Hello Friend!
I'm thankful that the good fortune has allowed us to find each other!
I am pleased to read your letter, your letter makes me happy! You became a friend to me!
I hope you are fine. How do you feel? Yes, it really is not a pleasant pain when you treat your teeth ..
I would really like to know how your name is? Because you did not tell me about it. What's your name?
I want every day we know each other more.
I am happy to know you, and I'm interested in your life and your interests! I like you, and I want to know everything about you.
I hope you understand my letter!
I have dedicated my life a long period of education, 3 years I was in college and 5 years old I went to university!
Now I think about my personal life! I want to have a serious relationship with a man who will love me.
When I was a little girl, my mother was not able to provide me with all the necessary things.
My mother worked 16 hours a day, so I could go to college.
I am very grateful to my mother, and I am very much like my mother.
My dad always took care of me! My father was engaged in my education! I am grateful that my parents raised me.
My father sometimes asks me: "Olga why are you so far alone ?" I do not even know how to answer him!
Lawless Heart of love! I live and waiting for my prince! I just want a sincere love and for all.
My parents live in a small village 40 kilometers from the city of Perm.
What would I get to my parents, I have to go by bus about 2-3 hours.
I can not go to my parents for a long time!
I visit my parents is very rare, but I always take every opportunity to visit my parents!
I love my mom and dad, and always happy when I am able to see my parents! But my desire does not coincide with my abilities.
My mother's name is Natalya, she has worked all his life as a school teacher of literature.
Now my mother is retired, but continues to teach literature.
Since in the village, no new teachers! After school, everyone is trying to leave the city, and rarely returned to live back to the village.
My father's name is Oleg, dad worked in the Police, he was responsible for order in our village!
My father devoted his life to fighting crime!
Now my dad is retired, it does not work, it always goes fishing and engaged in farming in the house.
I really love my parents.
Now I'll tell you how I live.
For several years, I take in rent a room in an apartment! In one room I live, and in another room lived a woman, the mistress of the apartment.
She and I are good friends, but we have different interests with her because she's a lot older than me!
In my city, a beautiful park, this park is small, but very beautiful.
Sometimes we go with friends to the theater or to the movies! Once we go to karaoke, I love to sing and dance.
I love listening to music! I listen to different music, at work all day, we listen to radio! The radio includes different compositions pop, jazz, RNB.
I love fun and upbeat music, but sometimes when I come home, I listen to quiet classical music. What kind of music do you listen to?
I am very glad that you came in my life, and I am very interested to have a dialogue with you.
I really like getting a letter from you.
I feel that you are a true man, I really like you. I am in my life and in my letters very frank, and I am waiting for reciprocity...
I hope that will be a very long and pleasant friendship that will grow into a happy and long-term relationship!
I'll be waiting for your letter!
Your Olga.