Hello xxx! It's Natalya. I recently tried to contact you and I'm
not certain if you received my letter. I'm from Russia, from a village
named Uspenka, near Ufa. This is my very first time connecting online,
and I'd like to find a genuine person who values honesty as much as I
do. I'm drawn by the idea of finding love or at least a new friend in
this different format for me.
I recently learned about a dating agency and opted to give it a try.
They handed me your email. Right now, I'm working as a gynecologist, and
it's my passion to help people. I'll attach a photo with my email so you
know who you're communicating with. I expect to see your photos too.
I'd be curious to learn more about you. Share with me about your
interests, work. And yes, look into your "Spam" folder. My last letter
might have landed there. Let's include each other to "Favorites" so we
don't miss out on contact.
Best regards.
Nachfolgemailadresse zur Startmailadresse:
Natalya <korolevajanetta93@outlook.com>