Mal was Neues, diesmal aus Indien:
Dear Friends in Christ,
Greetings to you in the precious and merciful name of our Saviour Lord Jesus
I humbly request you to allow to introducing my self as. Rev.p.josephthangaraju
and Sr. Pastor and praising my God for choosing me and my Co-Workers to
proclaim the love and the Gospel of Jesus Christ in our parts of India.” Woe
is unto me, if I preach not the Gospel” 1.Cor.9: 16
shalem ministry is an Independent faith Ministry, Please pray earnestly for our us and our Ministries OUTREACH, CHURCH PLANTING, And we are prayerfully reaching the un-reached People groups in our parts of India and we rejoice in the Lord and happy to share with you that many perishing souls have come to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ through our Ministries. And we Praise GOD, for enabling us for establishing small Churches in different Villages, Towns, Slums and Tribal areas. And We do both Church Ministries and Field Ministries.viz.. OUTREACH, CHURCH PLANTING, SUNDAY SCHOOLS,YOUTH MINISTRY, WOMEN’S FELLOWSHIP (S) OPEN AIR GOSPEL REVIVAL MEETINGS /CRUSADES, PASTORS CONFERENCES AND SEMINARS for CHRISTIAN WOMEN AND. We Praise Jesus for OUR CO-WORKERS PASTORS/ NATIVE MISSIONARIES those who are diligently and faithfully working in our Churches and Outreach for His glory and extension of His Kingdom.
Please continue to pray for the Lord’s Ministry in India, It is a matter to
regret that India, still remains as one of the least Evangelized nations of
the World. Still there are thousands of villages without Gospel and millions
of people yet; to hear the Good News of Jesus (as people worship idols,
nature animal, snake cows and trees) for this we need your prayers and
cooperation to go forward in our Lord’s Great Commission to Reach and Win
many lost souls for the extension of His Kingdom. We ask you to join Hands
with us to pray fervently for great Revival and a rain of the Holy Spirit to
fall upon this Hindu nation so that we may reap the Harvest. ."BEHOLD, I say
to you lift up your eyes and look at the fields for they are already white
for the Harvest."John4: 35. And we hope that the spirit of God will guide
you that how you can be a partner in our independent faith Ministry in
By His Grace, We are running a Children Home, there are 32 Children, and our
Ministry; feeding, clothing, giving shelter and educating these Orphans,
poor and needy deserving Children. In fact we have sponsors only for 5
Children. And other 27 Children do not have Sponsors, Due to lack of
financial support, we are facing many troubles in providing daily food them,
and Children and we together are praying to God in tears to give Sponsors
for these 27.Chidren. Will you please pray with us? As we need 27. Sponsors.
To Sponsor a Child per month is UK Pounds 25/. And with your sponsorship of
UK Pounds 25/, you have to make a big difference in an Orphan, Helpless and
Hunger Child with good food to eat, a place to live, clothes to wear and
education. And that he/she will continue to have a Christian education with
genuine opportunities to grow, and above all, Day to day he/she hears the
Good News of Jesus’ Love and Salvation. “Pure religion and undefiled, before
God and the Fathers is this, To visit the Fatherless and widows in their
affliction, and to keep himself unspotted from the world” James.1: 27.
Please pray and if the Spirit of the Lord moves you to Sponsor an Orphan,
Needy, destitute and Homeless Child, Please sponsor one Child or more
We welcome you to visit us, spend some time with Children in the Children
Home and Preach and Win for Christ in Churches, Outreach, Pastors Conference
and Gospel Revival Crusades etc, Therefore go and make disciples of all
nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the
Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And
surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age. --Matthew 28:19.
Please for as We totally depend on the Lord for all the areas of our needs
in the Ministries .And the Ministry desires to have an active member to
pray and supporting friends. Will you please pray and be a part of it for the
extension of the Kingdom of God.
We pray that God blessing you, your family and your Ministry in all
aspects. Looking forward to hearing from you.
With much Love and Prayers,
Together we are reaching our generation for Jesus!
vinukonda 522647
guntur (d.t)
Our mailing Address:
vinukonda 522647
sidhartha nager
guntur. A.P. INDIA.
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