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Normales Thema Bruce Fredrick <> (Gelesen: 2378 mal)
Themenstarter Themenstarter
Scam Warners

I love Anti-Scam

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Standort: Erlangen
Mitglied seit: 06. August 2010
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Bruce Fredrick <>
05. September 2010 um 18:10
Thanks for your response, please send me a pic of you.I am new on the site,so I was just checking on members page and when I got to your profile something just caught my attention so i decided to drop you a note. Now let me tell you little about me .My name is Fredrick, am 45yrs I was born in US but raised in Amapa Brazil that was where my mom comes from but i move back to Manchester,TN 25yrs back after the death of mom.i have been divorced for 8yrs and i have a daughter her name is Tracy,she will be 13yrs soon but not living with me right now cos my job don't give me enough time for her, I am an Engineer (self Employed),i work for oil firms as a drilling consultant as a contract staff ,i travel a lot cos of my job, right now I am on the rig called OCEAN GUARDIAN a platform in the middle of an ocean here in Falkland Islands,UK..we are here for oil drilling ,i have been here for a week now and will be here for another 3-4 weeks more, good for us cos it will give us more time to get to know each other better so we don't meet as strange.well am working on owning my own oil firm .I haven't date in 4yrs now cos I think I am not just looking for any woman in my life but a good woman whom is lovable ,caring,with good sense of humor,good mother and God loving like you.I don't smoke but I drink socially. do you smoke or drink? I love sea food a lot, do you have a particular kind of food?I love listening to music and movies. i love all kind of music but I perfect country and I love action, romance and little of horror movies. What kind of music and movies do you listen to? my favorite color is Green cos its a color for nature,what is your favorite color? I think I should stop here.Hope to read from you.
Fredrick Cares

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Also da hab ich jetzt wirklich mal geguckt, überall hm nichts ausserordentliches gefunden, falls doch, gehe ich morgen Brille Fielmann Cool
« Zuletzt geändert: 06. September 2010 um 08:26 von zapparella »  
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Re: Bruce Fredrick <>
Antwort #1 - 05. September 2010 um 18:35
Eingeliefert über CA, Canada

Alles auswählen - Geo Information
IP Address
Location 	CA CA, Canada
City 	Coquitlam, BC -
Organization 	Shaw Communications
ISP 	Shaw Communications
AS Number 	AS6327 Shaw Communications Inc. 

« Zuletzt geändert: 06. September 2010 um 08:24 von zapparella »  
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I love Anti-Scam

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Re: Bruce Fredrick <>
Antwort #2 - 05. September 2010 um 19:02
cean here in Falkland Islands,UK

und die Mail kommt über Kanada schönen Dank auch.

und Tschüss
« Zuletzt geändert: 06. September 2010 um 08:24 von zapparella »  
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Re: Bruce Fredrick <>
Antwort #3 - 06. September 2010 um 08:27
@ Vixen

Versuch mal von dem Typen noch ein Bild zu bekommen für unsere Galerie.  Zwinkernd
Wir wollen doch dem Namen auch noch ein Gesicht geben.
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Themenstarter Themenstarter
Scam Warners

I love Anti-Scam

Beiträge: 186
Standort: Erlangen
Mitglied seit: 06. August 2010
Geschlecht: weiblich
Re: Bruce Fredrick <>
Antwort #4 - 09. September 2010 um 15:36
zapparella schrieb on 06. September 2010 um 08:27:
Versuch mal von dem Typen noch ein Bild zu bekommen für unsere Galerie.  
Wir wollen doch dem Namen auch noch ein Gesicht geben.

Na, der wollt gleich das wir telefonieren pfff lol...hab dem nimma geantwortet:-))) Zwinkernd
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