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Normales Thema Charity <> (Gelesen: 2992 mal)
Themenstarter Themenstarter
Scam Advisors

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Standort: Germersheim
Mitglied seit: 11. Juni 2010
Charity <>
25. August 2010 um 07:45
kam via

Off Topic KommentarMore pictures in the gallery: Smiley

Portalnachricht 1:

hi dear, how are you doing wish you are doing great in life over there am charity i just saw your profile and was delighted to it really i will be happy and great to be your friend also my private mail address for more introduction and more chatting is charity2g10@yahoo.c om am a faithful and nice guy that i think you will like to be a friend to me byeeeeeeeeeeeee for now hope to hear from you soon have a wonderful and special day also take good care of your self kindly reply me immediately as you receive mine.

Portalnachricht 2: - kam 9 Minuten später...

hallo liebe, wie geht es dir wünscht Ihnen geht es sehr gut in das Leben dort drüben bin Nächstenliebe Ich sah dein Profil auf und freute sich, es wirklich will ich glücklich sein und toll, dass Ihr Freund auch meine private Mail-Adresse für weitere Einführung in den Chat und vieles mehr werden ist charity2g10@yahoo.c om bin ein treuer und nettes Mädchen, dass ich denke, Sie werden wie ein Freund zu mir sein byeeeeeeeeeeeee jetzt hoffe bald von Ihnen zu hören, haben einen wunderbaren und besonderen Tag auch gut auf dein Selbst freundlich antworten Sie mir sofort Sie erhalten von mir.

Anbei Screener vom Profil und Bild - Freigabe an alle.. ich chatte nicht mit IM

« Zuletzt geändert: 11. März 2011 um 01:34 von zapparella » 
Grund: afr10548 
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Forum Administrator

Ich tu nix. Ich will nur

Beiträge: 11824
Standort: Toronto
Mitglied seit: 28. März 2010
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Re: Charity <>
Antwort #1 - 25. August 2010 um 08:00
Hier ist ihr Yahoo-Profil mit einem anderen Bild von ihr.
« Zuletzt geändert: 25. August 2010 um 10:12 von zapparella »  
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Zauberer Merlin

Re: Charity <>
Antwort #2 - 26. August 2010 um 23:08
Dann werde ich mich mal um diese Person kümmern!
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Anti-Scam ist wichtig!

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Mitglied seit: 13. Juli 2010
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Re: Charity <>
Antwort #3 - 26. August 2010 um 23:10
Nichtznuts schrieb on 25. August 2010 um 07:45:
Freigabe an alle.. ich chatte nicht mit IM

Die ist mit 75 Jahren auch wohl etwas zu alt für Dich.
Laut lachend Laut lachend Laut lachend
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Themenstarter Themenstarter
Scam Advisors

I love Anti-Scam

Beiträge: 669
Standort: Germersheim
Mitglied seit: 11. Juni 2010
Re: Charity <>
Antwort #4 - 26. August 2010 um 23:27
@ Bommo

nunja wenn sich eine 75 jahre alte Frau so gut hält mache ich doch glatt eine Ausnahme .... aber ich habe die Befürchtung das da die gewünschten anderen Maße 60; 41 bei ihr nicht vorhanden sind.
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Forum Administrator

Ich tu nix. Ich will nur

Beiträge: 11824
Standort: Toronto
Mitglied seit: 28. März 2010
Geschlecht: männlich
Re: Charity <>
Antwort #5 - 27. August 2010 um 08:51
vierauge schrieb on 25. August 2010 um 08:00:
Hier ist ihr Yahoo-Profil mit einem anderen Bild von ihr. 

Das versteh ich jetzt nicht. Ich seh da jetzt ganz was Anderes, als vorgestern. Da war noch ein Bild von ihr dabei. hä? Schockiert/Erstaunt
« Zuletzt geändert: 27. August 2010 um 08:52 von vierauge »  
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Zauberer Merlin

Re: Charity <>
Antwort #6 - 27. August 2010 um 17:01
Ich denke, dass wir sie jetzt verschieben können:

hi dear have receive your nice and wonderful massage really this some pics of me and all about me dear take care and read this have a great day there.

    I'm Charity Amankwa, I was born and raised in Ghana, single , no kids, 5-7 ft tall, 168 lbs., black hair and Fair in complexion. I generally try to live a some what healthy lifestyle, exercising and some sort of jogging, 3-4 days a week and eating healthy, (trust me, I love sweets and pastries, but try not to over do it). I would also like to find a like-minded male where we can participate in activities together and encourage each other to pursue their interests as well. I have several hobbies (and wish I could find more time to pursue those) such as swimming, playing computer games, dancing, and reading,and more,and would like someone to share that with, as well as their sharing their interests with me... I am generally an optimistic person with a sense of humor, fairly easy-going, and I don't think that I'm too critical about things, but I also believe that it takes two people contributing to a relationship to make it work. As I mentioned earlier, I like to do things with the other significant person in my life, but I also encourage him to go out and spend time with friends and pursue his own interests and hobbies as well. I believe that time spent apart helps keep things fresh in a relationship and makes the time we do spend together even better. I'm not one who cheats in a relationship; one man is enough trouble ; I don't have the time or energy to juggle 2, 3, or 4 at the same time - ha ha. But I also want to be in a relationship where I can totally trust the other person and not dwell on how the relationship is NOT working... I DO NOT expect a man to be a servant to me, spending all his time working and and cleaning; I believe there is give and take in a relationship, and I realize that at times it's more convenient for me to do laundry, cook, clean, and I have no problem doing that. I consider myself to be a fairly honest and truthful person and expect the same in return; I'm not wealthy and don't expect someone to attempt to deceive me or "play" me. Everybody makes mistakes and I usually give people the benefit of the doubt, but if the same pattern keeps emerging, it's over. I do not want to meet someone who may think that they will take advantage of me or lie to me and cheat on me under false pretenses. Sorry if that sounds harsh, and I'm not accusing anybody of any wrongdoing, but I'm being upfront and honest about that, so you know where I stand from the beginning. With all due respect as well, I hope that you are upfront and honest with me, as well. we'll see how things go after we get to know each other. Well, I hope that this lets you know a little about me,and I hope I don't come across as being too cynical, harsh, or mean sounding. I will give anybody the benefit of the doubt (we're all human, we all make mistakes), but I also don't like being taken advantage of. I'm just asking you to keep it real and be honest from the beginning; that way, nobody is wasting their time or getting their feelings hurt. I also realize that at times two people are just too different to be in a relationship together; it doesn't mean that it's any body's fault, it's just that they're too different to be compatible. Am new at the site and i don't know much there and i will be happy and God make us stay here and we make things better cose i don't go to the site and i need you to understand this here for me.. .. Take Good care there and meet You Soon. I will be Happy here You send me some pictures of you here to me........attach are my pictures and i will be happy if u send me ur pics also so i will know the one am chatting with........Charity.

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« Zuletzt geändert: 11. März 2011 um 01:35 von zapparella »  
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Forum Administrator

Ich tu nix. Ich will nur

Beiträge: 11824
Standort: Toronto
Mitglied seit: 28. März 2010
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Re: Charity <>
Antwort #7 - 27. August 2010 um 17:05
Über Ghana.

Alles auswählen - Geo Information
IP Address
Location  GH, Ghana
City Accra, 01 -
Organization Ghana Telecom
ISP Ghana Telecom

Date: Fri, 27 Aug 2010 07:02:37 -0700 (PDT)
From: Charity Amankwa <>

Zeitzone von yahoo gesetzt.
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General Counsel

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Re: Charity <>
Antwort #8 - 28. August 2010 um 17:38
Die Fotos kommen mir bekannt vor! Mal in unserer Galerie schauen.

In weiten Teilen ist der Text identisch mit denen von
Zuhairu Ibrahim <> Smiley
Allerdings wurde das Gewicht auf 135 ibs. gesenkt, da die Person auf dem Foto schlanker ist.

Allerdings mit gleichen "Abmessungen" finden wir identische Texte bei:
regina nketia <> Smiley
« Zuletzt geändert: 28. August 2010 um 17:57 von Uli »  
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