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Sehr heißes Thema (Mehr als 25 Antworten) Maksim <> (Gelesen: 10923 mal)
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I Love Anti-Scam

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Maksim <>
11. Februar 2018 um 10:50
hello !
Di 24.01.2017, 11:25Sie
Hey. My name is Max.
We met with you on the site.
I would really like to continue our dialogue and acquaintance.
I send you my photos.
I look forward to a response.
Mi 25.01.2017, 14:33Sie
Hello my new friend.
I'm so glad you came into my place and wrote his email address. This seemed to me you're just a nice and understanding person. As I speak to you on the site, which is very dangerous to be gay in Russia. In recent years, the cases that the police created a false profile on the site and tried to organize a meeting that would catch gay. They began to fight it. Every day I feel worse and worse to be in Russia. In Russia, for the fact that you're gay can be put in jail. There have been repeated happened when hooligans beat their gay orientation. I believe that this is unfair. Nobody should blame my life. I believe that every human being the right man for himself to decide whom he will love and with whom he will be able to make love .. And in general Russia is very poor country. I'm so sad that I was destined to be born in Russia. I'm all alone. In Russia, it is impossible to build a relationship with a man. I have no one to talk about my sexual needs. I am very hidden man. I have very few people open their souls and talk about their lives. But you seemed a very nice person. I think I can trust you. I hope you understand me. I very much hope that our relationship will remain between us. Unfortunately, I was very tired. I had a work shift. I think that we can start our acquaintance. I'll send you a couple of his photos.
I will write you tomorrow. Maksim.
Good day my dear friend )
Do 26.01.2017, 12:52Sie
Good day my dear friend. I'm so glad you told me. Thank you. I think I found a devoted friend. I'm so happy with these thoughts. True! You have no idea how much. I'm so lonely. But I hope that we can continue to maintain and develop our communication more and talk on any topic.
Now I have carefully read your letter. Oh .. I'm happy to read it. I was so pleased to learn about your country. It is quite different from ours. Perhaps in your country is much easier to find a soul mate. This is true?
Ralf Now I would like to talk a little bit about yourself. You probably already know that I live in the city of Ivanovo. In this town I live since birth. At the moment, I'm 22 years. I was born on May 15, 1994.
The city in which I live is not far from the Russian capital. The capital of Russia is Moscow. I often go to Moscow for the hookah to confirm classification. I work two jobs.
My first job vacancy is a hookah. It is the main. I work in a cafe. I am doing my very best hookahs in our city. Our cafe is very popular in Ivanovo. But recently I began to think about their health. I enjoy smoking hookah. It's also my job and at the same time hobby. But so often they smoke, I think that is very harmful. In the near future I think to quit this job.
And my second job is a dentist. I graduated from college. I got a specialty dentist. Unfortunately, in our city it is very difficult to find high-paying job in this specialty.
After all, my mother since childhood made me learn perfectly. As a child, every day after school I would come home and sit down for lessons. In addition to lessons, I read a lot. I was trying to develop themselves. I did not even have time to take a walk with friends. Friends I was very little. And now I have none at all. I'm so sad about this. All friends have matured. All began its life, its problems.
Mom always told me that life is very difficult and definitely need to get a higher education and work in the specialty. As a child, I did not understand. But I grew up and began to realize it.
I guess I've always been gay. I have since childhood went wrong communication and the relationship with the girls. With them, I kept swearing, quarreling. I could not find a common language. And with 14 years I began to stare at the men. Now I am attracted only to the male body.
My mom knows that I'm gay, and nothing on the subject says. She accepts me for who I am. I appreciate this trait in people who do not condemn me for my strangeness and love as we are.
As a child I dreamed of becoming a surgeon. I wanted to save people's lives. Indeed, in our world there are very few good and competent doctors. Medicine is at a very low level. But with age I have changed the thought. And I wanted to be a dentist. This desire I had eight years. In eight years, I have had problems with their teeth. I often cried at night from the unbearable pain. And it is in this age I wanted to become a dentist. I decided to treat all of their teeth. Now I have a great white teeth. Perhaps you've noticed them on the photo. I do not much regret my choice. I like my profession a dentist. The most important thing is that I always have money to live on. I make my living by himself. Recently, life in Russia has become very difficult. At work cut. Salaries trim. The terrible state. The government thinks only of himself. I am so disgusted by our state. Life in Russia is very complicated. Perhaps you do not even understand.
Ralf Dear friend, please tell us about yourself and life in your country. I'm so interested to know you better. Maybe you even that interesting? Please ask. Do not be shy.
Today I finish my letter. Tomorrow I'll write more about everything. Goodnight! Sincerely Maksim.
You really do have a difficult life. You're focused, smart and diligent people.
Fr 27.01.2017, 12:28Sie
Hi. I'm so glad that our relationship flourishes more and more. I am very happy that we share our thoughts about life in different countries and talk about each other. It's so interesting to communicate with men from different countries. The last time I really read a lot online about Europe and America. Every day I will make sure that life in Europe and America better. Your government thinks not only about himself. But also gives the opportunity to live in prosperity to the people.
I'm so glad to read in your letter today about you. Thank you very much that you share your thoughts and tell us about yourself. I'm so pleased. You really do have a difficult life. You're focused, smart and diligent people.
I promise you in my last letter that I will talk in detail about his life. I already feel like I can trust you. I hope you will not disappoint me. I want you to know everything about me! To the last detail. And for me not important your age. Age is just a number in the passport. I believe that love is for all ages.
Honestly before I was born my mother lived in a village near Ivanovo. The village is called Krutov. My grandparents lived there. I'll send you some pictures from this village.
All my childhood mother was in Krutovo. But when she turned 20, she enrolled at the military University in Ivanovo. She studied the specialty of military nurses. During her studies she met my father. My father at that time lived in Ivanovo. He was a very promising person. He had his own business. He was a very wealthy man and in what does not deny. He had a lot of girls. He was so cute. I'll send you his photo. But after some time they started to live together. In all my life I have a lot to learn about my mom.
In those years was a very difficult time. After mom finished high school. She immediately got a job in a military unit. There she worked as a nurse. And after some time she got pregnant. My parents were a very happy couple. My mom told me that many girls envied her.
In their life everything was perfect. My parents eagerly awaited my birth. The long-awaited moment. 15 may 1994, I was born. I will also send you a photo from the hospital. However, this picture is very old. But I think you will appreciate it.
After my birth, as an evil in their lives began fighting all the time. My dad started a lot of walking. He ceased to care and respect the mother. He cheated on her at a time when she sat at home and nursed with me. She did all the household chores and cared for the house. She was a great wife. On the first adultery, the mother turned a blind eye. She believed that the father corrected. But I don't understand how she's suffered. When she forgave repeated betrayal. I believe that if a man is cheating, the first thing he changes himself, he changes his choice. At the mom's place at the first infidelity I left him. I can't forgive betrayal.
In their life nothing changes. Dad continued to walk. And in the end mom could not resist and walked away from him. My mother didn't have a dime. She didn't know where to go. She stayed with me all alone. She had no housing. We had nowhere to live. And for a while we had to live at work. We had no other place to go. A couple of months we lived in the unit. I was very young. I was about two years. But one day we turned the fortune. In 1996, the state institutions were given an apartment. The mother was given an apartment. She constantly worked for it. She raised me all alone. As a kid I, spent much time at her work. But over the years, life began to improve. My mom paid a good salary.
Over time, I grew to 7 years. In 7 years I went to the first class. I'll send you a photo.
In his class on knowledge, I was the best student. Especially I liked to study foreign languages. I loved English and German. And now I'm own them. I have finished school with red diploma and Golden medal.
After I entered high school. There I was the best pupil. I was an honor student. I graduated also with honors. I got the specialty dentist. As I have to say that now in Russia a dentist is very difficult to find a paying job. As a child I did not understand why you need to study well. But with age, I realized that in life it is necessary to acquire higher education. It helps to live in prosperity.
Unfortunately in Russia the standard of living has changed. As I write to you early, now that the salary cut. The works reduce. Horror. I can't imagine that life can continue.
As a child I loved to skate. I liked to swim in the pool. But with age, the interests change. Now I try to spare time to visit the gym. I try to keep in shape. I really like Cycling and Hiking.
I love to listen to classical music. I love Beethoven's compositions and Monarda. I really like the club relaxing music. In this letter I also send you my favorite songs. I hope that you will appreciate.
I really like the novel, <War and peace>, Roman <marvel>. I have always loved to read books. I believe that people should always support their development, both moral and physical.
Dear friend Ralf. Already in this short period of communication, I feel that I can open up and tell everything about my life. I know in my heart that you are a very kind, sensitive and easygoing person. I believe you never let me down, and will not betray. I so in detail tell to you about me. I'd really like to meet you and get to know each other better. I hope you understand me. Because when I see your photos, my soul just sings. Oh.. now I have so many emotions that I finally found a person I can open up to and trust. I think you and I can talk on any topic. But for today I will finish my letter. And I look forward to your next message.
I'll send you kisses. Your friend, Maksimka.
« Zuletzt geändert: 11. Oktober 2020 um 09:11 von Webmaster »  
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Themenstarter Themenstarter
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I Love Anti-Scam

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Re: Maksim <>
Antwort #1 - 11. Februar 2018 um 11:00
How are you today? How was your day? What were you doing?
Sa 28.01.2017, 15:31Sie
Greetings to my little friend Ralf. How are you today? How was your day? What were you doing?
At work today I have so much to think about you. True! I even had small wishes. In your head I climbed with thoughts of you. To be honest at the time I even thought about our meeting. I even imagined how we will be able to organize it. I thought as I arrive to you. As we would be able to spend time together. We could be great together. But now I guess it's just a dream. It's just a thought. I think that it is too early to talk about it. But still I believe that one day our dream will come true and we will be able to organize our meeting. No matter you will arrive to me or I to you. But in any case, we should get to know better. 
Now I again with pleasure read your letter. I was so pleased to learn about you. Thank you so much to tell about yourself and your life. I have carefully read your every word, every letter. And I am very glad that you trust me too. 
And I loved your pictures. You're so cute and funny. And I loved the songs you send me. I saved them to his computer. And every night before bed I listen to them and think about you.
In Internet so many false profiles and deceivers. However, I am very afraid to get burned again. I want to tell you that I spoke with some men from other countries. A couple of years I dream to find a soul mate and find happiness. Unfortunately all the men were not serious. I was so unpleasant their attitude towards me. To me a lot feelings. Me a cheat. I'm so hurt. Because everyone I have opened all my heart. I trusted, I believed in them. Many men have wanted from me only sex and naked pictures. But when I don't send naked pics they ceased to write to me. I was so hurt. Because I really want to find a man who will love me with all your heart. A man who will need me not just sex and naked pictures. Of course I understand that sex is also part of a relationship. But I believe that sex should not be the main. Sex should be an integral part of a relationship. 
I am very trustful and sincere person. I'm naive. Perhaps this is the most bad feature of my character. I blame myself for that. I had a relationship with a man from Australia. We have with him was love. I loved him very much and he me. But I guess he just lied. He played with my feelings. We talked to him for several months. I every minute think only of him. Every day I dreamed of our meeting. We were doing great. I thought we were the happiest. My mother knew about our relationship. And was very happy for us. I couldn't live without him. We were talking on the phone. I was obsessed with it. We had a biggest dream to meet. He promised that will arrive to me to Russia. And after that we'd like to visit Australia. We wanted to travel together. But in the end he just disappeared. He disappeared. One day I stopped to see emails and calls. I cried. I couldn't get past it. I was so hurt. I was very worried for him. After all, I could not a single day without his messages. He betray me. A few weeks later I received a letter. In this letter it was written that he found himself another man. When I find out I was in complete shock. I was so hurt. I was hysterical for a few days. I was not able to do anything. I didn't eat, I didn't drink. I only thought about it. For me it's like a stab to the heart. I don't know if you understand me or not. I can promise you that I never will deceive and will not betray. I will always be honest with you. I promise! I understand how it hurts to be fraudulent. Please tell me, do you ever betray or cheat? 
Dear Ralf. I feel that you're not. I believe you I will never betray. I believe that you will always be honest and sincere with me. You have a very good heart. 
I have never lied to our loved ones, our friends, who are dear to me. My childhood, my mother taught never to lie. Even when I fool the teachers at school, at home mother flogged me with a belt. I am very grateful for such an education. I will forever remember her phrase. <Better a bitter truth than a sweet lie> I hope such things do you look the same. I really want to know about your communication with men. Please tell me. I'm so curious. For me is very important. I really want to know more about you. Today in our cafe had a lot of guests. I had a lot of work. I'm so very tired. But honestly I'm starting to notice that when I think of you, time begins to pass faster. I become so happy. I'm starting to smile more often. I think I started falling in love with you. I can feel it. But the truth is I am very afraid of getting burned. This fear never leaves me. 
Oh.. I opened up to you. But my heart feels that he can trust you. In this letter I will send you some photos with my colleagues. 
Waiting for your next letter. Maksi. 
R. B.
Dearest Friend Maxi,
e as soon as possible to hear from you dearest friend.
I am so glad about your letter. I can not tell you how desperately I've been waiting all day for it! And you're just great! You think exactly like me. So I have the same strong feelings and thoughts for you. My esteem, you are really very intelligent and mature for your age. You deserve my highest respect and respect for your open, sympathetic and honest way. Yes, believe me my dearest, I am exactly like you, think and act just like that. I've been thinking about you all day, when we meet and where. Here in Germany, or perhaps in Moscow. I dont know. But I'd like to close you in my arms tomorrow. I also saved your photos and songs. Yes, I also look at them before I sleep, and listen to your beautiful songs. I like your photos and of course your great songs! I believe I have finally found a soul-revering. You are really speaking out of my soul. The only bedenkan which I have is actually our old age secession. It is 20 years. But since you are like you, I think that does not really matter. Neither for me nor for you. That makes me hope. I can assure you, I will not lie, cheat or even burn you. Such a great man as you, you do not often meet in life. Yes, you are really lovable, and I also think I fall in love with you. But I too am afraid. Because I had relationships too with men. Unfortunately, they have me and lied to me. I think you really are not so. And I assure you one hundred percent, I am not so. That is why I appreciate you much more. Since I really miss you, I ask you sincerely. Is it possible to exchange our telephone numbers? I would like to hear your voice and feel you.
With great trust I am sending you here my telephone number: I hope you do not pass. But every day, every hour, every minute, even every second, hearing nothing from you is unbearable for me. Please forgive me, if it would not fit for you, to give me also your telephone number. I hope as soon as possible to hear from you dearest friend. Oh, I hope it´s not to early to say all that open things. I am sorry, but I just can say  only  the truth! heartfully, Ralf
PS: I'll send you two more songs of my favorite german singer Helene Fischer. She is born in Krasniask, Siberia and she is very successful and well known in europe!

« Zuletzt geändert: 11. Oktober 2020 um 09:13 von Webmaster »  

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Themenstarter Themenstarter
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I Love Anti-Scam

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Re: Maksim <>
Antwort #2 - 11. Februar 2018 um 11:06

Hello dear. Can I call you my dear? My dear? My sun? My angel?
So 29.01.2017, 13:00Sie
Hello dear. Can I call you my dear? My dear? My sun? My angel? I want so much already, that would be our communication was not just an ordinary correspondence on the internet, and the transition in the relationship. I'm so happy that I met you on a dating site. Probably the last time that day was the happiest and the light in my life. I'm so glad that fate brought us together. And I begin to constantly think only of you. I do not understand what's going on with me. I stopped to get nervous. I became sober. I became much more polite. I'm starting to look at some things quite differently. I'm starting to feel happier. Even spending time at work, I look forward to the time when I come in the mail and then read your letter and see your photos.
In this letter, I really liked the song. I also save them to your computer. For me it is a matter of honor to listen to them every night and think of you.
But unfortunately I have not so long ago was stolen on the mobile phone are bad people. How do I feel sad by this. But unfortunately very expensive to buy a new luxury for me. But I'll try to call you from your room in the coming days.
We have a lot in common. I feel that you're not like everyone else. I feel that it is you, my man, as I am yours. Finally we shawls each other. Just recently, I could not even imagine that I meet with you. I'm so pleased that you need from me, not just sex. I'm so happy that you want to have a relationship. I'm so glad that you did not ask me naked photos. I appreciate that in you. I feel that you need from me, not just sex. Every day, we get to know each other better and learn more about each other. And I believe that one day, fate will make us a great gift and will help to meet. And perhaps it will offer us the gift of a lifetime, and we will be together until the end of his days. I think it cost us in this endeavor.
My dear Ralf please tell me, what did you do today? How was your day? Do you have mood today?
Today I had a day off. I spent the whole day at home. I rewrote many household chores. I did the cleaning. Today I decided to make himself an unusual dish that I have not prepared. I cooked chicken and vegetable salad. This is one dish of my favorite. So I decided to take a picture just for you. I'll send it to you in this letter. I hope you like it and you appreciate my cooking skills.
Frankly, I have many favorite dishes. I really like the potato wedges with different garnishes. For example a chicken or a beef cutlets. My very most favorite dish is the risotto at the stake. It Tatar dish. It came from the ancient times to the Republic of Tatarstan, which is in Russia. It was on fire this dish turns so wonderful. You eat it someday?
From salads I really like crab and Caesar. But I give my preference to Caesar. He's so delicious. I like to cook it in an unusual way. In this salad, I usually add a few different options for meat. Oh .. to be honest I had a great cook. I would be very happy to cook for you one day and feed with a spoon. After all, if fate will bring us to life and turn so that we will live together, I'll be a great couple. I'll cook for you every day. By the way, please tell me, what are your favorite dishes?
I began to prepare to ten years. As a child I read a lot of books about cooking different recipes. As you know, we have with my mother was a very hard life. My mother was constantly at work. She always spent time there. And since childhood I learned to cook well. Now I'm a great chef.
In fact I am very smart, attractive and hard-working young man. Every day, every minute I try to keep them happy. But I really really miss the second half. Today at work I have a lot to think about it. I could be your perfect husband. I also read on the Internet about the work in your country. I have a college degree. I calmly speak two languages. I might have to move to your country and apply for dental work. I think that there will be no problem once you move in. We could be the happiest in the world and not be afraid of the laws on homosexuality. True it is too early to talk about it. I think time will tell. Now I'll take a shower and go to bed to rest. Tomorrow I need to go to a dental center to work. For tomorrow, a lot of customers. I will need to treat their teeth. I will write you a letter tomorrow. I'm sending you kisses on the neck. Also, I have to make a special photo for you and post it in this letter.
Your dear friend Maksim. 
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Themenstarter Themenstarter
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I Love Anti-Scam

Beiträge: 24
Mitglied seit: 26. August 2017
Geschlecht: männlich
Re: Maksim <>
Antwort #3 - 11. Februar 2018 um 11:09
My angel
Di 31.01.2017, 08:06Sie
My angel. I can not get through. I have no work. please pick up the phone
Di 31.01.2017, 08:47Sie
please pick up the phone. I really want to hear your voice
Today was one of the most difficult days for the last time.
Mo 30.01.2017, 12:25Sie
Good evening my sweet. I recently returned home from work. Today, I am so very tired. I do not even force, have supper and go to the shower. But your letter gave me much pleasure. I'm so glad to read it. I want to cook for you. Oh .. and I really want to call you. I think I can do this in the coming days. I do not know when, but it will be a surprise for you.
At work today, there were so many customers. I have treated many people teeth. I carried out different types of work. This I did the removal of nerves, pulling out teeth, someone I was putting seals and arsenic. Today was one of the most difficult days for the last time.
Today at work I had one patient young girl. I put her seal. It was such a decent-looking and pleasant in communication. Today, she made me a compliment about my appearance. She said that I was very pretty. It made me smile. I was so pleased to hear it. For a long time I did not make no compliments. But the lips of a girl I did not so it was pleasant to hear them. You know that I was not attracted to the female body, and I was not attracted to girls. The truth is I do not have enough compliments. I really do not have enough affection. Every day I dream at night to kiss a loved one and to sleep with him in an embrace. In the morning, I'd love to wake up and bring breakfast in bed to his beloved. Unfortunately I do not have such an opportunity. And the last time before going to bed, I think only of you. I would be so happy every day to take care of you. Now I want so much that you were there. I really want to hold you and kiss. I so want to please you and make love to you. With each passing day more and more I open up to you. Perhaps you noticed it. In every letter I got more and more talking about myself. I want you to know everything about me.
Also today, on the way home, I walked and thought of you. But I was very embarrassing to write about my thoughts right now. To be honest, I thought about the erotic fantasies with you. I imagined in my head as we're lying and making love.
I so want to live in the future and you are constantly spending time together. I wish every day make love to you. I want every day to cook for you. I want to caress you every day.
Please tell me about their preferences in sex. How do you like to deal with it?
Sexually, I'm probably universal. How do you know that I do not have much sexual experience. But I dream to engage in passionate sex. I read a lot on the Internet about the Kama Sutra. I attracted a lot of different poses. But in this letter I send you some photos of poses, which I would really like to work out sex. In these positions, I would like to be active and passive.
The truth is I do not like to talk much about it. I have very often there are erotic fantasies. I'm so happy to hear about your preferences. Today I finish my letter. Your cute toddler Maksi. 
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Themenstarter Themenstarter
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I Love Anti-Scam

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Geschlecht: männlich
Re: Maksim <>
Antwort #4 - 11. Februar 2018 um 11:10
I love you:*
Di 31.01.2017, 13:39Sie
Hello my favorite. Once again, I very happy to see your letter. I read it very carefully. Oh .. I was so happy to hear your voice today. I was all on the emotions. It was my lucky day. Tomorrow I hope to call you in the evening.
Yes, I understand that sexual preference is too personal. I understand!
I think that in the near future we will be able to meet and talk about this in person.
Your every letter I read with a smile on his face. Even in a terrible mood, your letter overwhelms me the sea of ??positive emotions. Each letter gives me energy. And I have an incentive to go to his purpose. I understand that every day I'm more and more become attached to you. And I have the most cherished dream of one day to meet you face to face. I realize that I no longer needed. I understand that I have found my man, my happiness. You are my ideal! I notice for themselves, that I became much happier and kinder. My eyes shine with happiness. Every morning I wake up thinking about you and I go to work. Every morning thinking about you give me strength. Even at work I look forward to the end of the working day and the time when I come home and I'll write you a letter. I'm so happy. I have never had so much emotion. They overwhelmed me the most. I really want to meet you. But as I told you, I never travel. And I think that the trip to you will be very costly. I do not know whether my savings will be enough, that would be to arrange a meeting.
Dear Ralf. Today, I was working in a cafe. At work, I randomly got into a ridiculous position. I did one of the hookah customers. He ordered a hookah milk with taste of mint and strawberry. When I did, I thought about you. I imagined how it would be great to come home tired, where you are waiting for me after work and meet on the doorstep with a kiss. Oh .. I dreamed of this. And by accident thinking thoughts, I'm confused. I accidentally made a hookah tasteful black currant and cherry. I even forgot to pour the milk. Oh .. I was so ashamed in front of the client. Thoughts of you just conquered me. And our customers do not like the hookah. He was very angry and unhappy with me. He wrote a statement in the book of complaints. I think that tomorrow my boss makes me a reprimand. I'm so scared. I am very afraid. But I do not how much regret it. This moment was so happy.
Today after work with colleagues, we stayed for a short while to sit and mentally talk a cup of tea and a wonderful hookah. I send you a photo with them. We sat and talked about life. One of my colleagues has a wife and two children, his name is Marat. In the photo he left. He is sincere and understanding person. With him, even I can share some secrets. But I'm not in any way I will not tell even him about our relationship. Second colleague named Ivan. He is cheerful, funny and emotional person. He never sad. He can always support both morally and physically. As I told you, I have no friends. They just work colleagues. I is enough to communicate with them. I was so happy today spiritual conversation. Yet I believe that the most frank and sincere conversation is only possible with your loved one. And I believe that my dream will come true one day, and we will sit together and talk over a cup of coffee or a glass of the souls of red wine.
Also at today's mail I received a letter from a former mayor of the university group. Tomorrow we will be alumni meeting. I recently did not see them. I really missed him. It is very interesting to talk with everyone and learn how their fate.
Now I miss you. I really want to hug and be in your arms. I'll look forward to your next letter. Your Max.
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Themenstarter Themenstarter
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I Love Anti-Scam

Beiträge: 24
Mitglied seit: 26. August 2017
Geschlecht: männlich
Re: Maksim <>
Antwort #5 - 11. Februar 2018 um 11:12
Hello my sweet!
Mi 01.02.2017, 13:04Sie
Hello my sweet. Now I'm so excited. I was once again very pleased to read your letter. Your letter to bring me a lot of joy and emotion. I loved your picture. Beard suits you! Every day I look forward to from you new messages and read them with pleasure.
But unfortunately today I have not been able to call you. I am so sad. I do not have a mobile phone. I can only call a worker. And I finish work earlier. I can not call you at 11 pm my time. I do not know what to do. Please tell me when I can call you at 19:00 Moscow time? You got it probably 17:00. And on the phone we can discuss anything you want.
You became the most dear to me man. When I see your picture, my heart begins to beat faster. I've used every day to read your posts. I can not do a day without your letters. I am so much attached to you. Maybe it's love. I already feel that I love you. I want to write you this now. I do not know how you react to it, but I really want you to know. I have never been such a great sense of love. Even if we communicate only through the Internet. And it is not such a long time. But with you I fell head over heels. I understand that it happens rarely. But I am a special person, and I'm capable of it. I save all your photos on your computer. Every day I kiss the screen and imagine that I kiss you. Every day before going to sleep I hold the pillow and represent that embrace you. Every morning I wake up thinking about you. After all, when I'm sad, I present on willow, your way with me, you hug and caress me, I immediately feel better. I'm 24 hours a day thinking about you. I am a very affectionate person and I would like to hug and kiss her man every day. I think it's important to show him how much you love him.
As I told you in my last letter, there was a meeting of graduates today. Now I'm a little drunk. I drank three glasses of red wine. I'm so drunk with this. After all, I very rarely drink. I'm drawn to you every second. I can not live without you. Eh .. would you now side by side, I have great regards attacked you, caress every centimeter of your body and passionate fuck. I'm sure you'll love.
After work, I went to our meeting with the graduates. I missed them. It was interesting to talk with everyone and learn how their fate. Unfortunately today did not come all. Many of my classmates are already married. Many have found a decent job and live with their families. Some have even little kids. I was so glad to see them. But to be honest we did not find them a lot of common topics of conversation. They have so much to talk about their happy life. Unfortunately I'm so lonely. I have no family, no children, no good friends. I have only you. I do not have enough love. I sat and talked with them for about two hours. I could not stop thinking about you. You lit a big fire in my heart, which can not be extinguished.
Dear Ralf. My boss gave me a reprimand today. He swore at me for a long time. For me it was a first. I apologized a long time in front of him. But in conversation, he noticed that I changed a lot. I became much happier, nicer and kinder. My eyes shine. He asked me why I was so happy. But I did not say anything and just walked away, thinking about you. I'm so sad that I can not tell anyone about you and how much I love you. Fucking Russian! I really want to go one from Russia.
I'm so tired today. I'm so drunk. I have not had such a condition. I so want to cry, that you're not around. Now I'd give the whole world that you were there. I want you to kiss and very tight hug. I really want to make you an erotic massage, and then make love to you. I want you! True! Very, very much. I believe that in the near future we will be able to arrange our meeting. I love you my darling. I never for a moment I can not stop thinking about you. I always imagine willows on how we could spend time together in your country. We could walk in the park by the handle and do not be afraid of anything. Everyone will look at us and envy our love. We can become a great couple. I want to go with you to the movies. I really want to please you every day and give romantic gifts for you. I really want to take a shower together and cook for you every day. Oh ... I want this. I want that more than anything in life. I already can not live without you. I so want to see you. In this letter I send a bit of erotic photos. I never show someone they are not. But you can trust me and I will send them to you. I love you my angel Ralf.
I look forward to the next letter. Your favorite Maksim.

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I Love Anti-Scam

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Re: Maksim <>
Antwort #6 - 11. Februar 2018 um 11:14
Hello my love.
Di 28.02.2017, 11:50Sie
Hello my love.
You know all my feelings for you. I only want to be with you. I trust you. And we can still be together. You're the most precious thing I have. I love you with all my heart. And I don't need anyone but you...But now I shed tears. I'm very upset. I don't know how to write you about everything. I'm afraid you'll turn away from me...
My angel Ralf, late last night I come to town. I just went to the visa center and I got a call from the hospital. Talked to me the chief doctor of the Central hospital. He said that my mom was put in the hospital. I was so scared on the phone. I asked what happened to mom.
Immediately I immediately go to the hospital. At the entrance to the hospital I was greeted by the head doctor. I asked him to tell me what happened. He said that my mom was coming up the stairs home. An Elevator in the building didn't work. Mom's heart can not withstand this load. And my mother had a heart attack. She lost consciousness and she had a fever. Neighbours heard mother fall down the stairs. They come out and call an ambulance. And my mom delivered him in hospital with a fractured hip bone and with a serious stage of hypertension. I cry when I heard this. I was very scared. My face was dripping cold sweat....I didn't know what to say. I asked him to take me to my mom. 10 minutes later I was at the office where my mom is. Oh...It's very scary. My hands were shaking. I went to see Mama. I have tears flowed. I couldn't stop them. It is very painful. She has a serious fracture. I looked mom in the eye and asked how I was doing. Mom slightly smiled. She was glad to see me. She couldn't speak because she was sick. Oh...I kissed mom. The doctor said that she urgently needs treatment. He said that my mom is one of the most complex fractures and have to do emergency surgery. As well as monthly treatment of hypertension and special medicines. Of course, I asked him to do everything for mom to start treatment as soon as possible. But the doctor said that the surgery and medicines are not free. Medicines which required my mom made to order and also need treatment of the highest level. Need to do the surgery within weeks. The doctor said that without surgery, the mother will not be able to live. Oh...I couldn't stop the tears. I lost the gift of speech. I was just shocked. I asked how much it will cost. And the doctor said that the operation is + necessary medicines will be worth 85,000 rubles. (about 1387 euros) My tears flowed. I could not hold back their emotions. I said I can not find such a large sum of money. It's very, very much. I screamed. The doctor asked me to calm down. And said that I appealed to the insurance company. Since my mom's life was insured, they must pay some amount. And to pay for the money you need as soon as possible. My mom is on the verge of life and death... I cried alot. And after an hour I came to the insurance company. I showed him an extract from hospital in the amount of 85,000 rubles. The Manager greatly apologized to me and said of course I will pay all of the money. His company can pay the money after 30 days. I said it was a very long time! You need surgery within a week. He said he could not help earlier. And according to the legislation of the Russian private company has a minimum of three weeks on payment of damages. I was angry...I hate these people! I couldn't listen and walked hurts so much now....I was afraid to write you this letter. I hope with all my heart that you will not turn away from me in this difficult moment. You know all my feelings. I love you more than life, my Prince Ralf. But I don't know what to do now. I saw my mother's savings. And she only had 40 thousand rubles. Oh.. This is not enough! I tried to take all my friends... I also contacted the "Quick loans". But the credit I do not give. Since I have no job. I'm confused. heart hurts. Hands down. I remember mom played with me in childhood. She always understood me...I remember her smile. As a child, she always kissed me good night. Oh....I can't stop my tears. I will not survive my mother's death. I'll blame myself until the end of days! Oh...she's really in pain now. Of course, this could happen to anyone. I don't want to believe that my mother might die...I have to save mom...
My love Ralf, my mother needs an urgent surgery and further treatment. I am very ashamed. I am ready to sink into the ground. But I want to ask for help to you. I'd like to ask you to take me 45,000 rubles, which is about 734 euro. I'm asking you to lend me the money, literally, for 20 days. I will pay the money to the hospital. And my mom will do the required operation and will also hold treatment. It is very important to me and my mom. Without this operation, my mother'll die in a week. I don't want to think about it. I beg you to help my mom now...I promise you, I will be able to give you the money. I will pay the insurance company 85000 rubles, and I will be able to send all your money back. Oh...I'm not comfortable in front of you. But I just don't who to turn to anymore. You're my last hope.
I also call the Manager Helen. I have moved my flight on March 10. And on March 10 I will come to you. I won't touch the money from your Bank account. March 8 I should get a visa. I have to do help the day before the meeting at the visa application centre.
You know how much I love you. You know, all my feelings for you. I trust you more than myself. Please understand is hard for me now ...I wipe my tears. I want my mom all was well. And I want you and it was all good too. And I'll be yours forever... I will hug you tight and never let go. I will tell you in your ear, "thank you, my angel Ralf...thank you very much"....And kiss you. My mom will also be very grateful to you. I'd be happy to introduce you to her someday. She really wants us to be happy. Now all my thoughts about saving mom. She gave birth to me. She gave me life. Now I have to give my mother.
I'm asking you to support me in this difficult moment. I'm begging you. Please pass 734 euro. I will be grateful to you for the rest of my days. I promise you that I will never betray and will not deceive you. I will always be faithful to you...And I hope you'll be loyal to me. I love you. I love you....I love you. I really hope you do, my dear Ralf. I'll wait for your letter. I wipe my tears.
I kiss you a billion times. Only your weeping Maksim.
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I Love Anti-Scam

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Re: Maksim <>
Antwort #7 - 11. Februar 2018 um 11:15
Hello, my love.
Mi 01.03.2017, 11:52Sie
Hello, my love.
I was up all night in the hospital with my mother. Oh ... I can not sleep. I am very tired. I am so painful to look at my mother. My tears flowed so much. I am very sad. I have just read your letter. Oh .. but your letter does not bring me pleasure. I am very disappointed. I do not know what to do. I could not even normal to talk to you by phone. At the hospital, very ill-catching communication. I'm crying now. And I write this letter to you. Tears dripping on the keyboard. I really do not know what to do.
How do you know if during the 4 days not to have surgery my mother, it could die. It is in a very serious condition. Oh .. I was shaking. I can not look at her. I remember how she played with me as a child. I can not endure it smerit. My heart will not stand. But I have only you. I have no one but you. I love only you. And I believe that you can help me. Of course, I understand that you do not have such large savings. But I ask you borrow from someone. Please try to get a bank loan. I beg, do not turn away from me and my mom .. True! Please try to find the sum of 734 euros. I beg you. I promise that my mother will recover, and after 28 days you will be able to transfer all your savings back. March 10 I will come to you. I'll give you all your savings to the last penny, which lie in the bank.
After all the money in the bank are reserved for the visa. And they can be removed only in Germany. Oh .. I was shocked by the news. I do not know what to do. I dont know. What do i do. I'm crying. I ask you to help me last time in his life. I promise that I will never turn away from you not. I promise that I will love only you.
I love you more than life. Do you love me too. I am glad that our feelings are mutual. But I really do not know how to be me now. You're my only hope. And I believe in you with all my heart. After all, when my mother know that you help her with all of this, I think she will cry with happiness. She is a very good opinion of you and believe in our love.
I love you with all my heart. I love you forever! I am very worried about my mother. I wipe away the tears. You are the love of my life. I'll be there with you in sorrow and in joy.
I really miss you. I kiss you and hug.
Your Maksim.
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Themenstarter Themenstarter
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I Love Anti-Scam

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Re: Maksim <>
Antwort #8 - 11. Februar 2018 um 11:15
My dear !
So 05.03.2017, 13:26Sie
Hello my dear. I really miss you. I love you madly. I love you more than life. Oh .. I think so much about you. How I miss your warmth is now, your concerns.
Oh .. I have very bad news. I do not even know how to write to you. Last night Mom went into a coma. She is unconscious. She needed an urgent operation. It can not survive if you do not make it to her in the next few days. Unfortunately in this hospital is not necessary for the operation of medicines and drugs. They must be ordered from Moscow. They will also go some day. I'm crying. I walk all day in hysterics. I do not find a place for himself. I can not eat or sleep. Just the thought of you give me strength. I do not know what to do. My whole face blubbered. I look at my mother and I understand that her life is in my hands. I can not do anything. I was trying to find the money for the operation. I served in all who can. I helped my mother's friend than all failed. Today I even go to the hospital to donate blood. I have another 40 euros. I understand that this is very bad for your health, but I see no other way out. I have to save my mother. I now have a weakness, I'm exhausted, I'm exhausted. I therefore have no strength, and I have to donate blood. I do everything for the sake of the mother's life .. I beg you please do not turn your back on me. Please support me last time in his life. I understand that you also do not have such large savings. But I beg you, please take a loan against the property, please ask in advance boss. Please take my sister's friends. I can not survive the death of my mother. Please my love find this amount. I believe in you with all my heart. I promise that I will give you the money March 10. I arrive to you and we will be together. We will be happy the rest of our days. I'll give you 2100 euros completely. For you I do not mind anything. For you I am ready even to give his life.
I ask you tomorrow to find this amount and to send money. I hope that you will be able to look for these savings since the morning. I look forward to your support. I need 310 euro and my mother will live. I hope that you will do everything possible and help save the life of the mother.
My dear Ralf please forgive me that I can not write so much about their feelings of love. I'm exhausted. I'm exhausted. You know about all the feelings of love for you that I feel. They are sincere. And I know that everything will be fine. I arrive to you on March 10 and we ourselves happy in the world. We can deliver to each other a lot of pleasure and joy of my dear Ralf We will engage in passionate sex.
My dear Ralf, I want to tell you that I will be the happiest person. And every minute of being able next to each other, my love, and to give each other lots of love and joy my dear Ralf.
I love and kiss you very affectionately, my dear.
Always your Maksim.
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I Love Anti-Scam

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Re: Maksim <>
Antwort #9 - 11. Februar 2018 um 11:17
Oh ... I am writing this letter to you with tears in my eyes.
Di 07.03.2017, 06:35Sie
Oh ... I am writing this letter to you with tears in my eyes. I have a lot of tears now. I do not know how to tell you about it ... My love. As you know, my mom was bored to do an urgent operation. Unfortunately, today's medications were not all that are necessary for the operation. I did not have enough 310 euros to order, all that was needed for the operation. Today we had an operation. The operation lasted two hours. I was so excited.
Oh ... My mother passed away today. I find it so difficult to write. All my eyes are in tears. I can not believe it. I was in the hospital during the operation. I sit by the office and wait. Two hours later three doctors came out of the operating room. They asked me to sit on a chair. I did not understand what was happening. I asked what had happened. The doctors were sad. They insistently asked me to sit down. I was very worried. My heart was beating very fast. They said that my mother died during the operation. She was made mandatory narcosis. They said that there was a risk of death. Her heart stopped. She could not cope with the operation. I can not believe it. My head was dizzy. I fainted. I was raised by doctors. I was given water to drink. I was shocked. I was just shaking. I was speechless. Doctors bring condolences. They say that they did everything they could. I went to my mom. She was cold and pale. I could not stop my tears. I took her hand. The hand was cold. Cold as ice. I fell to my knees. I could not realize that I would never hear her voice again. That she will never smile at me again. God took her, my love Ralf. I held her hand and put it to my heart. I could not believe it. My heart was bursting with pain. I remember only good things with her. And she also wished happiness to our relationship. I was told that she would stay in the morgue for three days and she needed to be buried. Oh ... I did not know what to do. I kissed my mother's hand. The doctors took me out of the office. And they gave all the necessary documents. They offered their condolences to me. They said that maybe this was due to not getting medication. But in my soul there was sadness and longing. I really could not find 310 euros anywhere. And how am I hurt that because of some kind of fucking 310 euro mother died. Please forgive me for such an expression. I really am at a loss.
I was told that I need to go to the funeral agency tomorrow. And after the hospital, I went home. I lie at home and my tears do not stop flowing. I have a lot of tears, my love Ralf. I'm writing this letter to you and I'm dripping my tears on the keyboard. I have to drink a sedative. Oh ... my angel Ralf, I will need to bury my mother. This is a serious matter.
My love is Ralf, I'm wiping my tears. I'm going to the funeral agency tomorrow. I will learn everything. It's hard on my heart. You're the closest person to me. I understand that I love you with all my heart. And this is love forever. I will be with you in sorrow and in joy. Please contact me! It's very hard for me. I need your support! We will go through these difficulties together. And our love will be the strongest in the world. I need to solve the funeral issue. It hurts so much ... .I lost my mother .... She gave me life. She raised me. My love is Ralf, I have to bury her dignified ... I hope you understand me. And you know all my feelings for you. I love you. I love you. And I will say these words again and again, no matter what happens. Oh ... I can not write anymore. I finish this letter with tears in my eyes. I will write to you tomorrow. And we will manage. And we will be happy. I believe in it. I will also go to the local church tomorrow morning. I need to talk to the priest. He must attend the funeral.
I try to be strong. Kiss you. I'll be waiting for your letter. Always yours, sobbing Maksim.
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Themenstarter Themenstarter
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Re: Maksim <>
Antwort #10 - 11. Februar 2018 um 11:18
Hello my love!
Mo 13.03.2017, 11:42Sie
Hello my love.
Oh .. my dear, please forgive me for not being able to write you early. I had a lot of problems. I buried my mother. She is no longer alive. I do not know how to take it. I'm crying. I have tears. I'm hysterical.
I love you more than life. I want to be your forever. And that you were just mine forever. My Prince Ralf, you are the most precious thing that I have. You are the person closest to me. I will be with you in sorrow and in joy.
I met today with a notary.
I talked to him about the whole situation with my mother. He offered his condolences to me very much. And he said that my mother's property needs to be re-registered to me. And it can be done without problems for 10 days. And he asked for the will left by his mother. I would be a bit perplexed. I said that my mother did not leave a will. Her death came unexpectedly. The notary said that this is very bad! That it is necessary to apply for registration of all documents through the court. It will also take about 10 days. But this is a paid procedure. I got very upset. I asked if it could be done differently. I said that my mom's death was unpredictable. My tears began to flow. But the notary said that if there is no will, in any case, the re-registration of all property will be paid. I asked how much it costs to re-arrange the property for me? Mihail calculated and said that the total cost would be about 38 477 rubles, it's about 612 euro ... I was very surprised. I can not even think that I will have to pay money for this. I wiped away the tears. I did not know what to do. Mom View translation all the property into money until death. Mom does not say anything to me about that. I was counted that I will have a bank account on me, on which there will be 5.540.000 rubles, this is approximately 88100 euro. This money I can get after the registration of the property. Oh ... I asked the Notary to borrow money for reissuance. I told him that I would give him the money right after I received the property. But the notary said that he is not allowed to do this by professional ethics. He will not borrow me money. Oh ... my tears were streaming. My love, I was at a loss. All around need money! It's horrible! Why is life so complicated? My love is Ralf, I do not know what to do now. I am very sad. You know how much I love you. And the notary gave me 5 days to find money. And you need to start re-registration. I do not have any money now. And I have nowhere to get money.
My sweet Ralf, I do not need anyone except you. We will be together and be happy ... I know this. I believe you. And we are waiting for a long and happy life. But now I have a problem ... It's not my fault that it happened. I did not know that it would be like this. I ask you to understand me. It hurts me to ask for help from you. My heart is breaking. But if you do not pay the money in the near future. Then it will be very difficult to re-arrange the property. I feel ashamed in front of you. But I want to ask you to borrow money for me now. I very much ask you to help me now for the last time. Please borrow me 612 euros. And I can return all the money to you in 10 days. After I receive a bank account, I can use the money on it. I'll send you back how much you need. I will also take all the money with me. We will be able to spend them on our life with you in Germany. My love Ralf, you know how much I love you. And lately there have been so many problems in my life. I want to apologize to you if I'm giving you any inconvenience. But I love you. And I believe you that you love me. I understand that I want to be with you. I want to spend the rest of my life with you. And to lead her happily. I hope for your support. I love you with all my heart!
Million Kisses. I will wait for your letter with impatience. Your forever, Loving Maksim.
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Themenstarter Themenstarter
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I Love Anti-Scam

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Re: Maksim <>
Antwort #11 - 11. Februar 2018 um 11:19
My love is !
Do 30.03.2017, 14:48Sie
My love is. Please read me that I could not write to you earlier. I had a lot of problems. I hope that you understand me. How tired I am of everything. This Russia exhausts me. I'm so sad without you. I miss you. I want to come to you as soon as possible and be with you.
My dear, how could I have enjoyed hearing your voice. This made me very happy .. I have more good news. I was engaged in re-registration of property that belongs to my mother. It has two apartments, a garage and a garden. Now I will sell this property. This deals with realtor. He estimated all the property at 2940000 rubles. This is approximately 49.000 euros. Oh .. unfortunately all this property will be sold for about four months. And now I do not have anything in Russia. I could not be without you. I had enough. I want to see you. But now I do not have a penny to organize a trip to you. I ask you to borrow 300 euro for a quick ticket. I will come to you in the coming days. We have a lot to talk about. I can easily come to you without any problems. And I plan to return to Russia only in a couple of months. We will fly together. We will take this money and fly back to Germany together. We will buy a big and beautiful house. We will live in love and joy.
I'm happy to have found you among a million people. I want to come to you as soon as possible and be in your arms. I need your support.
It's very rare to find such a good person who truly loves you. I love you very much my Ralf. You are all for me! There is no more beautiful person than you. Although we are not acquainted, I feel that I know you all my life. My love is Ralf, I hope that you also have feelings for me. Feelings of love - that's fine. I promise that I will always be only with you. I promise that I will never deceive you, We will be happy. And we will be together until the end of our days.
I have only you left. I have no one but you. I hope that you will make the transfer of money to 300 euros in the coming days and I will come to you. I need to come to you as quickly as possible. When I arrive to you, I will give you all the savings that I have on my bank account.
Spring warms our hearts. With its sunlight it shines the way to our love. Spring is the time of the year when not only nature blossoms, but the heart is ready for love. My heart is ready to be with you my dear Ralf. I hope that you also have spring in your heart. And we'll be together. We will be there, and everyone will envy such love as we do.
My dear Ralf, I love you, and I'm happy to have found you.
Your loving and cheerful Maksim.
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Themenstarter Themenstarter
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I Love Anti-Scam

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Re: Maksim <>
Antwort #12 - 11. Februar 2018 um 11:23
My sweet. Hey. Oh ..
Do 02.02.2017, 12:33Sie
My sweet. Hey. Oh .. I miss you so much. I feel bad without you. I constantly think only of you. You are my ray of sunshine. You are my angel! I am yours! We have a lot in common. I am so pleased to read your letter. I was so happy to talk to you today by phone. Oh ... it's made me the happiest in the world. I really want to meet you. I already can not live without you. I want to see you.
And I will try soon to know all the information about the trip for you. How do you say that I have never traveled.
It is so nice that somewhere far away there is a person whom I roads, who understands and supports me. Fate has given us the opportunity to find each other, my dear Ralf. These are not empty words. It is not an accident. Fate wanted us to be together forever, that we may live a great life, so that we have everything well. We can. We can do this. After all, in such a short period of time I communicate with you very much in love and love more than life itself. You have become the closest person to me. I trust you with all my heart. I have so much to tell you about my life. And I believe you've never betray and deceive. You've become a part of me, part of my life. you get me closer and closer with each letter. I love you my dear Ralf.
Today at work, I thought of my graduation from the university. And I would like to tell you about it. Oh .. I remember that day. It was one of the happiest and emotional days of my life. It was then that I realized that I had become quite an adult, I opened the road to life. I realized that I need to be serious. Then I could not even imagine how hard life.
At the graduation, everyone had so much emotion. Everyone was so happy. You just imagine, after half a life of study, we realized that we have achieved this and completed higher education.
Teacher greeted us and escorted into adulthood. I was so joyful. Emotions overwhelmed me the most.
We celebrated graduation, in one of the clubs in Ivanovo. We had a holiday with several of our university groups. There were a lot of people. We drank alcohol, walking, fun, happy time. After graduation only once in a lifetime. And it must be noted on all hundred.
After a couple of hours we were drunk. I noticed that my classmate, whose affection has always been to me started to stick. She began to caress my hands, touch of the priest, started kissing my neck. Her name is Alina. Of course, I was pleased such a weasel. I'm even a little excited by this. But I was not attracted to girls. I'm gay.
By the end of the holiday we had another. All were so drunk. I've never been drunk to the point. I do not even remember a few fragments. I'm so ashamed of it.
We started to go home, but I had nowhere to go to sleep. I lived on the other side of town. And this Alina invited me to go to him. She lived alone near the place where the festival was held, and I agreed.
We came to it, then immediately undressed and went to bed. But Alina was much drunker than me. At her home she once again began to harass me. She started kissing me and all excited to such a degree that took off my pants. I was so excited. Alina start gently suck my dick. Oh .. I was so pleased, I quickly finished it in his mouth. She swallowed it with pleasure, and we went into the shower. I did not expect this turn of events. After a shower, we started to have sex. I finished again. Then we immediately fell asleep. It was that night I had my first and only sexual experience. I do not like sex with a girl. I really want to have sex with you.
Please tell me when was your first sexual experience? I'm so curious to know about it.
Also in this letter I send you some pictures of my graduation. I also send you a single photo with Alina. True photo quality is not very. But I think you will appreciate.
I look forward to a response from you. Your baby Maksim

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Themenstarter Themenstarter
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I Love Anti-Scam

Beiträge: 24
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Re: Maksim <>
Antwort #13 - 11. Februar 2018 um 11:26
Hello dear. How are you today? Uh, my dear, I miss you so much. I already can not live without you. I think of you 24 hours a day.
Fr 03.02.2017, 05:15Sie
Hello dear. How are you today? Uh, my dear, I miss you so much. I already can not live without you. I think of you 24 hours a day.
Talking with you, I am full of happiness. Your current email me so pleased. And it makes me happy more and more each day. I was so pleased with your photos. And happy to read your previous letter. It is also to bring me a lot of joy. And of course I will try to go to a travel agency in the coming days. I will learn all about the trip for you. I think that all the documents without any problems draws up a travel agency.
Unfortunately I do not know what the price of a mobile phone. I long ago was not in a digital store. But I think that the price of about 200-250 euros.
Lately, I often see dreams where only the two of us. I am so much in love with you. I'm head over heels in love with you. I can not a day without your message. I need to see your photos every day.
Your letter makes me so happy. Every day, I'm so happy to read your beautiful words. I never thought before that I was again able to develop a sense of e-mail. I promised myself one day no longer carry any electronic novels. I was so afraid of getting burned again and again. But when I met you, my heart began to beat faster, looking at your wonderful face. It is such a beautiful, sweet, incredibly attractive eyes, and realizing that you are a good man. Eyes speak volumes. From the very first day of acquaintance, I realized that I can open up and trust you.
By Ralf My dear, I must tell you that today I woke up this morning thinking about you. I have a mirror next to my bed, and I looked at him, sitting on my bed, and I saw you lying there ... on my pillow. For a moment I shuddered with happiness. I smiled and realized how you touched my heart. You'll be in my heart until the end of my days. I promise. I promise that I will never betray or deceive you. I understand that I found my meaning of life. I have very strong feelings for you, that will never turn off. I'm sure I'll fall in deep love with you always. I love you for the fact that we someday will travel together, and love even more the road that lies ahead. I just want to go away with you, and have a new life. Just the two of us. You and me!
Oh .. my dear today I had two jobs. In the afternoon I went to the cafe. As I write to you earlier that I was planning to retire from the job hookah. I went to my boss and wrote a letter of resignation on their own. But under the laws I have to work for another two weeks and then I can go. I do not know whether or not this moment to rejoice. But my place is already a new employee. I'm really worried about his health. And I understand that health is the most important thing in life.
Now I will only work as a dentist in the dental center. This private hospital. Unfortunately it is visited by very few customers.
Today, I was there. Today we had a couple of clients. I think of you. I want to be around you. I want to lie down together in an embrace, and watch your favorite TV shows. I do not have enough of these moments. Most of all I miss is your affection. You stole me your heart, its attractive appearance and good character. I see we have sweet dreams about at night and fantasize about you all day.
I want every day to walk through the park along the handles, talk on the souls and warm each other in the cool moments. In the arms sit on the bench, rest and kiss and just enjoy each other. I want a happy life with my beloved man. I do not demand anything of the supernatural destiny. I just want to love and be loved. That's all I want in life. It's my biggest dream. Only with you I am ready to fall deeply in love all over again. I'll tell you. I do not regret much. In you I am more than confident. I opened my soul to you and know that you do not spit into it.
You are in my heart. I can not describe in a letter to all my feelings .. I want to marry you. Oh .. emotions overwhelmed me the most. I so want to write to you more and more. But today I have to finish my letter. I'll call you today about the same time. I love you my sweet Ralf.
Your angel Maksim. 

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Themenstarter Themenstarter
Scam Warners

I Love Anti-Scam

Beiträge: 24
Mitglied seit: 26. August 2017
Geschlecht: männlich
Re: Maksim <>
Antwort #14 - 11. Februar 2018 um 11:27
Hello cutie !
Sa 04.02.2017, 12:03Sie
Hello cutie. I love you. I constantly think only of you. You're so sweet, funny and determined person. You are my angel. Sometimes I can not concentrate at work, because I think of you and know that you are my love. You've become the meaning of my life. You lit a fire in my heart, that can never be extinguished. You say such kind words. Such correct. And I'm happy ... I can not describe my feelings in words. I loved you with all my heart. I love you more than life. I am ready to do everything for the sake of our love. I trust you completely. And I know you're a good man. You've become the meaning of my life. I trust you and I know that you will never betray me. I constantly think only of you. When I walk down the street and see a handsome guy in it I see you! When I close my eyes, I will introduce you. I'm crazy about you. Every day before going to bed, I think of you. I look forward to the day when we will meet, hugging and kisses! It will be very soon. I am glad that you value our relationship as much as I do. This once again proves that I'm the road as you are to me. For such a short period of dialogue you become the closest person to me. You are the man I love.
I have carefully read your letter. It's so funny. Your words penetrate my soul. I was once again so happy to hear your voice on the phone. I really like to talk to you. I am ready to talk to you on the night flight. But unfortunately I do not have such an opportunity. I can only call you from your phone. As we speak to you today on the phone. I look on the internet supported phones. They are about 150 euro cents. But unfortunately it is also very expensive for me. I can not afford such an expensive luxury.
I go to a travel agency on Monday. I will learn all the necessary information about travel to you. Monday will be known to all! Oh .. I'm looking on the internet prices for the journey. It's so expensive. But I am glad that you will be able to support me. I am so pleased. Thank you so much!
But I long ago did not speak German. it will be difficult for me. But I speak English without any problems. I'm so happy! I eat only a passport of the Russian Federation.
My full name: Maxim
Surname: Orlov
I was born on 05.15.1994.
Today I had a day off. I'm so very tired the last few days of work. Just the thought of you give me strength. I can not stop thinking about you day and night. And all day I spent at home. I just come to work for what you would call. I watch TV and relax.
The TV was an interesting movie. I do not know what it is called. But it was such a happy family, who lived in a large and beautiful house. The couple had several children. I looked and mentally happy for them. After all, the whole meaning of life is family and children. And I would really like to adopt a baby one day and live threesome with you. I love children. Please tell me what you think about this?
My angel Ralf. I constantly think about us and our relationship. You are the brightest thing in my life. And I'll tell you all my senses again and again. I am ready to once marry you. I am ready to repeat and to shout about my love for the whole planet. I can not stop smiling. My heart is beating so fast. And I'm like a little kid. I feel butterflies in my stomach. I can not live without you. Our love has no boundaries. I will always be with you. You can always rely on me. I can not express all my emotions in letters. I am so glad that our relations are developing more and more every day. Communicating with you my soul just sings. All colleagues at work noticed that I changed a lot. I began to look better. I want to change and every day to be better for you. I love you so much. I promise to always be faithful to you. I promise that I'll never deceive and betray. Today, I finally realized that you are my destiny. I do not need anyone but you. I promise you forever in my heart. Just the thought of you excites me. I had an aversion to sex. And with you I am ready to deal with it as they want. All day and all night long.
I saved all your photos to your computer. Every day in front of the whole of their sleep and think of you. How wonderful it would be to kiss you on the lips before going to bed and hug tightly. I print your picture and put it into his wallet. You are my talisman. When I saw you the first time here, I said to myself: "I want this man in my life forever." I look forward to a response from you. Maksim.
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