Na wer sagt´s denn! Endlich die Geldforderung (und gierig wird sie auch noch)!
but if you want to send some more you are welcom.!!!!
Da kann ich ja jetzt nach der Passkopie fragen!
Hello dear xxxx,it is me here again, I have all the info and I am
in a hurry to share with you .I can't imagine we are together
will not have any problems with me. there is no one to worry about me
or look for me. I want to start new life from clean list. I have
nothing,all I have is me.... well, xxxxxxxx listen. I can
arrange my flight from russia to you on 12 December. I have travel to
Moscow and from Moscow to Vienna inter airport. it is
nearest possible flight . I need some days to get all documents
.xxxxxxx at first I want to ask if you are ready to meet me
and it is right data for your schedule? please confirm. Second I need
some money to arrange and pay for my know I have nothing I
even don't have my own phone now. they tell it is very easy to send
western union or money gramm transfer and I get it in hour. I do hope you will be
able to help me. I promise you never regret about it. I am sending
info for transfer -You know my rent address here is Russia, Neviansk,
Prospek Mira 22 - 31. My full name is Inna (first name) Dvinskih
(last name) and I can pick up transfer in Ekaterinburg it is about 70
km from here..I think that 550 usd will be enough I will be very
modest but if you want to send some more you are welcom.!!!! well, now
i start to wait for your news and do hope to get good ones!!!!Kiss you
,your Inna
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x5dr schrieb on 06. Dezember 2014 um 21:53:
wir beide machen hier ein Wettrennen
@ Bountyhunter Nun hab ich die Nase vorn...