Hello my dear friend xxx, I hope that you do not mind if I to
contact you so ???? I do not even know where to begin my letter. So
Here. Today the work was full of horror !! Today to us in The clinic
received many people with jaw injuries. Some people came to us with a
shifted jaw (often such people come to our department after the
fight), I had to put my jaw back. To some people, I had to tear off
the molars (which I mean about wisdom teeth). But the worst thing is,
we got two men with numerous fractures of the extremities. According
to the story, they got into car accident. First of all we were sent to
our office because there was a fracture of the jaw (fracture of the
chin of the department), to him It was necessary to impose a "tire"
and additional mechanisms so that the jaw does not has shifted.
Another man was immediately taken to the emergency room, as he was
broken legs and ribs. Horror!!! Now you know dear xxx, like my work
day is passing by. This is not everything I'm doing on work. But, I
think this will be enough, that I wrote to you .. To me I had to spend
a whole day at work, only now I have finished his shift. Immediately I
want to apologize for my delay in reply, I I do not always have access
to a computer. You remember that I am writing to you letters from a
working computer ????? So, for this reason, we do not we can write
letters as a dialogue. I really hope that it will not be to be a big
problem for our further communication. Today I have plans to go with
my friend Masha to the movie "The first player to prepare. "This film
recently appeared in Russian cinemas. looked on the Internet reviews
about this movie, most viewers approved the viewing of this film. For
this reason, I want to go to this movie and relax after a day's work.
By the way, you watched this film????? If, "YES" then share your
opinion, you liked this movie or not. In the next letter I will tell
you my opinion about this movie. Good???? I already booked tickets,
the session will begin In a few hours. I have a little more time to
write you a letter. I want to start a letter with how bad life is
Russian doctors, and why most people are trying to leave Russia. Most
likely you know that in our country doctors are paid little ???? So
this is really true !! Many people plan to leave Russia and work
abroad (In countries such as USA, CANADA, AUS , and Europe), including
the "I". I also plan to leave my country to work and live abroad. But
with the choice of the country, I still have not decided . Each
country has its own "+" and "-". Problem is not even in wages.
Everything depends, but on knowledge of the language. + From taxes,
how much you need to have money for living, each month. I do not know
how much to earn in a month, in order to live with nothing in itself
can not be denied. I know how much you need earn to live in Russia.
But !! Every day I think about moving to another country. But, at the
same time, I realize that not I can throw everything here. I can not
leave my girlfriends Masha and Elena. I can not leave my apartment
here (I have my own apartment, which inherited). I can not leave my
grandmother, this is my only relative who stayed with me. My
grandmother raised and educated me. But, at the same time I do not see
future in Russia. My most important fear is that I I can not give my
children the future. I immediately write to you, from me no children.
But, I want to have children in the future. I I dream that I had two
children (boy and girl). So ... I would be happy to remain in Russia,
if in our country medicine and economics. + doctors paid a large
salary. Likely I will now be clever, but I think that the country is
developed in which develops medicine and economics. In our country,
nothing is developing !!!!! Although in our country there are many
minerals ( metal, gas, oil, gold, diamonds). But, Our country does not
develops. It's a big shame for a big country !!! I think that most
likely our president is to blame for everything. Putin does nothing
for our country. I still can not understand why so many people choose
Putin. I never went to the presidential elections. In my opinion for
people have already decided who will be the next president. FUFFFF, it
was the cry of my soul. Forgive me for writing all this to you. I hope
, that you learned something new about our country. On this I will end
your letter. Soon the session for the film will begin. I need to
hurry. your friend Marina
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