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Heisses Thema (Mehr als 10 Antworten) Elizaveta <> (Gelesen: 4398 mal)
Themenstarter Themenstarter
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Elizaveta <>
21. Januar 2017 um 08:55
Tut mir leid fur die Englishe Sprache, Bin aber hollander, deshalb werde ich in Englisher Sprache schreiben

This email traffic went on for approximately ten days. Answering me every day in the morning as she told me she was working during the day and had no internet at home. As she started her profile on FS24 with a Austrian nationality and some other things that were suspicious I knew from the beginning she was lying about some things. It was just not right like it isn't all the time on dating sites. The same day she erased her picture too from FS24. So I started to search her picture on the Internet with Google Image Search as from day 1. Thanks to you guys from I found her pictures. So I  played along until the moment she asked for money for coming over to Holland. this was after ten days.The last day she came very fast to her point as I asked her to come over. Of course she asked for this as she wanted our relation to be steady.My letters were very lovely too. So I asked her to send me an ID of her to send over money. First she would;t, Then when I told her to borrow money from her friends to come over here she could not she said. Even when I said she would get that money right back at the moment she would be here in Holland. She couldn't she said. So she sent over her ID.
This is when it stopped. I wrote her back with my story of everything from the beginning. That I have been playing with her from the beginning and sent a copy of her Id back with my notes on it. Thanks to I found a variation of her Id in the category of Id's of Russia. same number, other picture of course.

After this she sent her last message ..." GO TO THE DEVIL!!!"

No more contact since.....   They dont give up easily and are very persuasive, But as I went fast too last day, she had no time to send me a proper paper.  She made the biggest mistakes as she had no time. Everyone has a smartphone, internet whatever nowadays.... so guys, it is very easy to catch her with her lies by asking something right at the moment you are writing with her. But I just liked it too much playing along .....  Of course has a big part in this....

Off Topic KommentarMore pictures in the gallery: Smiley
« Zuletzt geändert: 23. Januar 2017 um 10:06 von Uli » 
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Themenstarter Themenstarter
Scam Warners

I Love Anti-Scam

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Mitglied seit: 18. Januar 2017
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Re: Elizaveta <>
Antwort #1 - 20. Januar 2017 um 20:25
Sie hat viele Namen. Nataliya Shorbera, Nataliya Privunina, Elena Shekipola, Maria Llave, Elizaveta Agibalova. Yulya....

« Zuletzt geändert: 23. Januar 2017 um 09:57 von Uli »  

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Re: Elizaveta <>
Antwort #2 - 21. Januar 2017 um 00:34
@ Erhan


Wir brauchen Mails + Quelltext.
« Zuletzt geändert: 21. Januar 2017 um 21:46 von Stiray »  
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Themenstarter Themenstarter
Scam Warners

I Love Anti-Scam

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Mitglied seit: 18. Januar 2017
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Re: Elizaveta <>
Antwort #3 - 21. Januar 2017 um 08:31
Hello honey, how are you there?!

I'm fine and in perfect mood because see that you wrote  me and you and your letters makes my day. Zwinkernd

You know, past couple days I thought a lot about us, our  relation.

you know... each you new letter I'm waiting with great  impatience and I noticed that more and more often I'm  thinking of you and about our correspondence... 

FOR love. Certainly I am ready on much.

Now I want inform to you about one interesting news.

Yesterday I called up to my mom. 

I talked with my mom about us  because she is my best  friend and I'm open with her and I told her that I have a  tender feelings for you and with each your new letter it is  more and more interesting for me to know you... Really... 

She told me only one thing - that I'm adult woman and  just need to hear my heart... 

Of course she told me be very careful but I know that you  are right man and I can trust you. 

I know that we can continue write mails to each other for  a long time but I think that anyway even thousand letters  can't replace meeting each other. 

I see that things goes fine between us and I think that  meeting would be right next step. 

What do you think about it? 

Nevertheless I'm not sure if you are ready for such  serious step but I think that only spending some time  together can show if we are compatible to each other, a  meeting - a serious step for development of the further  relations, do you agree with me?

As it is a pity, we have huge distance between us.

I want to ask your opinion. I am completely serious. We  already adult people. 

I do not want to have infinite dialogue through the Internet.  I hope, you understand me and agree with me?

Today my boss told me to be ready to take a usual  vacation soon, - she'll inform me about exact dates little  later. 

So, I will have a lot of free time soon and did not you think  that it is a chance for us? 

Do you have any ideas about it? 

Maybe it will be possible for you to come here? 

Just do not know, pls tell me your thoughts.

Anyway I now will be wait your answer.

With hugs and kisses.


Quelltext fehlt
« Zuletzt geändert: 21. Januar 2017 um 21:46 von Stiray »  

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Themenstarter Themenstarter
Scam Warners

I Love Anti-Scam

Beiträge: 9
Mitglied seit: 18. Januar 2017
Geschlecht: männlich
Re: Elizaveta <>
Antwort #4 - 21. Januar 2017 um 08:32
Hi ......., it's Elizaveta, glad to see your letter and seems that

you are interested in being friends with me, that's great Smiley after

wrote you my previous short letter, I thought what I'll write you in

this one, what's will be interesting for you but right now, but when I

started this letter I met a problem - I forgot everything what I was

going to write you! Zwinkernd Sometimes such things happens with me in my

life, so maybe you will find this letter little crumpled but it goes

from my mind and so it's little spontaneous Smiley In few words about me -

I am currently 35 years;)

Im simple russian girl, have a juridical degree and

past year started work as lawyer's assistant in small firm in Kazan.

In future dreaming to become a famous lawyer of course but nobody

knows what can happen in future and when it happen Zwinkernd Anyway, I have a

goal and do my best for make it true. But originally I'm from

Almetyevsk city - small city not far from Kazan. So, I live in

apartment which I rent - I'm enough adult for living alone Zwinkernd  If you are

interested I can send you pics with him Zwinkernd May be you are asking

yourself what I'm doing here - just want to say one thing - most men

here are only concerned with how many women they can get to come to

their bed... sure that you know this situation and hope you are

different Zwinkernd just tired that men here see only my cute face and nice

body and care of it, nothing else. Not easy to find a serious guy! I'm

not little girl already and of course except carrier I have a goal to

create a family and have a children but can't say that I'm looking

exactly for love - how I can say it? Smiley A lot of my friends who are

not married yet looking for marriage partner and I think that if woman

constantly talking about marriage, man will get bored very soon, am I

right? But one important thing - I'm serious with my intentions and

don't have a time and desire to play any games here. Ok, this letter seems

to be enough big and please write me what are your goals in life, your

interests, hobbies, likes and dislikes etc. - will be waiting for your

answer and new pics soon!

your new friend Elizaveta;) 

Quelltext fehlt

Bild mit Kind füge ich später wieder ein, es muß erst verpixelt werden.
« Zuletzt geändert: 22. Januar 2017 um 10:33 von Stiray »  

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Forum Administrator

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Re: Elizaveta <>
Antwort #5 - 21. Januar 2017 um 11:51
@ Erhan

Die Quelltext ( Kopfzeilen ) fehlen noch immer.

Die Board regeln kann man auch in einer anderen Sprache lesen.

The Quelltext (head lines) are still absent.

One can read the Board rules also into another language.
« Zuletzt geändert: 21. Januar 2017 um 22:04 von Stiray »  
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Themenstarter Themenstarter
Scam Warners

I Love Anti-Scam

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Mitglied seit: 18. Januar 2017
Geschlecht: männlich
Re: Elizaveta <>
Antwort #6 - 21. Januar 2017 um 21:18
Habe schon die Quelltext gemacht. Elizaveta Agibalova from Almetyevsk- Tartaristan.

Wo ist der Ausweis geblieben den ich geupload hatte?

Elizaveta ist bekannt in mehrere Antrage hier auf

Sehe auch :

-Nataliya Pirvunina, Nataliya Shorbera
-Elena Shekipola
-Elena Polkanenya
-und viele andere
« Zuletzt geändert: 21. Januar 2017 um 21:50 von Stiray » 
Grund: Zusammenfassen von mehreren Postings vom Mitglied 

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Forum Administrator

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Re: Elizaveta <>
Antwort #7 - 21. Januar 2017 um 21:35
Erhan schrieb on 21. Januar 2017 um 21:18:
Habe schon die Quelltext gemacht. Elizaveta Agibalova.

Das ist kein Quelltext, siehe in die Spoiler. Darin sind die Quelltext verpackt.

Erhan schrieb on 21. Januar 2017 um 21:18:
Wo ist der Ausweis geblieben den ich geupload hatte?

Dokument gesichert

Er ist in einen nichtöffentlichen Bereich verschoben. Unser Experte bewertet und 
versieht ihn mit einem Wasserzeichen. Später wird er wieder eingefügt.
« Zuletzt geändert: 21. Januar 2017 um 21:51 von Stiray »  
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Re: Elizaveta <>
Antwort #9 - 23. Januar 2017 um 10:05
Erhan schrieb on 21. Januar 2017 um 08:55:

                        Tut mir leid fur die Englishe Sprache, Bin aber hollander, deshalb werde ich in Englisher Sprache schreiben

No problem. But my more accurate assessment I've written per PM is in german language. I hope, you could understand it.

To fake passport 17 05 588700 of Elizabeta Aleksandrovna Agibalova:

Passport number and stamp number are not from the same russian region. None of them is from Tatarstan, where we can find Almetyevsk!

Passport number doesn't match to date of issue!

Zum gefälschten Pass 17 05 588700 von Elizabeta Aleksandrovna Agibalova:

Pass- und Stempelnummer kommen nicht aus der gleichen Region Russlands. Keine von ihnen kommt aus Tatrstan, wo wir Almetyevsk finden.

Passnummer passt nicht zum Asstellungsdatum

Wir haben den Pass bereits von / we still have the passport from:
Ekaterina <>
Ekaterina <> <> <> <>
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Themenstarter Themenstarter
Scam Warners

I Love Anti-Scam

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Mitglied seit: 18. Januar 2017
Geschlecht: männlich
Re: Elizaveta <>
Antwort #10 - 23. Januar 2017 um 13:59
Thanks for the information.

I can still see her on the Dating Site LEXA and FS24 as she made new profiles.(it must be they, not she)
They use a new picture. They are very active in Austria as she has 4 new profiles there at the moment. Graz, Wien,Linz und Aspern. She is 36 and uses the pictures you have already here in this Theme. Here is only 1 new picture of her which goes with two of her new profiles. Her new profiles on Lexa (FS24) have the following names: Bfelcdesazlya, lkasawelkopasa, Lkapodryalmnba and Japolkuytsavablka.

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Themenstarter Themenstarter
Scam Warners

I Love Anti-Scam

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Mitglied seit: 18. Januar 2017
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Re: Elizaveta <>
Antwort #11 - 26. Januar 2017 um 01:21
Und noch ein Neues Bild. Vom datingsites Fs24 (lexa) mit der Nahme NEWTAGE
aus Zurich 35 jahre alt.
« Zuletzt geändert: 26. Januar 2017 um 01:23 von Erhan »  

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Themenstarter Themenstarter
Scam Warners

I Love Anti-Scam

Beiträge: 9
Mitglied seit: 18. Januar 2017
Geschlecht: männlich
Re: Elizaveta <>
Antwort #12 - 26. Januar 2017 um 18:56
She is still active on Lexa(FS24) Hereby her latest picture with her newest account as: SALUALE from Linz (Austria).
She still goes on making new accounts in Austria and Switserland. Take a look at NEWTAGE, NEW, OPACHE, lkasawelkopasa,Japolkuytsavablka,Bfelcdesazlya,Lkapodryalmnba,Pinkpepper

You will find her when you make a selection on 35/36 years in Austria and Switzerland and germany. She goes for men between the 40 en 54 and shows only 1 picture.
Of course she has more accounts, but she is using other women;s pictures in Germany.

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Themenstarter Themenstarter
Scam Warners

I Love Anti-Scam

Beiträge: 9
Mitglied seit: 18. Januar 2017
Geschlecht: männlich
Re: Elizaveta <>
Antwort #13 - 26. Januar 2017 um 20:19
As you can see from the latest pictures she is hiding herself more and more on the pictures she is using now. I expect her to use other women's picture in the near future. See her last picture. It's like she is hiding...
She should as long as we show more of their pictures here on
So I would advice everybody here to upload as much pictures of there scammers as you have. This is the only way to expose them.
I have been warning the datingssite Lexa  every time I see an account of her. Lexa is going along with me as they see the same things I see. So you should do this too. Report everything you can to those datingssites as well!
It helps. You can see more pictures of her on facebook: Almetyevsk Almetyevsk.
« Zuletzt geändert: 26. Januar 2017 um 20:21 von Erhan »  
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