Hello my dear xxx. Thank you very much for your letters. I want
thank you for answering my questions and commenting on my thoughts. I
think this is very important in our communication and with everyone
step, with each letter we become closer to each other. You too feel it
xxx ???? Today I want to talk about my past relation. I think the
time has come to tell you about my previous relationship with a man.
So, xxx, I had a relationship with a man 2 years ago. I lived with
him exactly two years. (I think it makes no sense to call him name in
this letter). I met him in 2013, through common friends. The moment I
saw him. I fell in love with him with first glance. I thought that
with this man you can build future. Because we had feelings for each
other. The most important thing , that our plans coincided. After long
visits, he proposed to live with him in the apartment. I lived at his
apartment. In 2015, I became pregnant. He invited me to marry him. In
the same year 2015, we got married. It seemed that this is almost
happiness. But here there was a misfortune, I had a miscarriage (the
child was dead in my womb). Nothing happened to me, I did not get
strikes against stomach. I did not have any diseases and so on. The
fruit could not till the end To form, for this reason there was a
miscarriage. You are most likely I can not imagine what I felt at that
moment. I'm two months old almost nothing to eat. For almost two
months, I was depressed. At that moment, I was most afraid that I was
not I can have children in the future. But after talking with the
doctors and handing over analyzes, to me have told or said that with
me that's all right. I can have children. Doctors told me that it's
better to wait one year, but it's better two years, so that this
situation does not happen. When I was depressed, I did not I noticed
the most important thing about what a husband does (a former husband).
He was also in depression and began to abuse alcohol and often go to
bars. I I thought that this is a normal process, which people really
helps relieve stress. I was hoping that I would drink alcohol and he
would return to me . But, here again I was very disappointed, he told
me changed !!!!! I still do not understand why he changed me. I do not
I know the reasons for his actions, because he did not explain
anything to me. I was a faithful and devoted wife. What did he miss at
the time ?? For me it remains a mystery. I guess the reasons for his
betrayal, in that , that I can not give birth to children for him.
Most likely this reason led to a divorce. In 2016, we divorced. He
gathered his things, sold the apartment and moved to another city.
After the divorce, I'm no longer saw him. The moral of the song is
that, you do not have to hurry to get out marry and have children. Now
to this I am very serious, so as not to repeat the mistakes from the
previous relationship. Here so in brief, I did not write a big slice
of my life. I hope that you do not were upset after reading my letter
and are ready to continue continue to communicate with me. I found it
necessary that you need tell me about my bad experiences with respect.
In advance I apologize to xxx that I write you many bad events from
my life . But you must know about me, as much as possible with what I
had to face difficulties. On this I will finish my letter. By the way,
what are your plans for these Weekend ????
I will look forward to your next letter. Maybe you are xxx tell us
about your bad experiences from relationships. For me it would be It
is interesting to learn as much as possible.
Your Marina
PS I forgot to write. After the divorce, I had no relationship before
and after with men from Russia. For all my life I had only Man.
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