Hi my darling lovely xxx
Thank you for answering me. I will try to tell about myself as much as possible. I was offered your profile at a dating agency. Most people close on the first contact, but I'm not on that list of people. If I like a man, then I try to show all my vital qualities.
Do you mind if I start talking about myself!? I am 39 years old, 5 feet 8 inches tall, 132 lbs. I've never been married. I have no children. But I love children. If you have children, then this is a great joy. Children are flowers of life!
I travel a lot. I visited many countries. Saudi Arabia, Australia, America, Norway, France, Italy, Spain. I was born in the United Kingdom. My mother lives there. My dad passed away a few years ago. and I miss him very much. I often travel for work.
But about 1-2 times a year I try to come home. to see mom, and friends. Real friends are only 1 or 2 in life. everyone else is just acquaintances. this is the truth of life.
Where do you live now? Where do you work?
I'm a little sad because I have to finish.
I am looking forward to your letter. I hope I become your friend. I want to ask you to answer and say that you were able to receive my letter. Even if you don't want to communicate. Then say so so that I don't continue to build hopes for our friendship.
Sincerely Emily
P.S. I ask you to mark my email as favorite. so that you can always see at a glance. what I wrote to you. and so that my emails don't end up in spam. I just did this with your address. and now I always know if you write to me.