Hi my dear xxx. How nice to get your letter I am really thankful that you were learning to my fascination with Strip of plastic. I am confident in myself and I'm not conscious of this hobby. I don't engage in prostitution and don't sell myself for money. I know my own value and it's not quantified in material riches.
I have nothing to conceal and so I at once decided to tell you everything. Honesty is a really important facet in any relationship between people. In our planet a lot of lies and misunderstandings. I've experienced this many times. Several times I have experienced psychological pain and discomfort. For this reason I always try to be truthful about myself and to other people. I hate liars! Previously I carried with a man via the Internet, but it didn't end well In the end it turned out that he desired from me only my photographs of an intimate character. I felt great pain knowing that I was only a toy in somebody else's hands I'm asking you to be truthful with me and answer my query. You only want my photograph or connections with me??? Your response is very important to me! As for me, personally, I want our communicating developed and continued. Something I overly delved into self-torture Most correct would be all the lousy leave behind and live in today! If you do not mind, send me some your photographs. You are very nice for me and our communicating gives me great joy. Unfortunately, I am not able to use modern means of communication such as Skype, Facebook, and various kinds of messengers, while I can only dream about these. Simple E-mail for me the most suitable and suitable option. I use a USB ADSL modem. This system does not operate nicely, and it's very expensive. I cover every downloaded megabyte. And if downloading a high number of megabytes, the price skyrockets.
If you are not tired to read my email, I'd love to provide you with more information about me My height is 174, weight 51. My date of birth 11.07.1991. My youth was different from many kids. I was in the orphanage and it was the funniest chapter of my life. I've got lots of unique experiences during the time spent at the shelter. I can say just 1 thing - Children are occasionally very unkind. Maybe someday I will have the ability to tell you more about my youth, but not now. Excuse me, but it is too sensitive and personal memories. As soon as I turned 18, I was so insanely happy!!!! I eventually became free!!! The government gave me an apartment on the outskirts of Karakom. At the instant I felt like a HUMAN! From that moment started my new life You're probably wondering why I composed a man from another country?! In fact, everything is simple. I got a grant for global internship on your country. I graduated from Medical Academy with honors and I was offered an internship overseas. 6 months I'm doing my internship. If all goes well, I will have the chance to keep on working in your country. In the next letter I shall write you more about this, ok? I thought that in a foreign country, I want a friend or beloved?!) That's how lucky However, if you have no objection, then soon we will have the ability to find each other face to face. Write me more about yourself, about the most crucial moments of your lifetime. I would like to feel that you just read my letter till the end, never not fallen asleep from boredom. In any case, I thank you for the time you spend on me. Gentle hugs and kisses...
Your Fatima.