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Heisses Thema (Mehr als 10 Antworten) Olga <> (Gelesen: 6197 mal)

Olga <>
18. Januar 2010 um 11:51
Eigentlich überflüssig zu fragen oder? 

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General Counsel


Beiträge: 20623
Standort: Pians
Mitglied seit: 07. Mai 2009
Geschlecht: weiblich
Re: Olga <>
Antwort #1 - 18. Januar 2010 um 12:28
@ marzipan

Smiley on Bord

Nur ein Quelltext allein sagt noch nichts über Scam oder NoScam aus. Hierzu sind weitere Informationen notwendig.

Poste uns gemäß unserer Boardregeln einen vollständigen Bericht mit

- Mails
- Headern
- Bildern

Die Boardregeln findest du am schnellsten mit den Tabs am oberen Bildrand  Zwinkernd
« Zuletzt geändert: 18. Januar 2010 um 12:29 von zapparella »  
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Re: Olga <>
Antwort #2 - 18. Januar 2010 um 12:31
Ja sorry!
Laut Forenregeln sollte man ja die email-Adresse der Person in die Betreffzeile schreiben. Diese könnte man dann doch googlen?
Falls die Person keine Scammerin ist wäre das ja nicht so toll.
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Re: Olga <>
Antwort #3 - 18. Januar 2010 um 12:43
Ja sorry!
Laut Forenregeln sollte man ja die email-Adresse der Person in die Betreffzeile schreiben. Diese könnte man dann doch googlen?
Falls die Person keine Scammerin ist wäre das ja nicht so toll.

Google findet aus dem No Scam Bereich keine Mail-Adressen.
Hier kannst du deine ganzen Infos posten  Zwinkernd
Sollte sich dein Kontakt als Real erweisen wird alles zum Schutze des Kontaktes gelöscht.
Aber soweit sind wir noch nicht  Zwinkernd

Die Mail wurde über Y-O eingeliefert

Alles auswählen
Received: from (olga_la83@ with plain)
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      Country:	Russian Federation
      State/Region:	45
      City:	Yoshkar-ola
      Latitude:	56.6369
      Longitude:	47.8711 

Poste nun den Rest  Zwinkernd
« Zuletzt geändert: 18. Januar 2010 um 12:44 von »  
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Re: Olga <>
Antwort #4 - 18. Januar 2010 um 13:10
Habe nicht mehr alle Mails und auch nicht mehr alle Fotos, schreibt seit ca. Anfang November. 
Es fing so an, daß ich irgendwann im letzten Jahr regelmäßig emails von einer russischen Datingseite bekommen habe, daß eine Mail im Postfach auf micht wartet. Habe nie den Link angeklickt, weil ich mich nirgendwo registriert habe. Habe die Adresse dann in den Spamfilter verschoben.
Irgendwann kamen dann direkt Mails von russischen Frauen mit Fotos auf meine email. Die ersten habe ich auch ignoriert und gelöscht, bis es mir zu bunt wurde und ich eine gefragt habe woher die meine Adresse hat. So kam eins zum anderen.
Für 2 Monate Mailkontakt klingt mir das eindeutig zu schmachtend!
Kommt aus Kazan ist 28 Jahre, ich werde das mal weiter beobachten.

Hier die letzte Mail von Olga, schreibt eigentlich sehr selten 1x pro Woche mehr nicht.

Hello my dear!

I'm so sorry I couldn't write to you yesterday! I was so busy at my work. And then I had to help my mum about the house. My parents were waiting for their relatives , so they are preparing to receive guests.

   But you even can't imagine how happy make me your letters ! I look forward you letters !  I'm glad that I have met you in my lifetime. Thanks God that your letters are coming to me.

    My relation to you becomes more and more serious with each your e-mail. What's a pity that we are far away from each other. I'm fired of loneliness It's so difficult not to have a person near you who loves you, takes care of you and respects you. Sometimes when I come back home after work I have a bad mood . And only your letters , your attention make me stronger. Help me to  get rid of my loneliness! I want to feel care and kindness.  I'm sorry for such an introduction you what I peel now and I want you to know about it . Please write to me what you feel about me, ok?

It's important for me. I want to get reciprocity from you. How is your life ? What are you doing? I want you to believe that I can say that I miss you . You know. I told my mum about you , and she said that she wants to believe that I have met the right man. I didn't expect that she supports me in the idea to find a person through the Internet but she said that it didn't matter now I would get acquainted with a men, the only important thing is to find a men with whom I will have children. My heart was so beating when she was saying all these words. I can't say that I'm so sensitive but her words touched me so deeply!

These words were from my closest person and I'm so grateful that she supports me in my ideas.

   Now I can say for sure that I'm quite serious concerning you and our relationship. And because of it I don't want that our relationship develop  only by the Internet correspondence . Of course our letters help us to learn a lot of things about saying the most important words directly to the person. Do you support me in this or don't you agree ? I want to do describe here my thoughts directly now possible. I wrote this e-mail to tell you what  I have in my heart now, I'm dreaming to become closer to you . Please understand me and I ask you about only one thing! Be sincere !!! Tell me what you feel. Tell me what you think about our future relationship. As for me I began writing to you not just to have a familiar. But on purpose to find the right person for meeting and may be for marriage But we can discuss such a serious step in out life confidentially . I want to believe that our meeting will once. My dear I say all these words from my heart . I'm sorry I didn't answer some  of your questions but I'm sure these things which I mentioned are more important .

I really like this singer, as "Guf". He sings a song of life! I really like his music! And from overseas I love "Armin Van Burren". As for the joint vacation, I think so far too early to talk! We need to get to know each other!

I'm finishing with these words now. I'm waiting your reply.

A sensitive kiss for you!!!!

Forever you, Olga!!!

« Zuletzt geändert: 18. Januar 2010 um 16:39 von »  
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Re: Olga <>
Antwort #5 - 18. Januar 2010 um 13:43
@ marzipan

Wo gibt sie an zu wohnen??

Metadaten der Bilder:


# Bild Beschreibung = OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA
# Kamera Hersteller = OLYMPUS IMAGING CORP.
# Kamera Model = FE280,X820,C520
# Software/Firmware Version = Version 1.0
# Letzte Änderung Datum/Uhrzeit = 2009:04:01 17:39:59
# Original Datum/Zeit = 2009:04:01 17:39:59
# Digitalisierung Datum/Zeit = 2009:04:01 17:39:59

olga2.JPG (239 KB

# Kamera Hersteller = Panasonic
# Kamera Model = DMC-LZ10
# Software/Firmware Version = Ver.1.0
# Letzte Änderung Datum/Uhrzeit = 2009:04:14 10:55:44
# Original Datum/Zeit = 2009:04:14 10:55:44
# Digitalisierung Datum/Zeit = 2009:04:14 10:55:44

olga1.JPG (70 KB | 0  )

# Bild Beschreibung = OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA
# Kamera Hersteller = OLYMPUS IMAGING CORP.
# Kamera Model = FE280,X820,C520
# Software/Firmware Version = Version 1.0
# Letzte Änderung Datum/Uhrzeit = 2009:03:30 18:09:00
# Original Datum/Zeit = 2009:03:30 18:09:00
# Digitalisierung Datum/Zeit = 2009:03:30 18:09:00


# Kamera Hersteller = Nokia
# Kamera Model = N82
# Original Datum/Zeit = 2009:01:14 01:16:02
# Digitalisierung Datum/Zeit = 2009:01:14 01:16:02

My_parents.JPG (157 KB | 0  )

# amera Hersteller = Canon
# Kamera Model = Canon DIGITAL IXUS 75
# Letzte Änderung Datum/Uhrzeit = 2009:12:12 19:26:04
# Original Datum/Zeit = 2009:12:12 19:26:04
# Digitalisierung Datum/Zeit = 2009:12:12 19:26:04
« Zuletzt geändert: 18. Januar 2010 um 13:49 von »  
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Re: Olga <>
Antwort #6 - 18. Januar 2010 um 14:08
Ich bin gerade auf der Arbeit. Zu Hause habe ich noch weitere Bilder und die Quelltext werde ich mal checken.
Die allerersten Mails habe ich gelöscht, weiß aber das sie nur geschrieben hat Kasan, Tatarstan Republic mehr nicht.

Also ist die letzte Mail teilweise gelogen, angeblich mußte sie ihrer Mutter helfen die Besuch von Verwandten erwartete. Das Foto ist aber vom 12.12.2009 und die Mail vom 17.01.2010.

« Zuletzt geändert: 18. Januar 2010 um 16:37 von »  
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Re: Olga <>
Antwort #7 - 18. Januar 2010 um 14:19
So weitere Fotos, mehr habe ich nicht.

« Zuletzt geändert: 18. Januar 2010 um 16:38 von »  
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Re: Olga <>
Antwort #8 - 18. Januar 2010 um 16:26
weiß aber das sie nur geschrieben hat Kasan, Tatarstan Republic 

Wenn sie über Y-O ihre Mail´s einliefert,
kann sie nicht aus Kasan kommen

Ok einverstanden,
das reicht als Beweis 

100 % Scam
« Zuletzt geändert: 18. Januar 2010 um 17:50 von »  
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Re: Olga <>
Antwort #9 - 18. Januar 2010 um 16:41
Könnte doch auch mal jemand Reales herkommen.
Tja schade.

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Re: Olga <>
Antwort #10 - 18. Januar 2010 um 20:42
Die gesammelten Werke von Olga:

Hi! This is Olga! Girl with the dating site! Why do not you answer?
Answer me please! I want to continue our acquaintance!
Password on my old box was stolen! Write this!


My dear friend! Thanks a lot! I am very pleased! The photo is
really me! I am a real woman! This is not a hoax! And I like your
photos! How are you? What do you spend your time? I am interested in
everything! I would like to tell you more about myself! And learn more about you!
By nationality I Russian. I am a Christian.  live in Russia. My
native town is called Kazan. It's the capital of Tatarstan Republic.
My city is big and very beautiful. I lead a healthy lifestyle. Do not
drink, do not smoke. It is like going to the gym. So I have a good figure. My approximate parameters: height 171, weight 54
kg. Bust, waist and hip 87-62-90. I work a lot, so the rest of time is
almost not enough. I love to dance. Sometimes with friends we go to
the club. There I do not sit on the ground, all night dancing. I also
love to visit a cinema. I like comedies, horror films and melodrama.
My favorite movie "Cruel Intentions". And what movies you like them?
And when I spend an evening at home I devote its delicious food.
I love to cook. My friends and relatives think I'm a good housekeeper.
My favorite dish of meat with potatoes, baked in a casserole. And what
do you like? By the way, I want to warn you that I am a straight man.
According to the sign of the Zodiac I Sagittarius. I was born on
December 1. That week I turned 28 years old! And when you're born?
Well, my dear friend, look forward to your letter you next!


Hi, my foreign friend !!!
How are today ?  I am pleased to get your e-mail again. It  cheered me up even .
I have recently done for  a walk . I was in the park. I noticed the coupe there .
They were so happy with each other. They looked at each other with warmth and tenderness .
This is a real love.I envied them  a bit I want to love and be loved.
I’m dreaming  of sincere love when people understand each other and even without words.
They trust each other and prepare plans about their future life together . That’s great.
Love is the best feeling in the world. I have not met a worthy person who really loved me.
I dated with some Russian men but none them I could trust and be sure in .
You probably were surprised that I’ m single.
I have never been married and don’t  have children.
During my lifetime I had serious relationship with the person ,
we were going to marry but he betrayed me.He commited adultery with my friend .
It was a double betrayals for me . Two closest people let me down .
I can’t describe by words my state at that lime. I can’t wish it even for an enemy .
But the time is the great healer. I managed to survive .
Now   I’m open for relationship but even a year before
I was sure that I won’t  trust anybody any more.
But my family and true friends encouraged me. Now  I’m optimist I believe that about you?
Do you want to have serious relationship?
I hope you didn’t  have such a bad experience in love as me.
What women do you like ? What features don’t you bare in women?
Pleas tell me . As for me I want to be with a man with a strong character ,
clever, ambitions , communicative ,
cheerful , careful and gentle. He should be a man of a word. I hate conceited men.
They say only words but in reality they do nothing .
I don’t  have a lot of friends. And you?  I have one best friend . Her name is Anna .
She  has advised to me to get acquainted with the man on the Internet.
Frankly speaking first I could meet you on the Internet.
I’m really glad to real your letters.
Good luck at work!
I wish you Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
Sincerely yours, Olga!!!


Hello dear friend! You know, I also really want a serious relationship! I have already turned 28 years old, and I am not married and I have no children! Maybe I am beautiful, but my beauty does not make me happy! In my town I was not able to build a relationship with a man! Russian men are boors and goon! And you've got a completely different culture! Many people say that foreign men are well treated their women! They consider them a kind gift of fate! Is that true? You have the opportunity to create a mailbox on yahoo? I would like to communicate with you in the chat! I do not know the movie "Pans Labyrinth". What is this movie? What is he? Love? I'll wait for your letter is! Sincerely, Olga!

« Zuletzt geändert: 19. Januar 2010 um 09:01 von »  
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I love Anti-Scam

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Mitglied seit: 08. Oktober 2008
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Re: Olga <>
Antwort #11 - 19. Januar 2010 um 10:13
@ marzipan

Es wäre gut, wenn Du noch die Quelltext der letzten Mails posten kannst danke
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Re: Olga <>
Antwort #12 - 19. Januar 2010 um 10:39
Habe gestern geschaut. Sind wohl alle gleich, wie der den ich schon mal gepostet habe.
Kann ich natürlich trotzdem machen.
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Re: Olga <>
Antwort #13 - 19. Januar 2010 um 10:42
Habe gestern geschaut. Sind wohl alle gleich, wie der den ich schon mal gepostet habe.
Kann ich natürlich trotzdem machen.

Wichtig für´s Forum sind immer die Quelltext der Mail´s  Zwinkernd
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General Counsel

Beiträge: 30514
Mitglied seit: 17. Januar 2008
Geschlecht: männlich
Re: Olga <>
Antwort #14 - 19. Januar 2010 um 15:55
Habe gestern geschaut. Sind wohl alle gleich, wie der den ich schon mal gepostet habe.
Kann ich natürlich trotzdem machen.

Wichtig für´s Forum sind immer die Quelltext der Mail´s  Zwinkernd

Gerade auch, wenn es dynamische IP hat (wechseln einmal pro Tag). Dadurch ist es auch schon gelungen, einen Scam zu enttarnen, da er mit gleicher IP hereinkam.
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