Vitayu xxx, today my mood become better after reading your email. I found some interesting things about your life, thank you!
I have such feelings we can have at least good pen-friend with common aim or even a friendship. What do you think? Time will tell
how things will go in Ukraine. But for a better future we must do everything possible right from today. There's nothing left to wait for.
About my negative past experience I'll tell you in my next email. Long story short, the one I chose was married and hid it from me.
So now the main plans for me, get to know you more and better day by day without rush. Rushing in such things unnecessarily at all.
Only if I'll be honest with you and you will trust me, our meeting can become possible. I'm sure you are agree, we are both adult enough
with some life experience, sometimes even a negative. You never know what's around the corner, but life without mistakes is impossible.
As I promised in my last mesg, I want to tell you a little more about my everyday routine. I hope you are still interested.
I don't smoke and prefer not to drink. But I can have a glass of wine for dinner or one beer in good company. I don't think it's a crime
I like swimming, going to the pool sometimes after job or on weekends with friends, when I have a free time. I'm trying to look healthy.
That's why don't eat much meat, sugar, salt and bakery products. Eat vegetables, sea food, fish, chicken, different salads and fruits, juices,
tea, or a coffee with a lot of milk in the morning. I try to drink more water throughout the day. As you can see my ration is simple.
I mean, I can and I love to cook, it's not a problem at all for me. If we ever meet, I'll cook for you Ukrainian dishes, I'm sure you will like it.
By the way I have a cat, named Alisa. I love all pets. I took her from the street, all necessary vaccinations was made, so she is healthy now.
Since we got a cat in our home, we have become a little happier. All pets deserve loving owners.
What about your music tastes? I listen almost everything and famous classical composers too. Can listen romantic music, fast dance music
or even soft rock, all depends on my mood. By the way, do you have good sense of humor? Also say that this is a sign of a smart person.
On weekends I like to watch TV series at home. Maybe you can recommend something you like? About reading, I like adventure novels
and detectives, when I have a time, because I need a special mood to read.
When I was younger, I loved camping. Spend great time in a summer camp with classmates, when I was at school. Now I prefer a hotels.
But of course I still love spending summer time outdoors with friends, camping, having BBQ, hiking, riding bikes, etc. And you?
In my first answer I forgot to tell you about my friends. To be truth I do not have many friends, most of them are colleague from my job,
classmates and their families. I like to spend time with them even after work or on weekends, we have friendly team at work.
Can I ask you about your friends and relatives? Or feasibly you like being alone? Please tell me more about your character, ok?
I hope this mail helped you to know me a little better.
Awaiting your answer, Svitlana.