Hello xxx. How are you? It is interesting to learn, what your full name?
Thanks that have paid attention to my structure on match and have written so quickly.
We have chance to learn each other. xxx, at me huge desire to learn you, you seem to me interesting.
I very much hope, that this letter becomes the beginning of our big friendship!!!
Unless you do not think, what I to old? There are no you not old! I am done not excited with age, and appearance of the man,
I am am excited with its private world! I would like, that you have written to me a little about your trade, your hobbies.
What do you do to weaken, receive a clear Head? I all shall write to you about myself, but not all at once!
Many thanks for your story about itself to me was interesting to learn you better!
And thanks for your picture it has very much liked me! You very nice the man!
xxx you loved my photos???
By means of the Internet I try to find the partner in a life because I cannot meet the worthy person in my city.
I to search only for serious attitudes. I would like to meet good the man with serious intentions. I do not search for prince on a white horse.
xxxr You heard such expression? I search for the man which is capable to love and be favourite. That who could devote itself to the unique girl.
I wish to create the strong union which will not separate that. I hope, what you as serious attitudes interest? Whether it is valid so?
If it so I shall be glad to communicate with you and to learn you. If we differ in search I think to us it is not necessary to continue dialogue.
Before I as communicated with several men in internet, but all of them as a result wanted only naked photos.
I hope that my heart has shuddered knowingly, and this time I was not mistaken. Tomorrow I shall wait for your answer!
xxx I very much hope that you will answer me! If I shall not see your letter, I shall understand all.
As to the letter, I would put the photo that you could make out me more.