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Normales Thema Natasha <> (Gelesen: 749 mal)
Themenstarter Themenstarter
General Counsel

Don´t call me Schnitzel

Beiträge: 3106
Standort: Hamburg
Mitglied seit: 16. August 2010
Geschlecht: männlich
Natasha <>
23. April 2021 um 07:28
How's it going my gentleman I am pleased to applaud you here! I'm hoping that sense will be relative and we're going to find common interests. Why did I turn to you? It is so simple, I am searching for a mate, in the expectation that my pal in the future will turn to me something special. Do you realixe my point? I have an interest only in long term relations, no play, no lie. It's a big deal. The internet is full of opportunities for new acquaintances, but I have never been doing this, at least, all my last attempts were not good, maybe it was just not the right time for this, but now I get the feeling that it'll work out. May it be a female instinct? All right, allow me introduce myself. My name is Nata. It's a normal name for typical Ukranian girl. So, I am from Ukranine, you have probably heard about my country before. I am young, I'm 35, and I can understand that it's a fairly mature age for a serious relation. Therefore, the age difference does not scare me; quite the opposite, I realize that I need a mature man who is vested with experience and cleverness. Btw, you are probably wondering what I'm doing, and so, I am a dentist, I work in a small local dentistry. My job is to give people beautiful smiles, isn't this lovely? This is a short info about me, if you are interested, then I beg you to react and write me an answering mail with brief info about you, maybe you want to tell me where you live, what's your age and who you work. Bye.

If you are interested in me Please answer ONLY to my private email:

Best wishes, Natusha

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« Zuletzt geändert: 17. Juli 2021 um 22:41 von Schnitzel »  

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Global Moderator

Beiträge: 573
Standort: Entenhausen
Mitglied seit: 06. Januar 2020
Geschlecht: weiblich
Re: Natasha <>
Antwort #1 - 23. April 2021 um 07:32
Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika

Alles auswählen
 IP Adresse
 Land	 Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika [US]
 Region	Virginia
 Stadt	Warrenton
 Ortszeit	23. April 2021, 01:29 Uhr (UTC -04: 00 Uhr)
 Verwendungsart	(DCH) Rechenzentrum / Webhosting / Transit
 Anonymer Proxy	Ja
 Proxy-Typ	(TOR) Tor-Ausgangsknoten
 ASN	16276 OVH SAS
 Bedrohung	SPAM 

from localhost ( by (; Thu, 22 Apr 2021 17:19:40 +0900
Date: Thu, 22 Apr 2021 10:19:39 +0200
« Zuletzt geändert: 23. April 2021 um 07:38 von Schnitzel »  
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Global Moderator

Beiträge: 573
Standort: Entenhausen
Mitglied seit: 06. Januar 2020
Geschlecht: weiblich
Re: Natasha <>
Antwort #2 - 23. April 2021 um 07:41
Das Bild wurde bei der Zahnärztin Ekaterina Lakhminova aus Sankt Petersburg geklaut

« Zuletzt geändert: 26. August 2024 um 21:34 von Stiray »  
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Themenstarter Themenstarter
General Counsel

Don´t call me Schnitzel

Beiträge: 3106
Standort: Hamburg
Mitglied seit: 16. August 2010
Geschlecht: männlich
Re: Natasha <>
Antwort #3 - 27. April 2021 um 00:14
Good afternoon I'm happy to greet you here! I hope this feeling gonna be responding and we can find joint interests. Why have I contact with you? It is so simple, I am searching for a mate, and I truly belief that my friend with time will turn to me greater than just a mate. Cound you understand what I meant? I am sorely concerned in serious relations, no play, no lie. It is important. The Internet replete with possibilities for new friends, but I have never been doing this, anyhow, all my past attempts have not been successful, perhaps it wasn't appropriate time for that, but for now I get the feeling that it'll work out. Probably that's a woman's hunch? OK, now let me present myself. My name's Nata. It's a common name for an ordinary Ukrainian girl. So, I am from Ukranine, you have probably ever heard about this state before. I'm young, I'm thirty-five, and I can understand that it's a fairly mature age for a serious relation. Therefore, the age difference does not scare me; quite the opposite, I can understand that I'm looking for a virile man who's given with experience and good intellect. Besides, you are probably wondering what is my job, and so, I am a dentist, I'm working in little local dental clinic. My role is to give persons perfect smiles, isn't this lovely? This is a short info about me, case you're interesting, then I ask you to give me feedback and write me a responding e-mail with brief information about yourself, possibly you'd like to tell me where you are living, what's your age and what is your job. See you later.

If you are interested Please write ONLY to my personal mail box:

Good wishes, Natulya

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Received: from ([]) by (mxgmx116 []) with ESMTP (Nemesis) id 1MxW4H-1lQD491LdR-00xpMV for <xxx>; Mon, 26 Apr 2021 13:54:21 +0200
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From: "Nataliushoka Nataliulka" <>
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Subject: Hello Sweetheart
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« Zuletzt geändert: 02. Mai 2021 um 13:05 von Schnitzel »  
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Global Moderator

Beiträge: 573
Standort: Entenhausen
Mitglied seit: 06. Januar 2020
Geschlecht: weiblich
Re: Natasha <>
Antwort #4 - 02. Mai 2021 um 13:07
Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika

Alles auswählen
 IP Adresse
 Land	 Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika [US]
 Region	Washington
 Stadt	Seattle
 Koordinaten der Stadt	47.602400, -122.326000 (47 ° 36'9 "N 122 ° 19'34" W)
 ISP	Smaragdzwiebel
 Ortszeit	02. Mai 2021, 04:06 Uhr (UTC -07: 00)
 Verwendungsart	(DCH) Rechenzentrum / Webhosting / Transit
 Anonymer Proxy	Ja
Proxy-Typ	(TOR) Tor-Ausgangsknoten
 ASN	396507 Smaragdzwiebel
Bedrohung	SPAM / SCANNER 

from localhost ( by (; 
Mon, 26 Apr 2021 19:56:30 +0900 Date: Mon, 26 Apr 2021 12:56:24 +0200

« Zuletzt geändert: 02. Mai 2021 um 13:16 von Schnitzel »  
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