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Martina <>
04. November 2015 um 23:30

   - 24 y/o woman
   - from Seattle, US, USA
   - English, English, English
   - seeking a man from 19 to 29 y/o

Name      martina
Sex      woman
Children      0
Want children      Maybe
Date of birth      1991 March 01
Height      5'4" - 5'7" (161-170cm)
Body type      Average
Ethnicity      African American
Religion      Christian
Marital status      Single
Education      High School graduate
Occupation      Accounting/Finance
Income      $70,000/year and more
Smoker      No
Drinker      No

I look for a      man
Looking for an age range      19-29
Looking for a height      I prefer not to say
Looking for a body type      I prefer not to say
Relationship      Friendship, Relationship

Hello, My name is Martina i saw your profile to day and became interested in you, i will also like to know you more, and if you can send an email to my email address FOR MORE EXPLANATION please contact me in my private email please contact me true my email box.

Ideal match description:
Hi i just pick interest on you this is my email that is all contact me now ok.

My name is Martina i saw your profile to day and became interested in you, i will also like to know you more, and if you can send an email to my email address, i will give you my pictures here is my email address ( ) I believe we can move from here so that we can know each other better email me OK!
From: marbabe       Date: 2015-11-04
« Zuletzt geändert: 22. Dezember 2015 um 11:38 von Uli »  

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Re: Martina <>
Antwort #1 - 18. November 2015 um 00:35
My dear friend,
How is life today? I believe all is well with you, I am more than happy to read your mail today, i thank you very much, I am writing to you with heart full of tears and sorrow. I believe after going through this my mail it will be your decision whether to help me or to leave me to my faith, but whatever you decide bear in mind that i am in trouble and i need your help urgently,
My dear like i told you in my first mail, My name is Miss Martina Khadija,am 24years, from Cote d'Ivoire, I lost my both parents in our country's political crisis during the president Gbagbo administration, recently i am residing at the UNHCR Orphanage in Rosso Senegal, as a result of the political crisis. After my parents death,my uncles said That everything that my father has belongs to them, that as a girl,i don't have right to my fathers properties.
They moved in our house and started living with me, then one day they found out that i have the deposit certificate of his money in the bank,so they wanted to collect it from me,they threatened to kill me if i don't hand it over to them, So i ran away to the UNHCR ROSSO IN SENEGAL,that's where am staying now.
But now life is so difficult for me that even the day's feeding is not granted for me, the only person I have now is our Supervisor Mr Messiah Paul, he is very nice to me since I'm here, but I'm not living with him.
Dear, will give you our Supervisor's Phone Number in my next mail,I will plead with him today so when you call, tell him that you want to speak with Martina Khadija, he will send for me so that i can talk with you, I love to hear the sweet voice, I want to come out of this place and go back to my studies because I only attended my first year before our country's political crisis.
My major reason of contacting you is for you to help me transfer 3.7 million (Three Million seven Hundred Thousand.United State Dollars)into your account and from it, you can send some money for me to get my traveling documents and air ticket to come over to meet with you, for more love and happiness, i know that this might look strange but after my prayers that i did before contacting you, this was what i have in mind and i kept it secret from people in the camp here, this is one of the reasons why I contacted you after going through your profile and my spirit accepted you.
So please for all i have told you, i will like you to keep it to yourself and don't tell it to anyone for i am afraid of loosing my life and the money if people gets to know about it, with God i trust you, i really have my trust on you, i like honest, understanding,truthful and hardworking person.
Our language is French but i can speak English fluently,Please I will like to know more about you such as;
(1) Your Full Name............
(2) Nationality:.................
(3) Phone Mobile:..........
(4) Occupation ...........
(5) Age and Marital Status .............
Have a nice day, i am waiting to hear from you soonest.
Thanks and take good care of yourself,
yours sincerely Martina Khadija. 

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From: Martina Khadija <>
To: xxx
Subject: =?windows-1256?Q?MY_FULL_LI?= =?windows-1256?Q?FE_STORY_W?= =?windows-1256?Q?ITH_TRUST.?= =?windows-1256?B?/v7+/v7+?=
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From: Martina Khadija <>
Date: Tue, 17 Nov 2015 09:27:07 +0000

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Re: Martina <>
Antwort #2 - 18. November 2015 um 03:24
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Re: Martina <>
Antwort #3 - 18. November 2015 um 19:20
Mein lieber,
Wie gehen Sie heute mit Ihrer Gesundheit, die das wichtigste für mich ist, glaube ich, dass es dir gut geht.
Was mich betrifft, ich bin hier, mit allen Hoffnungen feinen, mit Ihnen unmittelbar nach dem Transfer von meinem Geld, um Ihre Position für ein besseres Leben zu erfüllen.
Gott segnen und belohnen Sie für jede Mühe, die Sie über zu machen, um mich aus diesem schrecklichen Gefängnis rief UNHCR Waisenhaus, wo ich bin, die heute leben als Folge der frühen Tod meiner Eltern finden heraus sind ( ihre sanfte Seelen in Frieden ruhen ).

Ich werde warten auf Ihren Anruf morgen um 2, bei der Kirche Büro in der UNHCR-Waisenhaus, wo ich bin am Moment leben mit dieser Nummer ( +221 765341164 ) ( 00221 765341164 ) und dem entfernt Uhr meine Zeit ist 15gmt Zeit in Ihrem Land
Ich danke Gott für das Leben von Herrn Messias Paul der Datenschutzbeauftragte des UNHCR Waisenhaus hier in SENEGAL.please, wenn Sie anrufen sagen Sie ihm, dass Sie mit Martina Khadija sprechen, so dass er für mich vom Weibchen Hostel schicken, um mit Ihnen sprechen wollen was ich hier durchmache.

Hier ist die Kontaktinformationen der Bank in Schottland, wo das Geld wurde hinterlegt von meinem verstorbenen Vater ist wie folgt,

Name; Royal Bank of Scotland E-Mail-Adresse; ( )

Name des Übertragungs Offizier ist Herr Ross McEwan.
Telefonnummer + 44-70-87-628-678

Schon habe ich diese Bank über meine Absicht, Hinterlegung meiner verstorbenen Vaters, von denen mein Name erscheint als nächsten König Anspruch informiert.
Die einzige Sache, die Bank sagte mir, ist es für einen ausländischen Partner, der mich bei der Übertragung aufgrund meiner UNHCR Waisenhaus hier in Rosso Senegal, unterstützen wird so aussehen, als es mir nicht erlaubt direkten Anspruch des Geldes, sondern durch einen bestellten Vertreter kann ich es Anspruch der Grund, warum ich mit Ihnen als mein Herz angenommen Sie.

Basierend auf diesen Informationen werde ich wie Sie, um eine E-Mail an die Übertragungs Abteilung heute die Bank mit diesen schicken
E-Mail Adresse ( )

Achtung Herr Ross Mc Ewan die Auslandsüberweisung Officer der Bank sagte ihm, dass du meine repräsentativ sind und dass Sie mir helfen meine 3,5 Millionen Dollar zu übertragen durch verstorbener Vater, von der ich das nächste König, nach dem Sie rufen Sie mich am Telefon hinterlegt möchten heute.

Die Kontodaten sind wie folgt.
Kontoname ist Dr. Jonathan KHADIJA.
DAR 3,7 Millionen Dollar.

Gott segne Sie, wie Sie das heute durch das Senden per E-Mail an die Bank zu tun.
Warten auf den, von Ihnen zu hören.

Mit freundlichen liebe Martina Khadija.

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+221 765341164

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Country or destination      Senegal
City or exchange location      
Original network provider      Tigo (Sentel)

+ 44-70-87-628-678

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Country or destination      United Kingdom


Agente de transferencia - Sir Stephan Hester
Royal Bank of Scotland
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FAMILIARES: Miss Anita walt
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Re: Martina <>
Antwort #4 - 19. November 2015 um 21:14
Hallo mein Schatz sweet heart,
wie geht es Ihnen heute Morgen, ich hoffe, Sie sind bei guter Gesundheit? wenn ja, danke, Gott zu sein.
mein Liebling, ich bin sehr glücklich, Ihre E-Mails zu lesen, und ich möchte Ihnen auch für jede Mühe die Sie machen, um mich von hier, Gott wird euch segnen sehen aus und umformulieren Sie in all.My Liebling, als für das, was Sie bitten, danken,
was ich brauche in einem Menschen ist die Liebe, Verständnis und Fürsorge,
Ein Mann, der mich lieben wird, wie ich bin, und ich bin froh, Sie zu treffen,
denn ich habe jetzt gesehen, dass Sie sich wirklich für mich,
Sie mich fragen, wie ist das Leben hier,
mein Liebling Leben hier ist nicht in Ordnung mit mir Ich bin hier leiden
sogar zu essen, ist Problem, verwenden wir, um diejenigen täglich essen und einige Zeit wird es keine Nahrung zu essen, aber ich danke Gott, dass in all i noch Leben haben,
mein Liebling, bitten Sie die Sprache werde ich gerne und werden mit Ihnen zu kommunizieren,
in meinem Land wir sprechen Französisch, aber ich lese Englisch, die ich liebe, zu sprechen und auch schreiben, aber ich benutze Google Übersetzer mit Ihnen auf Deutsch zu schreiben, so dass Sie mich verstehen,
mein Liebling haben Sie an die Bank zu schreiben?, wenn Sie versuchen, nicht schreiben Sie bitte an sie, weil ich schreiben, um sie und ihnen sagen, über Sie so alles, was Sie jetzt tun müssen, ist, um sie durch es per E-Mail zu schreiben und ihnen sagen, dass Sie mein Partner und bitten Sie sie, die Möglichkeit der Übertragung von meinem Geld in Ihrer Position und versuchen Sie es lassen Sie mich wissen, was Sie von ihnen zu hören, wie ich werde warten und nehmen sich sehr gut um sich selbst kisssssss und umarmen Ihnen immer lieben Martina

hello my darling sweet heart,
how are you this morning,i hope you are in good health?if so thanks, be to God.
my darling i am very happy to read your mail,and i also want to thank you for every effort you are making to see me out from here,God will bless you and reword you in all.My darling,as  for what you ask,
what i need in a man is love,understanding,and caring,
A man that will love me the way i am,and i am happy to meet you,
because as i have seen now that you really care about me,
you ask me how is life over here,
my darling life over here is not fine with me i am suffering here
even to eat is problem,we use to eat ones daily and some time there will be no food to eat,but i thank God that in all i still have life,
my darling,you ask of the  language i will like to and be communicating with you,
in my country we speak French,but i read English which i love to speak and also write it,but i use Google translator to write to you,so that you will understand me,
my darling have you write to the bank?if you have not please try write to them because i have write to them and tell them about you so all you have to do now is to write to them through there Email and tell them that you are my partner and also ask them for the possibility of transferring my money in your position and please try let me know what you hear from them as i will be waiting and also take very good care of your self kisssssss and hug yours love always Martina 

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Re: Martina <>
Antwort #5 - 20. November 2015 um 19:08
hello my future,
how are you,i hope you are in good health,
my darling,i am very sorry for the pics,i forget to add it to you,please don't be angry with me ok,my darling please try your best for me,i promise you that,you will not regret helping me,because as you have put joy in my heart i will also make sure you you will be happy in life what ever you want me to do for you i will do it,
i cant wait to be in your hands,thanks very much for all your effort to see me out from here,that alone has put life in me,thanks again,and please try let me know how you are going with the bank,as you promise to write to them today,and also take very good care of your self,as i will be there soon to take very good care of you,yes you ask of my favorite color,is pink and in my own understanding,it means unconditional love and future i will be waiting to know what you hear from the bank, kisssss and hug my heart,yours love always Martina 

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From: Martina Khadija <>
To: xxx
Subject: My darling,please try write to the bank as you promise
Date: Fri, 20 Nov 2015 17:39:03 +0000
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Re: Martina <>
Antwort #6 - 23. November 2015 um 13:49
Mail war doppelt, Bilder in der zweiten Mail eingebettet.

My darling sweet heart, here is what you will send to the bank
thanks for your understand and also been there for me,
about my life here,my darling it has not been easy for me here
but in all i thank god for keeping me alive
as i told you before we eat ones daily,why some time there will be noting to eat.
i have a lot to share with you,ones i am out from here and be with you over there
then i will write all i have pass through for you to read,my darling please just try your best for me ok, here is the bank Email

(Sr Ross Mc Ewan



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From: Martina Khadija <>
To: xxx
Subject: =?windows-1256?Q?THIS_IS_WH?= =?windows-1256?Q?AT_YOU_WIL?= =?windows-1256?Q?L_SEN_TO_T?= =?windows-1256?Q?HE_BANK=FE=FE=FE?= =?windows-1256?B?/v7+?=
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From: Martina Khadija <>
To: xxx
Subject: =?windows-1256?Q?THIS_IS_WH?= =?windows-1256?Q?AT_YOU_WIL?= =?windows-1256?Q?L_SEN_TO_T?= =?windows-1256?Q?HE_BANK=FE=FE=FE?= =?windows-1256?B?/v7+?=
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Re: Martina <>
Antwort #7 - 24. November 2015 um 15:48
Bild in der Mail eingebettet.

My darling sweet heart,
how are you,i hope you are in good health?because that is most important thing to me,my darling i am happy to read your mail this morning,but i don't understand it very well,because you told me that you will contact my fathers bank that i send you the information,please if you have contact then and they have reply your please try send it to me for me to read it and understand what they are saying ok
and please as for my passport you ask,i told you in my first mail that i lost every thing i have,so now i don't have any passport with me that why i think of transferring my money to your position so that you will from there send me some money for me to get my traveling document and also my Ticket money,but if you can help me to get my passport for my coming over there to be with you,i will be happy to be there before my fathers bank transfer the money to your position ok,but if you don't have the money to help me to get all my traveling document,please write to my fathers bank,and ask them of the possibility of transferring my money to your position ok so that you will have money with you there and help me out from here,i am suffering here please help me out from here,if you will help me to get a passport then tell me so that i will ask the Rev pastor that is in charge of UNHCR Orphanage here to help me check how much it will cost me to get a passport, then i will tell you ok and please try your best for me,i cant wait to meet you over there and also take very good care of your self kisssssss and hug yours love always Martina

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Subject: My darling,have you write to the bank
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Re: Martina <>
Antwort #8 - 25. November 2015 um 20:33
My darling sweet heart,
how are you today,i hope you are in good health,my darling i am happy to read your mail,and as for what you said,my darling what ever you want to send to me you can send it with my name ok then i will give it to the Rev pastor ok
but the money you are sending to me is it for my passport or for my feeding,
well i will ask the Rev pastor how much it will cost me to get a passport and if the money you send to me is up to that i will use it to get my passport ok
dear if you want to send it with the Rev Pastor name here is his name
Messiah Paul and i will be waiting to hear from you and please take very good care of your self and please send me your photo ok kissssss and hug yours love always Martina 

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Subject: My darling,i cant wait to meet with you over there
Date: Wed, 25 Nov 2015 19:15:25 +0000
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Re: Martina <>
Antwort #9 - 29. November 2015 um 17:03
My darling,please the money you want to send,what is it for,the Rev pastor said i should ask you what is the money for,
and he also give me an account that you will use to make the payment but he also said you should tell me what is the money for ok
and please my darling all i want it to come out from here ok not your money,help me out from here i am suffering please help me.
here is the account

ACCOUNT NUMBER : 03611140002
CLE RIB : 82
IBAN : SN08 SN10 0010 1000 3611 1400 0282

and he also said that you should Scan and Send to me the  payment Slip as soon as you send the money for confirmation of the payment to enable his secretary receive it here and give to me and also tell me what i will use it for ok
and also take very good care of your self kissssss and hug yours love always Martina

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Re: Martina <>
Antwort #10 - 08. Dezember 2015 um 15:39
ok my darling sweet heart i will talk to the Rev pastor to help me scan my UNHCR Orphanage ID so that i will send it to you ok please all i want is to come out from here ok and also take very good care of your self kissss and hug yours love always Martina 

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Subject: My darling,please help me out from here
Date: Mon, 30 Nov 2015 18:58:17 +0000
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Re: Martina <>
Antwort #11 - 21. Dezember 2015 um 22:18
My darling,here is my ID card,and i am very sorry for my late reply,
and please you can call the Rev pastor and thank him because he is the one that help me to go were they do scan, to scan my ID card ok,and please do all you can to help me,i will be waiting for your mail
kissssss and hug yours love always Martina

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« Zuletzt geändert: 22. Dezember 2015 um 11:39 von Uli »  

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Re: Martina <>
Antwort #12 - 22. Dezember 2015 um 11:41
Da haben wir wieder ein Beispiel für eine Doktorarbeit der Fakultät für angewandte Dummheit der Universität von Bimbolesien!

Hier aber eine ganz enttäuschte Mail zurückschreibe, dass der Flüchtlingsausweis nicht akzeptiert worden sei, da der Geldempfänger eine andere Person ist. Unser Geldwäschegesetz fordert aber die Passkopie des Geldempfängers.
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