. That's probably why
I was tired and decided to just gain strength. When I woke up on Saturday, I didn't decide to get up early, so hugging my second
pillow and thinking about you, I fell asleep again. When I woke up, I had breakfast and packed my bed and continued my rest.
After lunch, I decided to clean up and did the housework. After I finished everything, I rested and went grocery shopping. I also
spent the evening after dinner at home watching TV and then went to sleep in my bed. That's how my first day off went.
On Sunday, I also got enough sleep and spent more time in bed. A small breakfast and laundry, changed the bed linen and
cleaned up a bit. The second part of the day was already in question. I've done everything I planned for the weekend. So I
decided to go to the gym, and when I returned, I took a bath and spent the rest of my time watching TV. After dinner, I got my
things ready for work and ironed them. I read a book for a while and then went to bed. That's how these two days flew by, my love.
All I've been doing this weekend is thinking about you. Every little thing around me reminded me of you. I've missed you so much,
your warmth and your touch. I'm looking forward to meeting you. Take care of yourself. I wish you a good day and a positive week,
my beloved. Your joy and tenderness Anastassiya. I kiss you tenderly!

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Subject:Re: Hello, my love xxx!
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Mitglied seit: 29. November 2023
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Re: Anastasiya <>
Antwort #25 - 25. Februar 2025 um 18:00
Hello my love! I've been thinking about you since this morning. I miss you so much. Every minute without you seems longer than it should be. That's why you're in my thoughts, in my heart. You're my universe. I wish you the most wonderful day! May all the goals that you have set for yourself be fulfilled, and the mood will be bright. Know that I believe in you and am proud of you every second. I love you more. My happiness, my life, my eternal love. I kiss you tenderly, my joy! xxx how are you feeling, my love?

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From:Nasten'ka SSS <>
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Subject:Re: Hello, my love xxx!
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Hello, my sweet! You are my light and my ray of sunshine, and only you make me happy. Thinking about you slows down time and I'm in a daze. I want to come to you, darling, and I want our moments together to be priceless. I want to enjoy every touch of yours, every look you give me. I love you so much, darling, and I miss you. You are so dear to me. May you always succeed in every new day and may all our dreams and goals come true as soon as possible! Come back to me, my love. I'm waiting for your answer. Anastassiya

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Subject:Re: Hello, my love xxx!
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« Zuletzt geändert: 04. März 2025 um 18:55 von Stiray »  
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General Counsel

Greetings Earthlings

Beiträge: 1929
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Mitglied seit: 29. November 2023
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Re: Anastasiya <>
Antwort #26 - 03. März 2025 um 20:25
Hello, my dear xxx! Reading your letter fills my heart with warmth and joy. Your words are like a melody that plays in my mind,
bringing comfort and happiness, even when we are miles away. Despite the distance, I can feel your presence so vividly,
as if you are next to me and whispering these beautiful thoughts in my ear.
xxx, how are you? Have you recovered dear? Why don't you write to me at all and so rarely?
Dear spring has come, even if March is the first day of spring, but it's still winter. I hope you're warm, honey, and your weather
is more pleasing than mine. May the sun always shine for you and illuminate your path, and I will always help you in this and
I will be with you, my love!
Beloved, the idea of building a life together, sharing every morning and every quiet evening, meeting the world side by side,
is what I want, beloved, with you. I imagine sitting in our cozy home, sipping coffee in the morning light, sharing laughter and
creating unforgettable memories. But most of all, I'm looking forward to discovering you. The little things that make you smile,
the way your eyes light up when you talk about something you love, and the warmth of your presence next to me.
Many people take love for granted. But you and I know its value. We understand the longing, anticipation, and depth of emotions
that come with waiting to meet someone we care about. That's why every word you write means so much to me, because it carries
your feelings, your thoughts, and a piece of your heart. Of course, my words, thoughts and feelings are just as dear to you, my beloved,
and we keep everything in our loving hearts.
Honey, I spent this weekend relaxing. But there were times when I was lonely and I didn't even begin to put myself anywhere.
On Saturday, I was able to get enough sleep, relax and spend the first half of the day just without straining myself with anything.
After lunch, I was already cleaning and tidied up. In the evening after dinner, I took a bath and after spending time in front of the
TV, I went to bed.
Sunday was already the day when I spent more time with my thoughts. That's how I started the day, thinking about you dear.
After breakfast and a little cleaning and laundry, I packed my bag and went to the gym. I returned home for lunch and bought
groceries on the way home. The afternoon dragged on and I didn't know what to do with myself anymore. I listened to music, turned
on BACH, and decided the classics would calm me down. Then she continued reading the book "The Master and Margarita". In the
evening, I switched to TV and decided to watch Titanic again. Before I went to sleep, I thought about how bored I was and how nice
it was if I spent this time and moments with you. I was sure that there definitely wasn't time for anything and there wouldn't be
enough of it. After all, I definitely spent time with you unnoticeably and pleasantly, my love. That's basically my whole weekend.
I've missed you, my love, with all my heart.
I'm counting the days when we won't have to write letters anymore, but we'll finally be able to hold hands, look into each other's
eyes, and say those words in person. Until then, I will cherish every message you send, every thought and word you share,
and every dream we will build together. Take care of yourself, my dear. I am looking forward to your letter. I wish you a pleasant
week and a wonderful birthday. With all my love, your Anastassiya!

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Subject:Re: Hello, my love xxx!
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General Counsel

Greetings Earthlings

Beiträge: 1929
Standort: Somewhere out there
Mitglied seit: 29. November 2023
Geschlecht: männlich
Re: Anastasiya <>
Antwort #27 - 06. März 2025 um 13:42
Hello my dear xxx. I've been checking my messages a lot these days, hoping to see your email and response. This silence sounds louder to me than any words. I miss you so much that sometimes I find myself wondering if you've forgotten me. Is everything okay? You don't have to answer immediately. I know life can be unpredictable, or maybe you just couldn't or there were reasons. But if something bothers you, remember, I'm always here to listen, support, hug, even across the distance. I'm always with you. Please let me know that you're okay. I just want to hear from you, even if it's a short "hello." So I will know that everything is fine and you remember me, you are waiting for me and you also love and miss me. I'm looking forward to hearing from you. Anastassiya

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Date:Thu, 06 Mar 2025 11:34:45 +0000 (UTC)
From:Nasten'ka SSS <>
X-Priority:2 (High)
Subject:Re: Hello, my love xxx!
References:<DAF08798DC735C1669FC5C46379626656F8524D7@unknown> de-webde-live-56785d657d-ldhsq> <> de-webde-live-56785d657d-4mz99> <> de-webde-live-56785d657d-rx8bj> <> de-webde-live-8d9fbf8c-dhhw4> <> <trinity-88457eb2-00a4-47ed-b5e6-948c3cb4a53e-1739128394927@msvc-mesg-web001> <> de-webde-live-58ddd584d4-dtszk> <> de-webde-live-58ddd584d4-8lltx> <> de-webde-live-58ddd584d4-q4wbf>
« Zuletzt geändert: 06. März 2025 um 21:53 von Stiray » 
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General Counsel

Greetings Earthlings

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Standort: Somewhere out there
Mitglied seit: 29. November 2023
Geschlecht: männlich
Re: Anastasiya <>
Antwort #28 - 07. März 2025 um 21:10
Hello, my beloved xxx. I've been waiting for your letter, but you're probably just very busy. Don't worry, I understand that life sometimes dictates its own rules. But I still miss you as if every minute without your words stretches into eternity. I love you more than life, and even the silence between our messages cannot drown out this feeling. I'm really looking forward to hearing from you again. In the meantime, I keep everything that exists between us in my heart, and I believe that we will get closer. You are my man, my air, my tenderness. And I am here, always here, to wait and love you. Remember, you are the most precious thing I have. With a love that grows even while waiting. Anastassiya

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Subject:Re: Hello, my love xxx!
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General Counsel

Greetings Earthlings

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Mitglied seit: 29. November 2023
Geschlecht: männlich
Re: Anastasiya <>
Antwort #29 - 10. März 2025 um 22:58
Hello, my dear and dear xxx! I am so very glad to receive your letter. Thank you for not ignoring me and being able to write and please
me with your thoughts, tenderness and words that are so dear and warm to me in these still cold days, my love.
These two weekends seemed like an eternity to me. Darling, I've missed you like the earth misses the sun at night. Every day, every hour,
I found myself thinking that you weren't there, and my heart ached with longing. I've missed your attention, your words, and of course
your thoughts, which always makes me feel like the only one in the world.
I wanted to end these two days as soon as possible and start today as soon as possible. Which is why I'm so glad and glad that you
answered and made me happy. As for the weekend, it didn't go as fast as I would have liked. They certainly dragged on and were
probably forever.
I wasn't in a hurry to get up on Saturday, so I decided to get some sleep. After breakfast, I started cleaning. I packed the bedclothes and
sent them to the laundry. I wiped the dust off. I loaded the washing machine with the usual things again and continued mopping the floors.
I finished everything by lunchtime. But the washing machine gave me a surprise. She didn't drain the water or wring things out. I had to
drain the water and squeeze out the water myself. I called the master for Sunday to fix my washing machine. Time passed while I was
dealing with all this. So I decided to pack my things and go to the gym. I came back in the evening and bought some groceries. After
dinner, I watched a movie and went to bed.
Sunday, I started the day with breakfast, then a shower, and just rested and listened to music. The master came to dinner. He replaced
the pump in the washing machine and it started working again. Of course, prices are rising for everything and even for repairs. There's
nothing to do, it's better to replace the pump than to buy a new washing machine. After getting ready with my mom, I went to my aunt's,
bought medicines and went to her. We spent the rest of the evening at her place. After dinner, we returned home with Mom. I ironed
things and got everything ready for work. After finishing everything, I went to bed. That's how my second day off went. I'm probably boring
you with my story. I know, honey, you thought the same way about me, even if you were doing something, I was still in your thoughts.
You might think I've been busy for two days. But no, I missed you, honey. To be bored is not enough to say. It's like a part of me has
disappeared somewhere, and everything around me has become mute and gray. Even in separation, you are with me - in every breath,
in every memory. I've been thinking about you, honey.
I'm just looking forward to our meeting, like spring is waiting for the first flower. And may this letter become for you a small piece
of my love, which is growing every day. I miss you madly, my love. I love you to the stars and back. I want to be with you and this feeling
is with me always and constantly dear. Please take care of yourself! Your muse and love Anastassiya.

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