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Olha <>
27. Oktober 2020 um 13:04
I think sometimes you just have to take the step! Step to meet! A step towards friendship. A step that can change your whole life. Teach something new, or let you know the life of another person. See the world, life with a completely different look. It's hard for me to start writing a letter first. I don't have much experience, and yet I did it. I would like to meet you. Why do you? I do not know. When I received your mail, I was told that you are a single man. And that you will be interesting to me! I was even surprised! How can a dating agency be so confident ?! And so that there is no not a pleasant moment, I will ask you personally, if you don't mind ?! You're lonely? Are you looking for communication, acquaintance, friendship or more? This is very important for me, because I would not want to inconvenience you, and I think it will be so honest to hear from you personally, would you like to meet a woman from another country !? Simply if you are not single, married, or you already have a woman, forgive me for writing to you. I won't write to you anymore. But if you would like to communicate with me, but at the same time you still have a girlfriend, or a wife, and no matter what kind of relationship you have with her, you don’t need to write to me. I am in solidarity with women, and I think that it would not be right on your part to communicate with the other when you already have a woman! Is not it? But if I was not deceived, and you are really lonely, and are looking for communication, I would like to meet, then I will be glad if you answer me. And tell about yourself. Send your photo, or tell a lot about your country and your city. I think it won't be bad for a start! And to be fair, I will send you my photo, and I will not tell you much about myself. I live in Ukraine. I was not married and have no children. There are many hobbies, and I will not talk in detail now. But I'll tell you I like art, music, books. I often spend my free time outdoors. I think that this is enough for you to think whether to answer me or not. The choice is yours. And believe me, if you answer, I'll be glad of it. Best regards, Olha. 

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Subject: Where do you go my moiety?
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Russischer anonymer Proxy  VPN

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IP Address
Country 	Russian Federation [RU]
Region 	Sankt-Peterburg
City 	Saint Petersburg
ISP 	Arkada LLC
Net Speed 	(COMP) Company/T1
IDD & Area Code 	(7) 0812
ZIP Code 	190990
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Mobile Carrier 	-
Elevation 	11m
Usage Type 	(DCH) Data Center/Web Hosting/Transit
Anonymous Proxy 	Yes
Proxy Type 	(VPN) VPN Server 

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P Address
Country 	Hungary [HU]
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Anonymous Proxy 	No 

Date: Mon, 26 Oct 2020 11:20:52 +0300


« Zuletzt geändert: 17. Juli 2021 um 22:33 von Schnitzel »  

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Mitglied seit: 09. Juni 2011
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Re: Olha <>
Antwort #1 - 02. November 2020 um 18:07
Hey. My name is Olha. It took me a long time to write to you. I live in Ukraine. I am planning to go to your country soon. and for this I was looking for a man. I will send you my photos, I hope to receive yours. I'll work when I get there. I want to spend time with you. if you are interested, I will wait for your answer

reply-to: Olha <>
date: Oct 26, 2020, 9:53 AM

From: Olha <>
Date: Mon, 26 Oct 2020 15:25:25 +0300

Nach dem 2. im Umlauf befindlichen Bild würde ich sagen, die Bilder wurden gespiegelt.
« Zuletzt geändert: 02. November 2020 um 18:38 von Stiray »  
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Re: Olha <>
Antwort #2 - 16. Dezember 2020 um 19:33

Der Scammer ist mit einer Emailadresse und innerhalb einer Emailadresse mit unterschiedlichen Bildern unterwegs. 

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« Zuletzt geändert: 17. Juni 2021 um 13:03 von Stiray »  
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Beiträge: 67424
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Re: Olha <>
Antwort #3 - 17. Juni 2021 um 12:29
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