Hello my sexiest man in the world Long Dong!!!
Thank you for your message! Each your letter brings a smile to my
face. Yesterday I opened up to you not only as individuals but also as
your future woman. I realized that I should share with you all the
emotions. You please me, and I see you in the role of his men. I even
herself excited after my letter. I could not sleep for a long time, so
it seems like we make in our life sexual dreams. Love and sex, this is
happiness in our lives. I see that you liked my idea! And you
adequately responded to my letter, it makes our relationship even
closer. My Love, you're constantly on my mind, I always think of you.
I love you and want to be near you!
I'm glad you liked my sexual fantasies. I'll have sex with you
wherever you want. I want to do it with you in the bathroom, the
kitchen, on the washing machine, in nature. I did not hesitate,
because you are my man. When I come to you, I want the first few days
we had sex several times a day. Since this will make us closer.
Imagine if I had flown to you! I want to share with you my dreams,
I reveal to you all the more.
I come to you, you meet me at the airport with flowers (bouquet of
roses). I get off the plane is the happiest. You come, I hug you and
kiss you smell my perfume. I ask, how was your day you ... We go to
your house, on the way we visit the Food for dinner. We come to your
home. I cook a delicious dinner: roast chicken in the oven with
pineapple and nuts, even boiled potatoes, braised mushroom sauce. Then
we go to the dining room, I light a candle, and you discover a
delightful wine, playing romantic music. We do a sip of wine, and I am
applying dinner. We eat and talk about everything, not taking his eyes
off of each other. After dinner, you invite me to slow dance. We dance
did not last long as both of us feeling overwhelmed, you start kissing
me gently and sensually. Caress my chest, I shoot you with a suit and
shirt. Kiss your strong chest, every inch of your body. I fall below
and shoot with your pants, your hands start to caress the body of love
and delight. At this time, I continue to kiss you passionately and
sensually. Then kneel and touch the lips, love your body, I can see
how it starts to grow and becomes solid. I spend on it the language
throughout its length, and then putting it in his mouth and caress him
there until he begin to feel as he begins to throb in my mouth, I stop
when I feel like nectar gets me in the mouth. We go into the bedroom,
you undress me, we are fully exposed. I walk over to the window, open
it, the street was dark and empty, the fresh air blows on my hair. You
come back and start to caress me. First chest then below you touch my
toes petals love, I feel the warmth that comes from you. You come into
me from behind and slowly and gently starts to move there. You
compress my breasts in his hands. We begin to move together in the
same rhythm at first slowly, then faster and faster until it is
pleasure, I feel like your nectar fills me up inside. We are moving
away from the window, you lie down on the bed, I caress your body,
your whole body love, then sit on top of you. You lie, and do not
move, I'm starting to gently slide back and forth until you catch the
rhythm of movement. Catching the right rhythm, I start to move faster,
you begin to caress my nipples with his strong hands, I can feel it.
From the minute I move through your body faster, runs for a few
seconds, and we both have great pleasure, I fall exhausted on your
chest and lay for several minutes, until I come to you. Then we go to
the shower, I'm yours my strong body, and you wash my fragile. We go
into the bedroom and fall asleep in each other's arms...
It is my dream that I want to give you. I really want to fly to you,
as the more I can not think of you! Also, as the Internet connects us
pal! I think that the airplane can bring me to you, and all our dreams
will come true! Long Dong I love you! And waiting for your reply as
soon as possible.