Hello xxx, I am incredibly pleased that you replied to my letter. it makes me feel a little uncomfortable that you are showing interest in me. but I am still very happy that you and I are starting to get to know each other better. this is really important to me.
xxx, It's nice to learn about you and your life. It's great that you work as an electrical engineer and I'm interested to know what your working day is like in Ratingen, especially as it's a charming little town not far from Düsseldorf.
I'm impressed by your height - 188 cm! That's really noticeable, especially in active activities like swimming, diving and sailing. I love the water and I also find solace in it. I'd love to hear more about your adventures on the water!
Photography as a passion sounds wonderful. I'm sure you've been able to capture many amazing moments. What are some of your favourite subjects to shoot? Perhaps you have favourite places you like to photograph?
It's great that you have a daughter and from the looks of it, you have a strong relationship. It's hard to overemphasise the importance of family, especially when children are starting to build their own lives. How do you usually spend your time together?
I am also a cheerful person and believe that everyone has the opportunity for a fresh start, especially after difficult periods. I hope there are many bright moments ahead for you too.
xxx, I would like to tell you a little more about myself.
I live in a small village called Kuraevo. I was born on the 22nd of December 1982. I am 41 years old. i work as an accountant. i like my job very much. as this is where i feel useful. if you are interested, i will be happy to tell you more about my work. i think you are wondering why i have not found a man in all these years. but the thing is that i am very responsible about what kind of man i will have around me. I am looking for a kind, caring and responsible man. with whom I can build a family in the future, created on mutual understanding and trust. at the moment I have not been able to find a man with whom I can feel happy. but I really hope that this will change.
I have to finish my letter now. i have to keep working. but i want to tell you that i wrote my letter to you with a smile. i am very happy that we have started to get to know each other better.
I'll be looking forward to your new letter.