Noch eine Angelina Hello . I wish to thank you, that has allowed me to learn you
better. I admit to you at once. This my first dialogue with the
foreigner. I wish to ask at once for you a pardon for not so good
English language. I did not have special courses I learnt it at school
and at institute. At all I do not know from what to begin. I
understand, that to you write tens women and I not than better than
them. I will begin with the banal
I will tell to you about the
family. I have mum and the father. There is no the brother not sister.
Now I see one. I do not have own apartment. I remove it. I had only
one serious relations, but I will tell about it to you in following
letters. It is assured, that you have such question why I cannot find
in Russia. I can such yet have met, but, to tell the truth, I even do
not have desire more than it to do. One bitter experience has sufficed
me. In Russia men are similar to animals. Sex but if they all the same
decide to start to meet simply start to scoff at the girl is necessary
to them only. The main problem is alcohol and drugs. To tell the
truth, it would not be desirable to talk about them any more. Andi why
you have decided to find the girl so far from the house? I saw, how
many man wish to find the Russian girl. Now I would like to learn,
what do you think of girls. You consider, what the girl can be equal
to the man? You will respect opinion of the future girl? On this
question I will finish the letter. I hope, that it was not boring for
you. I hope to receive the answer in the near future.