Hello dear,
Thank you a lot for your e mail. I was really thrilled and pleased
to receive a letter back from you actually.
Sorry for the delay. I don't normally make use of this particular email.
I by accident decided to take a look at my email and was nicely
shocked to discover the email. I have another e-mail address and
i just use it to chat with my close friends.
I'll send a specific notice coming from that email so you will know it.
Anyways, I do wish that you are going to excuse me for this and write me back in the near future.
I want to get to know u far better. Im positive that there may be so much of exciting and important things we can easily uncover about each other.
I stated to give you my picture and so Im enclosing it here.
I will let you know more regarding me in my future letter and also i am going to mail
it via my frequently used e mail, I'll be waiting with impatience for your answer.
Wish you fine day time!! Take care.
ps If u did enjoyed my picture and also you happen to be stillcurious, respond soon.