Hello xxx, I am glad to read your reply and see your photo.
I think that the first thing that attracts a person towards another, are the external qualities, especially when you do not know who you have in front of you. What I can say about you, I think that you are a "good looking man", and I am sure that with time, I will be able to appreciate your inner qualities, which, are for sure, the most important part in any friendship, relation or love. It is useless to have near someone beautiful if that person has not good inner qualities, like human values, correctness, and truthfulness. Maybe after some letters you will not like me or I will not like you, and all will finish, or maybe it will be the opposite. Than more we tell with each other, then more we will to know each other.
I understand, maybe you have many questions to me, but let's study each other gradually, it is impossible to tell all in one letter. I work as the waiter in cafe and I live in Ufa, Russia. My work to take a lot of time and for this reason the Internet is the best way for acquaintance. I am recently in search and would like to find the fair, decent person with whom I can divide a life and create a family based on love and mutual understanding. I do not search for the prince on a white horse, but would like to find the especial person with whom I can be happy. Each normal woman wishes to have a family, wishes to love and be darling.
As a person, I'm quite happy with the things I achieved in life so far with education, independence etc., but I'm definitely reached a point in my life where the absence of a family of my own is quite painful.
Some people think, that if we live once - probably to drink alcohol, to smoke, cheerfully to spend time on the full coil. From a part they are right, but it is not necessary to enjoy a life, the healthy way of life is my pleasure. For this reason I go in park for jogging. There are no such people who from the first meeting can see in you your rich private world, first of all it is necessary to be beautiful outwardly.
Tell me about you because I should know the person with which I correspond. It is interesting to me to know your temperament? Because temperament of the person is very important. I do not like people who have very spoilt character or have very highly a self-estimation. Such people do not notice those who really loves them. You like your work? Because work for the person also is very important in a life. If there are constant problems on work, you come back with these problems home, and as a result sad result. I not have found work which wanted, because here it is difficult for finding. But nevertheless I am happy to that, that I can be independent and I can provide myself.
Tell you often travel, in loneliness or with someone? I love different flowers and consequently my a hobby gardening. It is hoped that this letter may give you more of an insight into me as a person and as said previously, I'm very happy to answer any questions you have! Bye.