Good morning xxx! I'm glad to see your answer, I'm glad you responded.
Thanks for the photo, I really liked it. You are very photogenic.
It is very difficult to start dating right away. I have no idea what I should
write to you. I had to take some pause, I thought about what I should
write to you in this letter. This is a very difficult task, it is
worth starting and everything will go further! So where do we start
our acquaintance? To start, I'll tell you about myself. To be honest,
I tried several times to meet a man from the Internet, but it all
ended after 2-3 days of communication. I was a little unlucky, several
men wrote to me, but they were perverts. It is difficult for me to
convey that they ask and tell such things, and I am even ashamed to
become from their requests and stories. I cut off all contact with
these men. It is unacceptable for me to be friends with such men who
are only interested in intimate conversations and naked photos. I
don't judge them, but it doesn't work for me. I hope I'm lucky this
time and you're looking for a serious relationship! I think correctly?
Forgive me, I lost my way, I said that I wanted to tell a little about
myself. As you already know, my name is Tatyana, I am 39 years old. I
am from Kazakhstan, city Taraz. Now I have to write
you about my marital status.I have no children, but I was married.It's
been two years since I divorced my ex-husband.We were in Married a
little less than 7 years It all started very beautifully We respected
and loved each other, but all this did not lead to anything My husband
devoted himself to career development, and each time he paid less and
less attention to me Lately he began to disappear often, came home
drunk, and he smelled of women's perfume.It's obvious that my
ex-husband had another woman.Life became gloomy and empty.Over time,
my ex-husband was able to see the sadness in my eyes, poetry to that
he confessed that he loved another woman. We had many conversations,
and in the end, the decision was made to get a divorce and live our
lives. I was depressed for a long time, but I don't want to talk about
bad memories. From now on, I want a new relationship, I want to start
a clean slate. I think that every person has the right to happiness
and love! Do you agree with my opinion? I decided on international
dating, and I believe in my luck, I believe that everyone has the
right to be happy. Why international dating? I think outside of my
country I can find my true love. Love that will complement each other
and close the empty space in the heart! And I saw on television a
beautiful story about the acquaintance of a Ukrainian girl with a man
from Japan. This story inspired me. And I thought, why can't I do the
same? It is not important for me to repeat the story of this girl, but
I want to try my luck and find love outside of my country. I don't
know if you'll be that lucky or not. There is only one answer, time
will tell. First, we need to get to know each other better. Tell me
more about you, about your hobbies. I lead a healthy lifestyle. I
don't smoke, but on holidays I can afford a glass of wine or
champagne. I like walking in the fresh air, in the morning I sometimes
run or do exercises, and when I have free time, I can visit the
fitness center. Besides, I like to read books, watch movies and cook.
I hope that you will not leave my letter unattended. I will be glad to
hear your answer in the coming days. I tried to write you what I think
is important for the first letter, so that later we can move towards
our goal, if it coincides. Looking forward to your reply with your
photos! Don't forget to send me your photos! This is important for
getting to know each other better! Awaiting your further letter.With regards,Tatyana