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I Love Anti-Scam

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Mitglied seit: 27. August 2023
Geschlecht: weiblich
12. Juli 2024 um 12:59
Good evening I am begging you to read the e-mail thoroughly because I wasn't able to make up my mind for a long period of time to send a note to you. It is not my style to write e-mails to the men first. My 1st name's AKERKE!. At this time I'm thirtysix years.I reside in KAZAKHSTAN. I am a believable and plain-speaking woman. I 'm trying to find confidential relations only, based on devotion and trust. Difference in age doesn't make sense to me. I've got 2 universaty degrees and I am working as a doc of Highest Category. Also, I 've worked abroad for several times and I have visited different countries too. I spend too much time at work and now it's the time to try to find a soul-mate with whom I would be able to form a serious bond. If you are looking for a frank and plain-spoken woman, may be we will be able to form bond. In the email I send to you a picof me. I hope u will find attractive my image and you'll answer me back at once. In your e-mail I'll be so thrilled to look at your return photos and to gain some info of you. I will answer u back directly after I receive your mail. It's too important: I am not going to play games at all and I am not going to show any pics of bare me. If u have a wish to get pics of naked me or to have my money, I am requesting you not to answer this message. In contrast if you're a solo gentleman guy who is ready for the trust-based relationships, I'll be really pleased to have your letter. Let me know me please of yourself and your motherland. It would be too interesting to get some information about this.

Interested? Please write ONLY to my personal mailbox:

I request u to write an answer as fast as you can, AKERKE. 
« Zuletzt geändert: 12. Juli 2024 um 12:59 von Besina »  

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Forum Administrator

Anti-Scam ist wichtig!

Beiträge: 22884
Standort: schwebend zwischen den Welten
Mitglied seit: 13. Juli 2010
Geschlecht: männlich
Antwort #1 - 13. Juli 2024 um 10:12
@ Besina

Hast Du die Überschrift zu diesem Board gelesen und verstanden?

Wenn nein, dann hier der Hinweis:

Deine neuen Mailadressen nur im "Scam ord NoScam" posten.

Im Jagdzentrum darf nur gepostet werden, wenn ich bereits Mailadresse veröffentlicht habe.

Ich hoffe, dass das verstanden ist.


Und wo ist der Mailheader?
« Zuletzt geändert: 13. Juli 2024 um 10:17 von Bommo »  
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Forum Administrator

Anti-Scam ist wichtig!

Beiträge: 22884
Standort: schwebend zwischen den Welten
Mitglied seit: 13. Juli 2010
Geschlecht: männlich
Re: Akerke <>
Antwort #2 - 13. Juli 2024 um 10:17
Hey person! I am begging u to read the email up to the finish because I wasn't able to make up my mind for a long period of time to send a mail to you. It isn't my style to write emails to the men 1st. I am Akerke. I am 36 years of age. I'm from Kazakhstan. I am an honest and open lady. I 'm searching for trust-based relations only, based on affection and ability or truth. The difference in age is not a problem to me. Iam a graduate of two universaties and I am a doc of Highest Category. Also, I 've worked overseas for several times and I have visited some foreign countries too. I work a lot and it is time to search for a man with whom I could be able to form a committed relationship. If you're looking 4 a truthful and plain-spoken lady, may be we'll be able to make romantic bond. In the e-mail I send to you a pictureof me. I'm really sure that u will like my pic and you'll write me back ASAP. In your e-mail I will be happy to look at your return photographs and to obtain some information about you. I will answer u back instantly after I receive your mail. It's important: I won't play any games and I don't show any photographs of naked me. If you want to have photos of nude me or to have my money, I am begging you not to answer my mail. And if you are a single male who's ready 4 the confidential relationship, I'll be very pleased to get your letter. Let me know me please about yourself and your mother country. It will be be very captivating to know about this.Interested? Please reply ONLY to my regular e-mail: moldikroshka@gmail.comI am asking u to write a mail as soon as possible, Aker-ke 

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« Zuletzt geändert: 13. Juli 2024 um 21:10 von Stiray »  

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