
World Wide Web anti-scam

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Heisses Thema (Mehr als 10 Antworten) Anna <> (Gelesen: 10068 mal)
Themenstarter Themenstarter
Scam Warners

I Love Anti-Scam

Beiträge: 23
Standort: Vienna
Mitglied seit: 30. Oktober 2011
Geschlecht: männlich
Anna <>
31. Oktober 2011 um 17:54
Hallo Leute,
bin neu hier und hab mich angemeldet, weil ich auf einigen Datingwebseiten mit Sicherheit einigen Scammern begegnet bin und 
euch an der Erfahrung teilhaben lassen wollte.

Bei vorliegendem Fall war ich mir bis vor einigen Minuten nicht so sicher.

Die IPs in den Headern lässt darauf schließen, aber die e-mail Adresse taucht (noch) bei keiner Anti-Scam Seite auf. 
Die Bilder haben nicht die gleichen Metadaten und als E-Mail-Programm wird The Bat verwendet, 
was meiner Meinung nach sehr ungewöhnlich ist, wenn man aus einer Firma schreibt. 
Doch mit heutigem Mail bin ich mir ziemlich sicher, dass das ein Scammer ist. 
Hat er doch wieder ein paar Bilder mitgeschickt, die 2009 mit einem iPhone gemacht wurden. 
Blöd, dass in den Metadaten die koordinaten gespeichert waren: 55°44,28' Nord und 37°30,81' Ost. 
Dieser Punkt liegt im westlichen Teil von Moskau, nahe dem Park des Sieges (Park Pobedy). 
Das Dach des Areals ist blau und man kann es damit bereits aus 7km Höhe in Google Earth erkennen. 
Um ganz sicher zu sein werde ich noch ein paar tiefergehende Fragen stellen. Mal sehen was dabei rauskommt.

Off Topic KommentarMore pictures in the gallery: Smiley

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Anschließend der Kommunikationsverkehr bis dato, falls es wen interessiert.

Ich werde denn wohl noch ein paar Mails wechseln und dann zum Abschluss eine Ansichtskarte aus dem Ort, wo sie angeblich wohnt, anfordern. 
Mal sehen ob was kommt.
« Zuletzt geändert: 18. November 2011 um 14:04 von Webmaster » 
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Themenstarter Themenstarter
Scam Warners

I Love Anti-Scam

Beiträge: 23
Standort: Vienna
Mitglied seit: 30. Oktober 2011
Geschlecht: männlich
Re: Anna <>
Antwort #1 - 31. Oktober 2011 um 18:06
Kommunikation mit Anna (Scam?)

Anfrage von Anna bei FS24 ob Interesse besteht mit Angabe von  <>


Hallo Iirinzy,

Danke Für Deine Nachricht auf friendscout24.
Nach Durchsicht Deines Profils habe ich gesehen, dass es ein paar Unterschiede in unseren Profilen gibt, die zu Auffassungsunterschieden führen können. Leider war es auf der Webseite nicht möglich, genauere Angaben zu machen was ich suche. 

Deshalb vielleicht noch einmal etwas genauer:
Mein Profilname "Auf_Achse" bezieht sich darauf, daß ich sehr viel auf Reisen und deswegen kaum in Wien bin (wenn überhaupt dann mal ein paar Tage im Jahr). Deswegen habe ich auch keinen festen Wohnsitz, auch nicht in Wien. Wien ist meine Geburtsstadt und deswegen mache ich hier ab und an Urlaub. So auch jetzt. Ich suche deshalb auch nicht nach einer festen Beziehung sondern nur etwas Sex zur Erholung über die nächsten 1 1/2 Wochen.

Solltest du trotz der Einträge auf friendscout24 (z.B. Kinderwunsch) an einer kurzen sexuellen Beziehung interessiert sein, Melde Dich und wir machen uns ein Treffen in einem Cafe in Wien aus. Und dann sehen wir weiter.

Bis dahin,

Schöne Grüße



Hallo XXX. Ich bin froh, dass du mich beantwortet. Ich hoffe, Siecom
erinnern mein Profil? Ich mag es nicht kommunizieren FriendScout24,
weil es schwierig ist zu verstehen, was Person ist. Ich schrieb Ihnen
die erste, weil ich dich mag. Ich verstehe, kann es sehr ublich, aber
ich hoffe, dieses Gefuhl wird nicht verschwinden. Sie haben mir
geantwortet. Es bedeutet, dass Sie wie ich zu. Ich kenne die deutsche
Sprache ist sehr schlecht. Ich studierte Deutsch in der Schule ein
wenig. Ich kann nur in deutscher Sprache mit www.View
schreiben., deshalb konnte ich nicht fullen mein Profil bis zum Ende.
Ich kann verstehen, Deutsch mit Hilfe von Online-Ubersetzer. Ich wei?
gut genug Englisch. Wenn Sie also die Gelegenheit haben, schreiben Sie
mir in englischer Sprache. Ich denke, am Anfang habe ich schreiben, sollte
man ein paar Worte uber mich. Ich wei?, es ist langweilig, aber ich
bin sicher, dass Sie diese Details wissen, und ich hoffe, dass Sie
mehr Informationen uber Sie schreiben. Mein Name ist Anna, ich bin 34
Jahre alt. Ich hoffe, es nicht ein Problem fur Sie? Ich wurde am 8.
Juni 1977 geboren und mir Zeichen Zwillinge. Ich lebe in Partizansk,
dieser Stadt, die im Fernen Osten ist. Ich arbeite als Designer in der
Werbeagentur. Die Hauptsache in meinem Job ist die Ausarbeitung einer
Anzeige. Ich habe eine Menge von Auftragen, aber Ich mag meinen Job.
Designer kreativen Beruf, und Sie sollten kreativ und ungewohnliche
Art und Weise des Denkens haben. Dies ist mein erster Brief und ich
werde nicht schreiben, dass du viel. Sende ich Ihnen mein Foto, dass
Sie mich Bild. Ich hoffe, Sie antworten mir morgen, schreiben Sie mir
weitere Informationen uber Sie und senden Sie mir Ihr Foto. Mochten
Sie nicht, wie du und ich denke, dass unsere Beziehungen unmoglich
schreiben Sie mir einige Worte, die wurde ich nicht warten, der Brief
von Dir sind. Ich hoffe, dass mein Postfach nicht leer sein. Ihr neuer
Freund Anna.

« Zuletzt geändert: 18. November 2011 um 13:50 von Webmaster »  
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Themenstarter Themenstarter
Scam Warners

I Love Anti-Scam

Beiträge: 23
Standort: Vienna
Mitglied seit: 30. Oktober 2011
Geschlecht: männlich
Re: Anna <>
Antwort #2 - 31. Oktober 2011 um 18:07

Hi Anna,

Writing in English is not a problem.
As I'm travelling a lot internationally I'm fluent in speaking and writing English.
As we can see the online translation to German is difficult;-)
I needed a few attempts to figure out some of the parts you wrote.
This is defintly also because German is not an easy language, not as difficult as Chinese or Arabic, but it still has it's tweaks ... 

Unfortunately I can not tell you more of my profession than that I`m working in a confidential safety area all over the world and that's why I have not uploaded any picture of me to FS24 or any other dating website. At least FS24 allow you to contact at least 1 person without paying. I have seen enough, websites, that allow you to register for free but do not allow you to chat for free or to offer a direct contact outside their plattform unless you pay.  Honestly I would probably pay for a month or two if payment via cash deposit would be possible, but they do not offer that.
Ok, let's stop complaining about those sites and get to the more interesting stuff.

Attached is a picture of me so that you get a glimps of how I look like.
As mentioned before, I'm travelling a lot and therefore generally have no intention of a real partnership as I would have not enough time for a Girlfriend / Life partner / wife. Additionally I wouldn't want her to get involved with my work, which would be if she would be together with me. So I was just looking woman in case I have time on my travels or during my holidays to get some relaxing Sex. 

From your e-mail I understand that you are located near Vladivostok, am I right? So that`s very far away from Austria or my usual travelling area. So meeting in person will be anyway quite difficult. So we can keep in e-mail contact if you want to train your German 

Have a nice evening ... or morning to say now 

Cheers by now.


« Zuletzt geändert: 18. November 2011 um 13:12 von Webmaster »  
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Themenstarter Themenstarter
Scam Warners

I Love Anti-Scam

Beiträge: 23
Standort: Vienna
Mitglied seit: 30. Oktober 2011
Geschlecht: männlich
Re: Anna <>
Antwort #3 - 31. Oktober 2011 um 18:09

Hello my new friend XXX. I'm glad that you answered my letter. I
hope i can call you "my friend" ? You don't mind it? . I hope our
connection will be interesting for both of us. I'm really interested
in you and i will be glad to know more why did you place your profile
on friendscout24. I really want to know it. I think you
want to know the same. I don't know what exactly i want to find here.
May be i will find a good friend, if i will be lucky i will find my
love. I'm just Russian women, but unfortunately i didn't find the
happyness in Russia. I was married for 2 years, but one year with a
half it finished. I spend one year to devorce i tryed to decide a lot
of problems with help of court. Now everything is in the past. I
suppose that in your country all the such things last for a long time
to? It is interesting for me. The reason of my devorce is usual – my
hasbend wasn't faithfull to me. I think it is typical situation as for
Russia as for Europe. All the people are the same and we have the same
problems and it doesn't dipend on place of our living. I think you
understand what i meen . I'm devorced because my ex-hasbend was
daiting with other women. It is still hard for me to talk about it,
but if you want i can write you more about my last relations in my
next letters. I understood that he was not right man for me whis whom
i can spend all my life and now I'm glad that our relations are over.
I hope that someday i will find the man and with him i can live all my
life. I believe in love and in faithfull and i want to find honest,
brave and faithfull man. I don't know why i couldn't find right man in
Russia. One year with a half, after my devorce i disappointed in
russian men. I think it is out of questions. i try to forget my last
relations and maybe i will find my happiness abroad that's why it is
more interesting to communicate with you. Now I should finish my
letter because I should continue my work. I will wait your letter
tomorrow. Your new friend Anna.

PS Yes, my city is not far from Vladivostok.

« Zuletzt geändert: 18. November 2011 um 13:51 von Webmaster »  
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General Counsel

trust no cheater

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Re: Anna <>
Antwort #4 - 31. Oktober 2011 um 18:09

Hi Anna,

nice reading from you again.
What what a coincident that when I look into my e-mail account You have just wirtten a letter 

I'm sorry to hear that you had that bad experience with men in your area.
But I'm sure that you will find your Mr. Right some day. But don't worry it is the same in many countries. Divorces can last years, esp if the couple argues about every single cent, picture or nails in a house 

The reason for me to be at FS24 is, that it was the first address I came throughe were I started to look for women who would be interested in spending my rare sparetime with me just for occasional sex. My profession does not comply with a full relationship. There's no woman that will stay in a relationship where her Partner is 95 % of his time on travel and especially abroad. That is also the reason why my last relationship broke abart a couple of years ago. The first few years I was so occupied by work, that I did not really missed anythin. But now, when I get a bit more freetime on my travels, I start to miss a woman's "touch" on my body.
I could live with adult websites in the beginning, but now this becomes more and more boring to be honest. So I said to myself, there should be enough women out there who do not care if it's a one night stand or occasional sex with another man (besides what they have in everyday life).

As this vacation came up I thought let's give it a try. You have nothing to loose . So that's why I wrote some advertisments into dating papers and added my profile to different dating websites. Unfortunately only to realize that they ask you to pay for everything, if you want to contact women. And when you try to mention in your Profile that you can't write because of not having a premium account and interested women shall contact you directly, you get that part of the profile blocked.

At least some women are clever enough (like you were  ) to write their e-mail into their dating message, so that they can be contacted directly. 
As mentioned in my last mail, I would probably pay for a month or so if those dating sites would accept a direct payment ont their bank account. As they do not, I have to try to trick them ... 

Unfortunately the women that mentioned their mail-address to me are not in the area were I am currently. So no luck for a sex mate for now. But I still have another week in this area here before I`m back on the road again. So lets hope. There is a German saying here: "Die Hoffnung stirbt zuletzt". Translated it would mean something like "Hope is hard to kill" or "Hope dies last" 

Thank you for the new pictures. You look really cute on those. 
I hope you understand that my current profession does not allow me to send you actual pictures of me. Even the one I sent you is a couple of years old (like the one attached). But I look pretty much the same, probably a few more kg on weight  Oh, and the trousers are unfortunately gone. I loved them quite much.

BTW: you are free to call me friend if you like. But I hope you understand that the term "friend" from my point of view has to grow over time. That*s why I have only a very few ones. So let's see how long it takes from my side to call you a friend.

cheers for now and have a good night.


« Zuletzt geändert: 18. November 2011 um 13:18 von Webmaster »  
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General Counsel

Beiträge: 6206
Standort: Berlin
Mitglied seit: 28. März 2011
Geschlecht: männlich
Re: Anna <>
Antwort #5 - 31. Oktober 2011 um 18:11
Mail über Russland  Startbeitrag

Alles auswählen - Geo Information
IP Address
Location 	RU RU, Russian Federation
City 	        Volga, 88 -
Organization 	Corp
ISP 	        OJSC MegaFon
AS Number 	AS31133 OJSC MegaFon 

Date: Fri, 28 Oct 2011 20:02:04 +0400
From: Anna <>

X-Mailer: The Bat! (v3.85.03) Professional

Smiley Smiley Smiley
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Themenstarter Themenstarter
Scam Warners

I Love Anti-Scam

Beiträge: 23
Standort: Vienna
Mitglied seit: 30. Oktober 2011
Geschlecht: männlich
Re: Anna <>
Antwort #6 - 31. Oktober 2011 um 18:11

Hello my friend XXX. I'm glad that i have your letter again. I
like our dialogue where i learn more about you. I try to write you
more about me to. I have the computer on work and I can write to you
when I have a break or when my working day will end. I can sometimes
write to you from my friend who has the computer. I wrote you already
that i work in the advertisment agency. Today i want to wrote you more
about my job. My duty is composition and aform different types of an
advertisment. We have a lot of orders. Sometimes our clients want to
order an advertisment poster for thers firms and shops. I take into
account an opinion of client and we make a project of future poster
togather. Sometimes we have very intertsting orders. For exemple we
shouid make an advertisment poster where man congratulate his love
woman. Sometimes it cost very much, but some people are ready to do
everything for love. I like this orders very much. But in general all
our orders are connected with the shop's advertisment. My working day
begins at 10:00 and finishes at 19:00. Sometimes I have to stay longer
to finish the work. I go back home by bus. I don't have a car and i
don't need it. Tell me please, XXX, do you have a car?
Unfortunatly it is usual for Russia when a person doesn't have car. I
think in your country everybody has a car. Is it true? Sometimes when
i don't have much work, i go home on foot. I like to walk, we have a
lot beautiful places where i like spend my free time. I think you know
that trees and parks are very important in cities that's why people
pay much attentoin to this places. I'm sure that in your country
people pay a lot of attention to parks to. I want to tell you some
words about my city. I hope it willl not be borring for you. Our city
was found in 1896. At first it was a little village. Now Partizansk is city
ins population is 50 000 people. In Partizansk we have different climate
and hight contrast of temperature. We have hot summer and cold winter.
The temperature in summer can be + 30C, in winter -30C. Partizansk is not
far from China. I will be glad if you write me more information about
the place where you live. Today is the birthday of my friend, her name
is Zulfia. I'm invited to her birthday. We will celebrate it at her.
Now i have to finish my work and go to the birthday party. I hope you
understand me. Unfortunatly i didn't choose a present for Zulfia, but

i have one houre more and i hope i will find the decision:). I hope to
get your letter tomorrow when i come at work . Your friend Anna.

PS Yes, a year ago I was with other hair color:)

Warum sie mir eine Karte schickte, obwohl ich doch schon wusste welche Stadt sie meinte, verschließt sich mir.

« Zuletzt geändert: 18. November 2011 um 14:36 von Webmaster »  
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Themenstarter Themenstarter
Scam Warners

I Love Anti-Scam

Beiträge: 23
Standort: Vienna
Mitglied seit: 30. Oktober 2011
Geschlecht: männlich
Re: Anna <>
Antwort #7 - 31. Oktober 2011 um 18:12

Hi Anna,

Hope you had a nice and enjoying party. 

Thanks for the insight of your work. I generally know how Marketing works from my former employmen where I was a product manager. I worked very closely with the marketing department of my former employer, so had a lot to do in that area. From chosing pictures and text writing full Product selection catalogs. Was lot of fun, but lot of work too. 

Thank you too about the description of your little city. When you mentioned it first time I have looked it up on Google Maps and bing. even you have that extrem temperatures (esp. to the negative) it seems to be a nice little city. Hope the car drivers are not as crayz as in Moscow. Have been there twice and they seem to have won their licenses in the lottery, as we call it here.  But to be fair, there are some really bad drivers in Austria too.

Vienna is a quite mid range City with around 2 Mio's inhabitants. Luckily Vienna was not bombed too much in WWII so we still have many of the nice old buildings from the imperial times. And we managed to stay without many skyscrapers so we have still the old beautiful skyline with the old roofs. And we have a lots of parks and green areas here, like the danube Island, that divides the Danube in 2 parts within the City, luckily. Unfortunately many people do not care. They litter around so that you could think, they live in a pig stable. brrrr

Actually I live in many hoteels in Europe as my work requires lot of travelling. But I grew up in Vienna and come back from time to time to visit old places and the very few and very good friends I have.

No, I currently don't have a car. As I'm abroad most of my time there is no use to have an own car. It would just stand around and would cost only money for nothing. Anyway there is no use to have a car within Vienna. In general it takes you max. 1 hour to get from one end tothe other end of the City by public transport. Public transport consist of Tubes, busses, trains and trams here and its quite good established. For the yearly amount of around € 400,- you can travel unlimited within the City borders, anytime anywhere. So many people do not need a car and don't have it, allthough we still have traffic jams in the morning and evening during rush hours.

Thanks again for the pictures. With the brunete hair you look much more younger than with your current Hairstyle I have to say. But it was a cute look too. 

Sorry that I don't have more picures from my side, but I'm working from a new computer system here and not everything is installed yet. As soon as this is set up properly I will send you some further pics from here.

So I wish you a nice party and I'm sure you have found the correct present for your friend.

Sweet dreams.


« Zuletzt geändert: 18. November 2011 um 13:20 von Webmaster »  
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Themenstarter Themenstarter
Scam Warners

I Love Anti-Scam

Beiträge: 23
Standort: Vienna
Mitglied seit: 30. Oktober 2011
Geschlecht: männlich
Re: Anna <>
Antwort #8 - 31. Oktober 2011 um 18:14

Hello my friend XXX. I’m glad that you didn’t ignore my questions
and made some comments to my words. It shows you from a good side and
I can see that you are interested in our communication. I hope you
will write me at once if it wouldn’t interesting for you to
communicate with me. Because I really want that we develop a strong
connection between us. As I told, yesterday I was at my friend’s
birthday party. We had a nice time. We celebrated it very good. She
got 30 besides several days ago she got promoted , so it was a good
reason to have party this day. We was 10 at the table. Her parents and
our friends were there. Unfortunatly her parents went home in an hour,
and atmosphere became more unconstrained. It was a merry time and it
wasn’t because of alcohol:-). It was a great party because we are old
friends and a lot of things joined us in the past and we felt
comfortable together. Unfortunatly I don’t know when I’ll see them

again but I’m glad that sometimes we have reasons to see each other. I
and my friend Zulfia gave her a commplect of plates and dishes. It
contanes some tea-saucers and cups. It was funny night. Tell me please
XXX do you often meet your old friends? My parents live not far
from my friebd’s house and I went to sleep to my parents. I live apart
from my parents I live in the hostel and sometimes I come to them,
they miss me. I’m lucky that my parents live not far from me and I can

often visit them. My mother’s name is Natalia, she us 57. my father’s
name is Peter, he is 65. In Russia women get retired at 55 and men –
at 60. I know in your country you have another pension system. Could
you write me about it. Me father worked in Partizansk state University
which I graduated. My mother was accountant. Unfortunatly the pension
isn’t big in Russia that’s why my father continue to work in the
University. He is a professor and he likes his job very much. Tell me
please XXX do you like your job? It is really a pleasure to do
what you like but sometimes it is impossible. I think today I told you
enough. I’m looking forward to your letter. Your friend Anna.

« Zuletzt geändert: 18. November 2011 um 13:55 von Webmaster »  
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Themenstarter Themenstarter
Scam Warners

I Love Anti-Scam

Beiträge: 23
Standort: Vienna
Mitglied seit: 30. Oktober 2011
Geschlecht: männlich
Re: Anna <>
Antwort #9 - 31. Oktober 2011 um 18:15

Hello Anna,

As I'm currently on vacation. so I have enough time to write. Once I'm back to work (after November 4th) I might have not enough time to write back immediately. So you might need to wait on an answer probably a couple of days. But I'll try to do it at least bi-weekly, so every second week. I tell you this now, not that you are disappointed after that date when answers take a bit longer.

Nice to hear that you had a good time with your friends.
I see my friends whenever I am in Austria. As I do not have only a few it is quite easy to see all of them in the short time I`m in Vienna.

Yes retirment system in Austria is quite different.
Allthough people are ment to go into retirement with 65 (men) and 60 (women) everyone have the option to go into retirment earlier because of different reasons. The main reason for doing that is mostly because of health. but they are getting more strict on that as people were frauding the system and went into pension with 55, 50 or even 45 which costs a lot for the government. But there are still ways to trick the system ... 

Unfortunately I have no parents in this life any more.
They died a couple of years ago.
But as I know Life is a cycle of coming and going I'm not sad about it. I will meet them in my next life cycle again. So no need to be sad about that. 

Now I need to go and finish laundry and some refurbishing.

Hae a good night and read you soon 


« Zuletzt geändert: 18. November 2011 um 13:22 von Webmaster »  
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Themenstarter Themenstarter
Scam Warners

I Love Anti-Scam

Beiträge: 23
Standort: Vienna
Mitglied seit: 30. Oktober 2011
Geschlecht: männlich
Re: Anna <>
Antwort #10 - 31. Oktober 2011 um 18:16

Hello my friend. How are you today? I hope you have a nice day and
good mood. If you are sad I hope my letter will make your day better.
My English is not very good but I hope you understand everything what
I write you. I spend a lot of time to write you a letter. I learned
English at school then in the University. I can also speak English but
I almost don’t have speaking practice. I have never spoken with a
foreigner. XXX do the children in your country learn English?
After school I entered the Partizansk University. I learned there 5
years it is natural for Russia to get an education. How long do the
people in your country need to study to get higher education? I lired
student life very much because I spent a lot of time with my friends.
I had a lot of friends when I was in the University but after my
graduation I’ve lost the connection with some of them. My friends went
to another cities. I have a good friend she lives now in Denmark. I
staied in Partizansk because I had an agreement with a firm where I had
to work for three years. I had to pay for the education, my parents
didn’t have money that’s why I made an agreement with this firm. The
firm paied for my education and I had to work there for three years
after University. Do you have the same system in your country? Now I
have a good education and a job, I also have good friends and I like
to spend with them my free time. Usually I spend my free time like all
the people. Sometimes I have a walk in the park and I like to go out
of city, to the nature. My dear, do you have any unusual hobby? . I
ask you about it because I want to know more about you. Our
correspondence lasts almost a week and I don’t think that I waist the
time writing you. Because our communication is an exeptional dialogue.
It gives us an opportunity to know more about each other even in a
long distance 10 000 km between us. I hope our dialogue will clear and
our feelings reciprocal. Now I should come back to my job and now I
will finish. I will wait your answer. I’d like to know your
personality and I will be honest with you. I hope I will see your
letter soon. Your friend Anna.

« Zuletzt geändert: 18. November 2011 um 13:23 von Webmaster »  
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Themenstarter Themenstarter
Scam Warners

I Love Anti-Scam

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Mitglied seit: 30. Oktober 2011
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Re: Anna <>
Antwort #11 - 31. Oktober 2011 um 18:18
Ab da begann ich wirklich stutzig zu werden, denn eine Suche erbrachte keine Universität Partizansk. 
Also beschloss ich weiter zu graben. Die erste Anlaufstelle war natürlich die Website der Stadt. 
Eine Uni bei 76.000 Einwohnern erschien mir etwas komisch, aber ich fand zumindest heraus, dass eine Uni von Vladivostok 
eine Außenstelle in Partizansk betreibt. Also schrieb ich den Webmaster in Partizansk direkt an:


Dear Webmaster, 

I received an application with a CV from a Russian person, who claims to have studied in the university of partizansk. I was trying to find that university on the web but did not succeed. Can you please let me know if there is such a university and how to contact them (if so). 

Thank you and best regards, 

Secretary @ XXX

Parallel fand ich noch ein paar andere Sachen heraus, unter anderem hatte es 2004 auch einen schweren Umweltunfall 
in der Nähe gegeben (Damm eines Ascheauffangbeckens des nahegelegenen Kohlekraftwerks ist gebrochen). 
Also beschloss ich das Gespräch langsam in die Richtung zu bewegen:


Hello Anna,

Sorry that I did not write immediately. Had to many things ongoing here.

So today sun is coming back again and should be a more bright day than the last few days. It was always overcast and quite windy with a bit of rain too. temperatures are quite normal to the current season now with around 10°C. It was unusually hot until mid of October and temperatures dropped quite fast then to below 0 during the nights.

Children here learn English now from kindergarden times already. As small children pick up languages quite easily it was decided to start that from the kindergarden already. If you see how bad some of the people speak English in public it was a good idea to start teaching as early as possible. 

Education is quite wide spread here. Duration and intensivity highly depends on the way you choose to go. You can have a short learning phase and go into working life quite soon, or you study and start working with 30 or more years only. It really depends on the way you choose to go. If you find a company that is willing to pay your education (cost depends on the area you study, but a basic fee of around € 300 per half year is mandatory), then you are lucky. In general you have to pay everything yourself.
BTW: I was trying to find the university you went to to inform myself what is taught there, but did not succeed. Can you please send me a link so that I can go and have a look?

I do not have any unusual hobbies. To be honest I have only very little time for hobbies. So on the bottom line the only hobby I sometimes have time for is reading. I like to read Sci-Fi/fantasy books as well as humor or ironic things but also background fact books. Sometimes I also watch TV. There are some good documentaries sometimes. A couple of days ago I ran into a documentary about huge waste spills and the cause of those. The huge bauxit spill in Hungary ehich has happened not so long ago was part of that too. As I know governments in East Europe normally did not care about such risks, I hope you do not live in an area where this can happen.

So I hope you had a nice weekend and hope to read you soon.



« Zuletzt geändert: 18. November 2011 um 14:37 von Webmaster »  
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Themenstarter Themenstarter
Scam Warners

I Love Anti-Scam

Beiträge: 23
Standort: Vienna
Mitglied seit: 30. Oktober 2011
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Re: Anna <>
Antwort #12 - 31. Oktober 2011 um 18:19
Es gibt jetzt 3 Möglichkeiten die passieren können:
1) sie lebt dort und hat von dem Unfall gehört und wird ihn von sich aus erwähnen
2) sie lebt nicht dort und wird das mit einem „Nein abtun“ oder nachforschen.
3) sie entschiedet sich als scammer aufgeflogen zu sein und beendet die Kommunikation

In der Zwischenzeit gab's Post vom Webmaster der Stadt Partizansk:



There are no university in our town, there is a branch of the Far Eastern State University, and branches of several institutions. 

Regards, IT Department chief of Partizansk town County administration Usoltsev S.V.

Also kann durchaus sein, dass sie in einer der Aussenstellen war. 
Auf jeden Fall wird sie, wenn sie das nicht war etwas mehr Nachforschung betreiben müssen. Smiley

« Zuletzt geändert: 18. November 2011 um 13:35 von Webmaster »  
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Themenstarter Themenstarter
Scam Warners

I Love Anti-Scam

Beiträge: 23
Standort: Vienna
Mitglied seit: 30. Oktober 2011
Geschlecht: männlich
Re: Anna <>
Antwort #13 - 31. Oktober 2011 um 18:22
Und heute die Antwort, wo immerhin der Frage nach der Universität geschickt ausgewichen wird. 
Allerdings ein grober Schnitzer bei den Bildern.


Hello, my dear friend. I am very glad to get your mail again. I like
to read your mails and learn you better very much. I hope that you are
also interested in our correspondence. I have not been at my
university a long time already, so I do not know whether they have a
website now. I want my mails to be interesting for you, that’s why I
try to tell you about all the aspects of my life. Unfortunately I have
never been to space and I didn’t take part in a trip around the world
, so the stories of my life could seem boring to you. Can you
imagine, XXX, I even have never been outside of Russia, but I hope
one day I can make such a travel. Of course alone it’s not interesting
at all, but I hope with my man we can travel a bit. Actually the aim
of my life now is not to leave Russia and see a new country, but my
aim is to find a man with whom I could be happy. I hope that my words
don’t scare you, XXX, just I want to be honest with you
completely. I will always be open with you and that’s why I want you
to understand my thoughts and my feelings. I have not so much free
time, and I don’t have many hobbies. My work takes most of my time. In
my spare time I like to walk, I love very much walks on the nature,
that’s why sometimes after my work I walk home. Partizansk is not a
big town in comparison with other cities of Russia, we have only about
50 000 citizens, I have written already about it to you, but anyway
the streets of our city are full of smoke, sometimes it’s difficult to
breath in the street. It is connected with the large quantity of cars.
You know that we have a lot of people from China, so there is even
more cars and that’s why Partizansk is very polluted. Usually I take
public transport to get home. When I come home I feel a bit tired, I
turn on my TV which is located in my kitchen and I begin to cook
dinner for myself. After work I am usually hungry . I eat different
food. Russia is a big country and а part of Russia belongs to Europe,
another part – to Asia, that’s why we have the mixing culture of
Europe and Asia, especially brightly it is expressed in foods. We have
usual Russian cuisine – there is a lot of meat and various soups. We
also have Chinese cuisine, with its vermicelli and sushi, seafood –
this is a food from different species of fish, and of course American
cuisine which is associated with chicken and bigmacs . Of course
seafood and Chinese food is more expensive, so I cook things from such
foods not so often. Usually I eat common Russian food and I don’t
think the food I eat here differs much from what you eat in your
country. I live alone, that’s why I have to cook foods for myself, but
I like it because there are good opportunities for experiments. Tell
me, XXX, do you like cooking and what cuisine you prefer? In the
evening when I have had dinner usually it’s already quite late and I
watch TV or meet my friends. My work takes a lot of time, that’s why
these meetings are very important for me. If I watch TV then it must
be just usual TV programs: news, sometimes politics, usual films or a
serial. Recently there began to appear many Russian such called soap
operas and I understand that these days television in Russia began to
develop and not only television, but Internet also is developing
well:). I think about 5 years ago our meeting by Internet would not be
possible, but now I can have a communication with you. In the weekend
I like to spend time with my friends, go to the cinema. Actually I
have the same hobbies that millions of people have. Today I’ve written
much to you, XXX. Really it’s very easy for me to write you,
because you are a good listener and you put attention to my words.
Also I would like to see more words from you every day, because our
communication is very interesting for me. I will wait for your mail.
Your friend, Anna.

Man merke: Immer auch die Metadaten der Bilder ansehen Smiley

« Zuletzt geändert: 18. November 2011 um 14:33 von Webmaster »  
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† Rais †
General Counsel

I love Anti-Scam

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Mitglied seit: 04. März 2008
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Re: Anna <>
Antwort #14 - 31. Oktober 2011 um 18:35
Bekanntes Gesicht unter Irina <> <>

Mails mit  Smiley und Einlieferung ebenfalls über OJSC MegaFon.


Smiley Smiley
« Zuletzt geändert: 31. Oktober 2011 um 18:40 von † Rais † »  
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