Hello there!.
How are you getting on?
My first name is Angella!!
Actually I'm 37 y.o!.
I am originally and live in country!.
I’d like to meet u better!! Where you come from originally?
I am actually interested in you.,
I waiting for a someone for building a love relationship.,
For me, what matters most in a man is integrity, fidelity, trust,.
I decided to meet you because I don’t want anything to do with gentleman,.
I'm looking forward to your letter,.
So u wish to know little bit about me, u can question, I’d be glad to respond u.
And I have a big wish to you, to response me only if you’re interested in communication with me,.
So you are not interested in this, please do not waste either mine or your time.!
Wish you a lovely day,. Angellla.,