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Normales Thema Hannah <> (Gelesen: 721 mal)
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Hannah <>
03. September 2014 um 17:26
Also dieser Bimbo ist echt der beknackteste Bimbo den ich bis jetzt getroffen habe. ES heißt Hannah und schickt mir Fotos von Shannon. Man diese Blödheit muss doch wirklich wehtun. Laut lachend Laut lachend Laut lachend

Thanks for the letter xxx I am Very Interested in getting to know YOU a LOT better, and in us becoming very close to each others hearts as our friendship develops day by day. I do have a lot that I want to try to tell you here in my first letter so  I want to start by telling you a little bit more about me, what I am wanting in a relationship, as well as what I am like, my views on the most important things in a relationship, as well as what I expect from a man in a relationship, and what I DO NOT want in any relationship. So PLEASE  DO read ALL of my letter VERY CAREFULLY.
First I want to say that I truly do think that You are Awesome in so many ways, I do think that we just may have a lot in common with each other in how we think a relationship should be, and that we do need to act as 1 and defend each other in everything and in every way. Now I don't like for outsiders to interfere in our business or in our lives. What we decide we decide it together as 1 not my ideas or your ideas only but with OUR ideas together as 1. So with that said right up front and in our very beginning, I'm gonna try to tell you a little bit  more about me here that I think you should know, or would like to know about me. So Please bear with me if I seem to ramble on. OK? Well to start with I want to tell you that I'm the type that,I am someone who loves being surrounded by family,friends. I am a loyal, passionate, generous, giving, affectionate, sexual, supportive, sensitive, and a good listener who is easy to get along with. I am outgoing and very spontaneous. I am someone who is comfortable with everything his husband do to her.  and I do want us to start out now as Friends, and let's just see how everything goes. I know that we can make a lot of EVERY WONDERFUL  things happen for us, if we both put our very best efforts into this friendship and have trust in each other.  I'm completely sincere and as serious as a deadly heart attack about this, so you will know right up front, I do hope that we can get to know each other very well, and that we can make our friendship grow into a lifelong marriage, in the not too distant future. You just think about what I say to you in my letter, and IF  you pay very close attention to EVERY WORD, I'm sure that you will find the answers to almost EVERY question you were thinking about asking a little later. So you just let me know where you stand on what I say to you in my letter.
Yes, I do want us to start out now as Friends, and let's just see how everything goes. Now IF we do get very close to each other are you wanting a real "LIFE-LONG" relationship? Also IF we do get very close to each other in a relationship, and IF we later fall deeply in love and IF we do get married, Do you want us to have children of our very own? Because I will be happy we have our own children  Now I'm completely sincere and as serious as a deadly heart attack about this, so you will know right up front I do hope that we can get to know each other very well and that we can make our friendship grow and develop into a lifelong marriage someday, IF our friendship develops to that level and IF everything works out for us. Like I said before, You just think about what I say to you in my letter, and you just let me know where you stand on that, .Here's a little bit about me and my life. I was born on July 21, 1986, IN LA. Am an Orphan my parent left me on earth since i was 10 years so I was raised in Portland by my uncle . am now a fashion designer and my uncle loves me a lot which he wont like to leave me for an unserious man and Well I believe in being honest and truthful right up front so that there won't be any misunderstandings  later if we do  start feeling a love for each other, so neither of us will get a broken heart. I've been hurt by my men that only need all my body and never want me in his life so i dont want to get hurt in any man again but IF  you really want a woman that can and will truly be able to love and cherish you, and will give you his love, attention, affection, and be devoted to only you when the feelings grow to a certain point and we both decide that we want to be in a real and meaningful relationship with each other that will become a happy, lifelong marriage, and a woman that won't cheat on you with any other man or throw you away if he finds someone else he want to take to bed for sex or for whatever other reason he wants him for. Then, you found a woman right here that IS NOT capable of cheating or just throwing you away for someone  else, just because he gets bored or just wants something new to play with for a  while. Like I said earlier in this letter, I don't lie to my man, because I hate to be lied to. I said this before, and I'll probably keep saying it, I'm NOT in this for ANY KIND OF STUPID  HEAD GAMES, I'm very sincere and very serious about wanting to find a GOOD man that will become my lifetime companion and husband. One that WILL be totally faithful to me in every way at all times. , and if i see you are the serious one i will leave the dating site cause i dont want to be cheated and i wont like to be cheating someone !!! EVEN GOING ONLINE ON THOSE MESSENGER ONLINE CHATS TO CHAT WITH OTHER WOMEN!!! THAT IS CHEATING There is 1 very important quality that I'm wanting in my man. first and foremost quality MUST BE THAT HE WILL BE TOTALLY AND COMPLETELY FAITHFUL TO ME IN EVERY WAY AT ALL TIMES, AND THAT HE WILL NEVER CHEAT ON ME IN ANY WAY WHATSOEVER.  . I have not found 1 man yet that has that 1 quality even the ones that say they are faithful, they still cheat every chance they get to cheat. I just hope and prey that you truly do have that 1 quality. DO YOU HAVE THAT QUALITY? It's best that you know these things right from the very beginning so you know where I stand on these things. So it's up to you to decide if you can handle everything that I've told you so far, and if you want to give this a try or not but either way Please let me know, ASAP. just so I could show you what it truly feels like to be truly loved and cherished so much beyond what you can ever even imagine could ever be possible, even in ALL of your wildest dreams and wishes combined. xxx, I know that IF  you WERE  "MY MAN", and you WERE  in my arms right now, you would  NEVER want me to take my arms from around you again, because  You would then feel true love, like God intended for it to be. PURE, ENDURING, EVERLASTING, UNCONDITIONAL, LIFELONG, UNSELFISH, UNENDING, AND UNSLACKING. , 
Now I have told you both what I DO  want, and what I DO NOT want in a relationship with YOU, you read that right, I DID  say in a relationship with YOU. So are you truly as sincere and serious about wanting to build this friendship into a relationship that will develop into a wonderfully Happy marriage someday? I will tell you right now, I TRULY AM READY DO JUST EXACTLY THAT IF OR WHEN OUR FRIENDSHIP DEVELOPS TO THAT LEVEL. So I hope that I have answered most of the questions that you may have running through your mind, and that you have a much clearer knowledge of what I'm like and what I am offering you, as well as what I expect from  my man. I WON'T ask for MORE  of  anything than I am willing to give or do. I do think that we could be a happy and a very good couple if we BOTH  put our best effort into this friendship and build a lasting relationship. I hope I have eased your mind with this letter, and that YOU are as sincere and serious about this as I AM. IF  you are then we do have  everything that it takes to make our friendship grow into something so wonderful for us that we'll both be determined to build it strong so it will last us a, Please do take notice of that I used the word "IF" a lot in my letter. That is meant exactly what it says, "IF" NOT LIKE, IS, AM, ARE, Or For Certain Presently, or NOW. It means "IF" like just in case, when it may happen or may become. Before I end this letter there is something that I want you to know right now from the very beginning. I will trust you completely from this moment on, and I'll keep full faith in you from this moment on too. Now, YOU are the ONLY ONE that can cause me to lose my trust and/or faith in you. Nobody or anything else can do that. I'll also have and give YOU the HIGHEST AND UTMOST respect for you and to you. Like my trust and faith in you, YOU are the ONLY ONE that can cause me to lose that for you too. So with these things said, I'm gonna mail this to you so it will be waiting for you to get a free minute so you can sit down and read it. So Please stay as sweet as you sound, and stay safe, keep smiling, and stay positive. Everything will be a lot better, and you will be so much happier then. I do hope that I hear back from you, I mean the REAL YOU. The YOU that makes YOU, .hoping that I get it real soon too.

I may not get the time to tell you this everyday,
but I just want you to know that you mean the world to me.
If I ever get a chance to relive my life,
I would start it from the day we got married.
I love you my beloved husband.

I love to wake up each morning,
and hold you in my arms.
I am the luckiest woman in this world who has been blessed with the most handsome ever.
I never want to lose the love we share between us.
I love you xxx

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From: hannah smith <>
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Subject: Hi xxx
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From: hannah smith <>
Date: Wed, 3 Sep 2014 02:09:26 -0700
« Zuletzt geändert: 03. September 2014 um 17:28 von Stiray »  

shannon5.jpg ( 19 KB | Downloads )
shannon6.jpg ( 15 KB | Downloads )
shannon12.jpg ( 60 KB | Downloads )
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shannon14.jpg ( 77 KB | Downloads )
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Re: Hannah <>
Antwort #1 - 03. September 2014 um 17:30
Die Bilder zeigen Model SHANNON von Fokus Hawaii.

Ich reiche sie gleich weiter.   Smiley
« Zuletzt geändert: 03. September 2014 um 17:34 von Stiray »  
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Re: Hannah <>
Antwort #2 - 02. September 2017 um 13:26
Dieses Thema wurde in dieses Forum von Remainder of the World - Male [move by] Webmaster.
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