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Normales Thema Anel <> (Gelesen: 402 mal)
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Anel <>
09. Mai 2024 um 08:10
Hi there! I beg u to read the mail thoroughly as I couldn't make up my mind for a long period of time to write a letter to u. It's not my style to send notes to the menfolks 1st. I am Anelechka. I am 35 yrs.My place of birth is KAZAKHSTAN. I'm atruthful and open woman. I 'm seeking trustful relationship only, based on love and complete faith in the reliability. The age gap isn't a real problem to me. I'm a graduate of two universaties and I am working as a doctor of Highest Category. Also, I have worked in some different foreign countries 4 several times and I have visited some foreign countries too. I work too much and it's high time to search for a an SO with whom I would be able to form a serious romantic bond. If you're looking for a true and plain-speaking lady, perhaps we will be able to build romantic relationship. In the mail I send to you a picof me. I'm sure u will appreciate my picture and u'll write me back as soon as possible. In your e-mail I will be really glad to glance at your return images and to obtain some facts of you. I'll answer you back when I receive your mail. It is too important: I am not going to play any games at all and I won't show any photographs of naked me. If u have a wish to have photographs of nude me or to obtain my money, I ask you not to answer this message. But if u are an unwed gentleman guy who's ready for the trust-based relations, I'll be very glad to receive your email. Write to me me please regarding yourself and your birthplace. It'll be be very captivating to learn about this.Interested? Please write ONLY to my private e-mail: beg u to write a reaction promptly, Anelechka,

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« Zuletzt geändert: 10. Mai 2024 um 04:05 von Stiray »  

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General Counsel

I Love Anti-Scam

Beiträge: 1270
Standort: Schönstes Dorf in Niedersachse
Mitglied seit: 20. Dezember 2021
Geschlecht: männlich
Re: Anel <>
Antwort #1 - 09. Mai 2024 um 08:42
Howdy! I request you to read the mail to the end as I was not able to make up my mind for a long time to write a mail to u. It's not my style to send mails to the men first. I'm Anel. Now I'm thirtyfive y.o.I am from KAZAKHSTAN. I am a believable and sincere woman. I am interested in confidential relations only, based on amour and complete faith in the reliability. Age gap is not a real problem to me. I'm a graduate of 2 universaties and I am working as a doctor of Highest Category. Also, I have worked in some different foreign countries 4 several times and I've visited some foreign countries too. I spend too much time working and now it is time to search for a soulmate with whom I would be able to build a long-term connection. If u are looking 4 a truthful and sincere girl, likely we will be able to make relationship. In my email I send to you a pictureof me. I hope u will find enjoyable my picture and you'll write me back. In your letter I'll be so glad to glance at your return images and to listen to some pieces of information of u. I'll answer u back right after I receive your mail. It's necessary: I don't play any games at all and I am not going to show any photographs of naked me. If you have a wish to get pics of nude me or to have my money, I request u not to answer this letter. In contrast if you are a partnerless fellow who is ready 4 the confidential relations, I'll be so pleased to have your mail. Tell me please of yourself and your homeland. It would be too captivating to know about it.
Interested? Please answer ONLY to my private email:
I beg you to write a response quickly, Anelechka!

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From: "Girlws Sunnywg" <>
To: xxx
Subject: Good day!
« Zuletzt geändert: 10. Mai 2024 um 04:06 von Stiray »  

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Forum Administrator

Stillstand ist die Vorstufe
des Untergangs

Beiträge: 66780
Mitglied seit: 09. Juni 2011
Geschlecht: männlich
Re: Anel <>
Antwort #2 - 10. Mai 2024 um 04:07
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General Counsel

I Love Anti-Scam

Beiträge: 1270
Standort: Schönstes Dorf in Niedersachse
Mitglied seit: 20. Dezember 2021
Geschlecht: männlich
Re: Anel <>
Antwort #3 - 11. Mai 2024 um 08:50
Hello there! I am requesting you to read this letter to the end 4 the cause that I couldn't make up my mind for a long period of time to write a e-mail to you. It is not my style to write e-mails to the menfolks first. I'm ANEL. I am thirtyfive years old.My place of birth is KAZAKHSTAN. I'm a true and plain-speaking woman. I 'm searching for trustful relationship only, based on amour and ability or truth. Age difference doesn't make sense to me. I'm a graduate of 2 universaties and I'm a doctor of Highest Category. Also, I worked in some different foreign countries for some times and I've visited some foreign countries too. I spend too much time working and it's time to seek for a beloved with whom I would be able to make a serious romantic relationship. If u are looking for an honest and sincere girl, perhaps we'll be able to form connection. In my letter I send to u a photoof me. I hope that u will like my photograph and you'll answer me back ASAP. In your mail I will be so glad to glance at your return pictures and to hear some info of you. I will answer u back when I receive your e-mail. It is too necessary: I do not play any games at all and I am not going to show any shots of naked me. If you want to get photographs of bare me or to obtain my money, I am requesting you not to answer this mail. Yet if you're a solo male who is ready 4 the serious relations, I'll be just happy to obtain your e-mail. Please let me know me please regarding yourself and your motherland. It will be be very interesting to get some information about this.
If you are interested in me Please reply ONLY to my personal e-mail:
I am asking u to write an e-mail ASAP, Anelechka.

Spam-Checker-Version: SpamAssassin 3.4.6 (2021-04-09) on
X-Spam-Status: Ja, Punkte=15.3 benoetigt=10.0
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Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary="------------080604010809060700080508"
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From: "Iamuw Smilelq" <>
To: xxx
Subject: Hello charming man,
« Zuletzt geändert: 25. Mai 2024 um 11:47 von Webmaster »  

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