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Angepinntes Thema Nadya <> (Gelesen: 1796 mal)
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Beiträge: 2
Standort: Düsseldorf
Mitglied seit: 07. Februar 2012
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Nadya <>
07. Februar 2012 um 12:08
Diese "Dame" ist auch bei Russian Cupids aktiv ,allerdings mit anderer Email adresse. Ich habe leider kein Profil ,da ich zu der Zeit noch etwas naiver war. Den Kontakt habe ich leider schon abgebrochen ,aber vielleicht hat ja einer von euch Lust? Ich hoffe ich hab alles richtig gemacht. Ich poste nur das eine Bild ,da auf den anderen die Tochter mit drauf ist. Sind aber genau die selben. Ich find der oder die schreiber/in gibt sich wirklich mühe. Er/Sie ließt sogar meine Emails aufmerksam durch.


Privetik(Hi), dorogoy(dear) XXX,thanks for the photo!

Pleased to have your interesting letter and glad of the opportunity to
start  serious  relations.  It  is  so  fascinating  to  have somebody
overseas  who  waits for your letters and your words as impatiently as
you do. To acquaint with me better, I should say that I'm 34 years old
woman  of  medium  height (167 cm.) with blue eyes and athletic figure
(55  kilos).  And what are your measures? I have a small straight nose
and  full lips. Suppose that to the human values we can add a soft and
tender  smile, I believe that I have it, am I right? Smile is our soul
mirror and I totally agree with it. By the way, do you like smiling?Zwinkernd
Now  you  can have a look into my soul. It is much more important than
appearance  or  age.  I  want to be judged by my inner beauty, my soul
qualities but not by picture. It's fair, yeah;)?

Well, my family is rather's me and my sweet daughter Julia.
But  we  have  also  my  mother  and father who live in Russia now. My
mother  was  a  teacher of Maths and my father worked as a driver. But
now they are pensioners. I consider their marriage as an ideal one and
I  want  to build such strong and reliable relations in my future too.
Unfortunately, I was unlucky with it in my past 'cause I met the wrong
man  (later  husband)  for  me.  I suffered from offences, insults and
disappointment  that  led  to  the  divorce.  But here is one positive
consequence of it-the birth of my wonderful daughter Julia who brought
a  sunshine  in my life. She is only 4 years old but rather clever and
cute girl. She is my real treasure and sense of my life and I want her
have  a good father who will love and care of her as with his own. She
needs  fathering  as  well  as  mothering.

Yeah,  I  have  my work that I love doing and which brings me pleasure
and content. I like making women and girls to be pretty and it demands
some  creation  from  me. And you know Julia likes my job too and very
often  I  have the clients at home and she is watching me doing it and
then  uses  my instruments for make-up and coloring her face;)) she is
so funny then and I adore her. I'm sure you will love her too;)) Yeah,
as I have Julia whom I feed, provide with clothes and toys in a proper
way  I need to have a part-time job in summer on the beach selling the
ice-cream  and other tasty things. When I'm not busy I prefer spending
time  outdoors  with my daughter. But I'd like to have more spare time
and  pay  more attention to my baby who really needs my love, care and
support in everything.

I attach my photos to this letter to give you a clear vision of me and
my  daughter.  I  strongly hope you'll enjoy them and send me yours in
return.  I  want to know more about you, every small part of your life
and  if you have any questions for me you are welcome to ask but don't
be  shy!  Who knows maybe we will manage to build our future together.
I'm  on  the  tenterhooks  for  your  response;)  Poka-poka(bye), your

Off Topic KommentarMore pictures in the gallery: Smiley


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-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Datum: Mon, 6 Feb 2012 12:39:14 +0200
Betreff: from Nadya
« Zuletzt geändert: 20. Juli 2021 um 07:19 von Schnitzel » 
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Re: Nadya <>
Antwort #1 - 07. Februar 2012 um 12:19
email over Ukraine

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Datum: Mon, 6 Feb 2012 12:39:14 +0200
« Zuletzt geändert: 19. Juni 2022 um 02:52 von Stiray »  
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Re: Nadya <>
Antwort #2 - 07. Februar 2012 um 12:23
« Zuletzt geändert: 07. Februar 2012 um 12:36 von vierauge »  
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Re: Nadya <>
Antwort #3 - 04. Mai 2014 um 00:34
« Zuletzt geändert: 19. Juni 2022 um 02:43 von Stiray »  
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