Dear xxx, I am enormously glad that my previous short letter has not
been left unresponded. And now my fingers like a butterfly float along
the keyboard, to deliver all of the ocean of words and thoughts that I
would like to share with you. Dear xxx, never in my life, the process
of writing was so exciting and overwhelming. And most of the times my
letters were written on a paper...And now I am faced with not such an
easy task of writing an interesting letter to an interesting man I
will try hard and really hope that reading my letter will not bore you
and will only bring positive and good emotions. Dear xxx, in my last
letter I have sent you few of my photos and I am sincerely glad that
you found me attractive and decided to carry on with our encounter.
You have seen my photos and now I think that it would be interesting
for you to know my inner world. It is impossible to do in one go,
within one or two letters, and we will have continuous and exciting
process of getting to know each other. In fact, I really hope that out
encounter will be interesting and exciting for the both of us. I am a
little nervous, because there is a difficult task ahead of me - deeply
and passionately discose my inner look, to express the feelings that I
have and thoughts that are in my mind and imagination. I have so many
to tell you that I do not even know what to start with. Every persons
life starts with the birth and childhood and perhaps it would be
correct if I start with exactly it. I was born on the 9th of September
1986 in the family of the happiest people in the whole world. My
parents were very much in love, their hears were beating only because
of the love to one another and they anticipated the appearance of
their fruit of love. Thats why I accented on "family of the happiest
people in the whole world". I was the only child in the family and
grew in the atmosphere of love, respect, happiness and joy. The
brightest memories of my life are from my childhood. Dear xxx, my
parents loved me, but never spoiled. Form the very childhood I was
brought up in labourship and diligence. My father always told me that
diligence and education are the two keys to success and wealth. I
agree with my father in most of the things and I think that every
person is a blacksmith of his own happiness. We are capable of having
whatever we wish for, you just have to work hard, have a lot of
determination and patience, always carry only positive and good
emotions and smile a lot. As I told you before, my parents surrounded
me with the love and care they gave me good family values and showed
me to the right direction on my life path. The education was always an
easy part for me and I graduated with excellence. I have "Primary
school Teacher and Russian language" qualification/degree. Dear xxx,
I sincerely thankful to God for everything I have in my life and for
that his good angels protect me from all the evil and bad in this
world. Dear xxx, the meaning of happiness is very relative, but I
know what I am missing, to become the happiest woman in the world. In
my prayers I ask only one thing... I ask the skys for love, for the
possibility to love and be loved, for the possibility to create strong
and happy family. I know that somewhere in this world, there is a man
with a kind and sincere heart, that is waiting to meet me. I know that
we will surely find eachother, because love is an almighty power in
the universe and nothing can stop people, that have in their heart
this wonderful feeling! Dear xxx, I am afraid to inconvenience you of
border you with reading so big letters, that is why I will cut down to
the above said and wish you happiness and success in your life. I
sincerely hope that our acquaintance have a chance for a happy
continuation. Yes, I do not tell you about my hobbies, favorite music,
movies and other but I promise that I will continue the story about me
in my next letters...
With all the warmth of my heart,