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Normales Thema Vera <> (Gelesen: 8026 mal)
Themenstarter Themenstarter
General Counsel

Beiträge: 30473
Mitglied seit: 17. Januar 2008
Geschlecht: männlich
Vera <>
31. August 2009 um 23:07
Mail 1: 20. August 2009

I wrote to you few days ago. I was using my work email.
Now I am writing to you from my personal email address and tell you
about my plans I am planning on working in a different country for few
months and may be more. 

There are many young people in my country who want to work in a foreign
country Many of them are using unique opportunity "rest and work". 

This is a youngster project that helps seekers to find the best variant
for a job and helps to gather all the required docments. 

Most popular countries for this project are of course the A m e r i c a
and E u r o p e countries (or other big and reliable countries such A u
s t r a l i a and so on)! 

Now I carry out preparation of necessary papers. 
I should choose city, and would like to find the reliable person with
whom it is possible to spend interestingly, and I would not be lonely 

It is my first time when I try to find the friend through the Internet,
I never searched it for online, 

And You should know that I do not  have boyfriend and is open for

I am sorry for such a letter. 

I am sending you my ph.! 

V e r a (it is my real FULLname). 


Off Topic KommentarMore pictures in the gallery: Smiley

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Themenstarter Themenstarter
General Counsel

Beiträge: 30473
Mitglied seit: 17. Januar 2008
Geschlecht: männlich
Re: Vera <>
Antwort #1 - 31. August 2009 um 23:09
Mail 2: 23. August 2009

Hi ... I decided to send you more photos, I hope you will like it.

..... I just wanted to tell you hello again!!

I think you are interested that I don`t have a boyfriend, because all

men here look on my appearance and I want somebody who will look inside me. pictures....s e x y.... Smiley


I really apologize if you think now I'm not a good girl...

I hope you don't think so. Please let me know and

I will write you more if I'm forgiven for sending this pic!!!

I hope you will answer this email and we will try to get to know each other better!!!!!!!!

AAAAAAAAAAAh!!!! I'm so ashamed to send this pics!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I also want to see your different photos and hope to know you better!

I want you to know that I have only good intentions and I don`t have

big secrets...


kiss Vera



I think that it is hard enough to live in foreign town without friends !But ...

I don't want to live in my country because I have not any chances here,it

is hardly possible to explain it by the first time but I want you to

know my plans. The forecast for my country in 2009 awful (war, mass disorders of workers on periphery,

Reductions of workplaces, Rise in price of the foodstuffs and clothes). It is very terrible. 

The economic crisis will reach apogee...!

I`m 25 years old and I`m not afraid of work 

(I shall work as the seller in shop or cafe of a fast food or trainer).

I think it is the right way for me, I am lost here, and I think that I look pretty enough

to find a better place.

I am full of plans and different dreams.

I have chestnut hair and grey-green eyes! I think I look very good, but

first of all I want to be beautiful inside.

I do hope that you  will be not disappointed to meet me in the real

life if we will meet Smiley

Well,I will close this letter and I do hope to get your reply.

I can't tell you everything

exactly right now and I would like to

be sure that I have a man who waits for me there. I will work all day

and I would like  to find a man to spend all free time together to get to know each other better.

if you have any interest to meet me I will be more than happy to meet

you too. My be it sounds silly but I just don't want to be alone in the

evenings,and I want to be sure in advance that somebody waits for me!

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Themenstarter Themenstarter
General Counsel

Beiträge: 30473
Mitglied seit: 17. Januar 2008
Geschlecht: männlich
Re: Vera <>
Antwort #2 - 31. August 2009 um 23:10
Mail 3: 24. August 2009

Hello Daniel! I in delight!!!! thank's for your reply so much!!!

And I find you very attractive!!! I like your pic!!!

can I  call you - MY L I O N?  or is better by NAME?

...about age! have you heard a saying The older the violin the sweeter the music?!

I hope soon I will be able to come to your area and we will meet each other!

this time I will write you more about myself. I think you should know

more about my life and my hobbies so you will know if we have any

common interests. I'm 25 years old, not too young I

think? My birthday is 1983 11 October. I'm 164,5 cm tall (5.5) and 52.5 kg weight..

I don't know exactly my bust-waist-hips measurements, I

don't have a reason to measure it because I think it's OK and my body

is proportionate ))

I take care of my body, I do aerobics three times

a week and I go to the swimming pool twice a week.

We live with the father and mother.

We all live in two-rooms flat.

The name of my city is Slavgorod,

it's near Barnaul city. Slavgorod is very small and Barnaul is a

large city, the main city in our district.

I graduated from Barnaul Humanitarian Academy two years ago.

As I wrote you I`m a menager of the big shop, my city is small but we have a

big shop here. Sometimes I attend courses in

Barnaul so I have several diplomas, but you

know in my country we don`t have good work opportunities. But this work help me to take

care about myself. When I come to your city I think it won`t be a problem to find work on

my specialization (I shall work as the simple seller).

my father is 58 years old now, my mom is 46. You see my mom

is much younger then my father and they are very happy together. My

mother is a teacher of music in the school. I also could play a piano a

little. I like classic music, jazz, rock, lounge. I like all kinds of music!

A little about my father: he is in a good shape because we usually make

exercises together, he doesn`t work now, because he is retired already.

I love both my parents and I'm happy my parents will be not alone when

I leave them and will go to another country. Of course I will miss

everybody but I want to have my own happiness!


do you have an International Airport in your city? please write me it's name an code.

or write me the name of the nearest INTERNATIONAL Airport to you.


I write you my emails from Internet cafe, I don't have my own computer.

If you want I can call you when I will be in Moscow, it would be nice

to talk to you. We don't have international calls here. I suppose in few

days I will fly to Moscow and start my trip! Today I will tell my parents

about you, I'm sure they will be happy that someone is waiting for me over there!

There is no any messenger in this Cafe so we can only keep emailing

each other. I hope you are not getting bored to read my emails?

My add. here is city Slavgorod , Mirnaya  st. 9, flat 16 post code(zip) - 658825.

So now you have a representation of who I am....

I just can tell you that I enjoy life and I try to live to the

fullest, I like to try new things. I'm not that smart.. I was not that

good in mathematics, physics, biology and so on! I don't like to be

smart! But I'm very tender, caring, artistic, faithful, decent person.

Sometimes I can be not well organized, I think everybody had it's own

minuses and pluses. I don't look any special qualities in a man. I just hope he will be

faithful to me and ready to create a happy family with me and I will

do everything to make him happy. I'm looking for a soulmate!


ok... it's time to finish my email. I'm sending a kiss by the wind to

you and if I sent it to the right destination you should receive it by

evening )))) I hope you will catch my kiss somehow )))

do you like my photos? On the photo I am with my kitten, her name is





Vera ...Kitten :cat

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Themenstarter Themenstarter
General Counsel

Beiträge: 30473
Mitglied seit: 17. Januar 2008
Geschlecht: männlich
Re: Vera <>
Antwort #3 - 31. August 2009 um 23:34
The name of my city is Slavgorod,

it's near Barnaul city. Slavgorod is very small and Barnaul is a

large city, the main city in our district.

Slavgorod, der liegt ca. 340 Kilometer westlich von Barnaul. Hat etwa 30000 Einwohner, wovon der größte Teil deutschstämmig ist und zu den Mennoniten zählt!

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Themenstarter Themenstarter
General Counsel

Beiträge: 30473
Mitglied seit: 17. Januar 2008
Geschlecht: männlich
Re: Vera <>
Antwort #4 - 31. August 2009 um 23:12
Mail 4: 25. August 2009

sorry..I just want to add few things...
I think last time I wrote you not all my thoughts...
My mind is always in a mess when I write you because it's hard to write
everything to somebody who is so far away. I don't remember if I wrote
last time I've never been married, don't have kids but I love them and
they love me! I And I want to tell you that I always wanted to find an
older man.
Why? I have two answers..
Firstly, I think older men are much more serious and they can take care
of me, they are more experienced in life and can teach me many things.
Have you heard a saying "The older the violin, the sweeter the music"? I
believe in it... I think I'm not that young already but I don't have
much experience in life and I want to have someone who has more
experience in life then me.
Secondly... maybe I'm not right about it... but I want to be honest I've
always had such worry... if I marry a man nearly my age...
and after some years I will become not that young and beautiful... I
think it's more hard for a woman to be attractive then for a man...
and he will find a younger mistress and I will become very miserable.
I don't want my man to be unfaithful. I know I can be faithful to my man
and I will never cheat on him.
But this is just my worries. This is not my goal. Please tell me if you
think you will love your woman at any age and not find a younger one?
Can you be faithful?
Also I want to tell you that I learned english in university, so I don`t
use any translators, and I can speak english as good as I write on it.
I hope we will have no problems in communications. I feel that you are
very nice man I really want to meet you. If you will not like me or
something else we can be just friends.
I hope I will get my work visa soon in Moscow and all documents and I
come to you! I don't have any area limits with this visa so I can work
where I want. I don`t know exact day of my arrival, but as soon as I
know   I will write it to you.
You know, I'm just trying to be honest with you and write you all my
thoughts on different issues. Please be always honest with me also....
I will write you later,
I will look if I have more nice photos to sendyou.

Have a good day!

kiss you, Vera

« Zuletzt geändert: 14. April 2021 um 19:19 von Webmaster »  
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Themenstarter Themenstarter
General Counsel

Beiträge: 30473
Mitglied seit: 17. Januar 2008
Geschlecht: männlich
Re: Vera <>
Antwort #5 - 31. August 2009 um 23:13
Mail 5: 26. August 2009

Hello Daniel! thank you! it's good to write you again!

I think I'm a lucky girl to meet such good man as you in Internet! I hope I will be lucky enough to meet you

in the real life!!! yesterday I told my parents about you.

they said that now they don`tworry about me as before because now they know you are a kind man

and can help me if I will need your help. You can show me your city and

tell me about the life over there! I think I didn't write you I like cooking. 

I will cook RUScuisine for you! Pelmeni, vareniki, blini, borsch, okroshka! 

You will like it! Besides I like Italian and Mexican. I love

spaghetti and pizzza!!!!! mmmmmmm ! I can't live without it! I like

Mexican food because it's very spicy, although I don't cook Mexican

dishes too often. I've been told my cooking is very tasty!

I like to cook cakes. my favorite is cheese-cake with raspberry! You

know... when I talk about food I'm getting hungry ))) I eat everything

and I'm not on any diets but usually I don't eat after 7 pm. This

helps me not to be fat! I can cook many tasty things for you when we will meet! You know..

almost all Russian men are like bears! They are so rude, they can't be nice

and polite, they don't want to have a family. I think you are not like them.

I like to go to the cinema! I really like to watch a good movie with

my friends. 50 percents of movies in our cinemas are Russian and about 50

American.  actually my favorite actor is William Smith and I like all movies with

him. I've watched "Seven Pounds" Have you seen it?

could you recommend me any American movie so I can watch it?

What is your favorite movie and actor? Soooooooooooooooo......... what else could I say?

I have a driver's licence but I don't have a car. My father has a

russian car and he gives me his car sometimes.

I don`t like only cinema! I like theatre and opera too, I like ballet.

Unfortunately there is only one small theatre in my city and there is

nothing interesting. If I want to go to ballet, for example, I should

go to Barnaul, there sometimes can come famous Russian actors and

dancers but I can't go there often because it's quite expensive.

By, the way, one thing else about my trip.  Agency will help me to rent a room

to stay near my future work. I will share this room with a few girls yet,

it is usual procedure and it helps to pay the rent (it will be cheaper).

And I have a question, is it normal if we will like each other may be it is  

possible to live together?of course if you or somebody  doesn't mind.

As you know I will stay there for three months but If I will like there I will be

able to prolong my trip. I think I will be able to improve my english and you can learn Russian

and I think it will help us to learn each other better,who knows.Do you have a big

wide bed?(joke). And now I have some good news for you! After sending this email I will

go home, take my packed bags and go to Barnaul! From there I will fly to Moscow! I`m

really afraid to fly on a plane! I hope my plane will not fall down! I'm really afraid!

It is several hours from Barnaul to Moscow.

when I come to Moscow and settle down I will write you an email. I

hope today I will be able to write you. Please don't worry about me

if you don't hear from me today or tomorrow, that will mean I was not able to

find a place to stay and I will write you after tomorrow.

In Moscow I will spend a week or maybe even more, I should make all

final arrangements with my documents and after it I will come to you!

I've never been to Moscow before and I'm so nervous now... I've never

went somewhere alone and now I should go alone to such big city!

I really want to talk to you by phone, but as I don`t have a mobile

phone, I will find a public phone in Moscow with international calls.

you know... I had such great desire to start my trip already.. and now

I feel myself like a newborn kitten who has even didn't open it's

eyes... I just want to hug my mommy and don't want to go anywhere...

but I know that's my dream to start a new life and I will try to turn

in to reality! Soon you will hear some news from me from



hope I'm only for you! love you and kisses!


your Vera

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Themenstarter Themenstarter
General Counsel

Beiträge: 30473
Mitglied seit: 17. Januar 2008
Geschlecht: männlich
Re: Vera <>
Antwort #6 - 31. August 2009 um 23:40
Mail 6: 28. August 2009

Daniel hello! excuse me that I could not write to you earlier.....

I'm writing to you as soon as I can!!!!!! I was busy with many

arrangements!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! also I had to repeat some words

for my English test and I finally passed my test today morning!!!

today I was in the travel agency and I received an information about my trip!

I will be very thankful to you if you can meet me at the Airport!


I will arrive to you on Thursday, 3, September.

I shall inform number of flight, the terminal and an arrival time

probably (((( Tuesday or on Monday)))).

more in detail look at the end of the letter. I copied the information of agency


I hope so much it's a good day for you to meet me!


I am so glad to see that we are almost near our goal,and our meeting

wait for us. I think I will call  you from airport before my flight. 

You know I booked tickets on Thursday, 3, September. flight and I will buy them before

my intervew. People from embassy must be sure that I am not going to stay illegally,

so I need to buy roundtrip tickets  (with returning date).

I wanted to ask you about electronic tickets but they tell that

I can't use because it is their businees to arrange all travel details

and they have some extra money from all the things,

you see it is just business.I think that you will be able to help me

because I don't know anybody here and only you are  my hope now,

I think everything in your hands and I believe that you will not leave

me here alone.please borrow some money. I am sure I will be able to return all your money

back after a few weeks, I will get salary and I will collect the sum I own from you.

To be fair I am not sure I know what to say because I hate to ask but

now I have no different way, you see.Please help me  it is only money 

and much more important if we will meet in person  I will do my

best, you won`t be disappoined. I see that it sounds a little crazy 

but I can't believe that in the worst case I have to return

home,they all will laugh at me.I think it rests with you to decide and I feel that 

you will help me because you are kind. I have about 300 US dollars yet and I think 

I need about 980 US dollars from your side with all travel needs and living here till my

flight! (I had 1180 dollars, but flight from Barnaul, opening visa, medical

insurance and all travel needs costed about 800 dollars). 

For truth I did not expect I will need to buy roundtrip tickets, but now

I see that its a very strict rule.

I was sure that my mom will help me becasue she promised but now she

sent letter that it is possible only in a few months or so because of

family problems.and she can't send transfer now.I was in the bank to

try to ask them about loan but they tell I have to have something to stay them 

and I have nothing to stay because I have only a few

dress and things,some perfume and it is all I have,and small gift for you from 

russia with love. 


please send it today by Western Union or Money Gram

I will write you details:


send it to russia, Vera Manoukyan !!!!This is my full name!


Also I've got an advice to send you a scan copy of my passport 

in case you need to confirm my details.


this is my full name used in all official documents. They said this is all info you need.

But please for any case write down more info. The address where I'm staying:

Moscow,  Barbolina  street, 4 - 138, post code (zip) 107014.. I rent a small room In an apartment of an old policeman here, it's

cheaper then hotel.The address of the closest Western Union (or MoneyGram) here is:


"Sberbank"  the Stromynskoye branch ( branch № 5281/01691) 129329, Moscow,  Sokolnicheskaya the area, 9, a building 1


I have some money but it's not enough to complete my trip.

Please send me 980 US dollars and I will complete my trip!

After it please write me all details about the transfer -


your FULL NAME and Money Transfer Control Number.!!


I will call you as soon as I receive it.

When I receive the money I will pay for my trip and only then

the embassy will put all final stamps on my documents.

I've bought you few souvenirs with Russian attributes!!! I'm

sure you will like them! If you need something more please let me

know, they are not expensive. Also I bought two boxes of Russian

chocolate! I hope so much when I come to you we will like each other!

You are already very special to me! 

Please when I come to you tell me more about you and your country! 

I will listen to everything you tell me and I will do everything you

tell me! I trust you really much!

I hope you will not do something to hurt my feelings.... I

think you are really good man. I will never do anything to hurt yours!!!

By statistics Moscow is the second most expensive city in the

world after Tokyo... everything is so expensive here... and I have

to pay for my rent and food and buy tickets.. please help me..

Sorry if I missed something or didn't comment please let me know

I was so busy with with all preparations!!!!




> TRAVEL INFO  :    Vera Manoukyan

> -------------------------------------------------------------------------
> © Travel Agency "PTI - Travel" .
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------

> TRAVEL INFO  :  Vera Manoukyan  - private tour.(work visa)

> Russian-English


> Travel dates for: Ms. Vera Manoukyan

> Please label the inside and outside of each piece of baggage to

> be checked in with your name and where possible your address.

> Suitable baggage labels and

> stickers are available free of charge. In advance of your journey.

> please note the current free baggage allowance included in your

> ticket price. You can find this information in the internet or via

> your Airline contact

> person. In case you booked a special fare please note that it can

> be subject to restrictions. Travel Abroad: When preparing to travel

> abroad for less than 5 months,

> it is important to ensure entry to another country . Depending on

> the country to be visited and the worker's nationality, it may be

> necessary to apply for a

> visitor visa.The worker must have: a valid passport or travel

> document, valid 

> visa .

> Furthermore, page 4  must be signed by the RO. No special

> permission is needed, but it is important to have a valid

> passport,valid visa and all travel documents.


> Thank you for your booking and have a pleasant journey. Kind

> regards."PTI - Travel"  is a licensed and officially registered travel agency.

> Travel agency "PTI - Travel" .


> Our goal is to provide quality services for group and individual  

> travelers.

> -------------------------------------------------------------------------

> Please use our service. managers: Tatyana

> -------------------------------------------------------------------------

> The nearest possible flight is - Thursday, 3, September.

> 2009. From Russia, Moscow,Sheremetyevo Inter Airport.

> Price: foreign passport,visa,tax,consulate fee,ticket Eco.class.USD

> 1280.00+

> -------------------------------------------------------------------------

> This reservation will be automatically cancelled if the order is not

> purchased until  Wednesday, 2, September. 2009.

Und es gibt sogar den Pass:

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Themenstarter Themenstarter
General Counsel

Beiträge: 30473
Mitglied seit: 17. Januar 2008
Geschlecht: männlich
Re: Vera <>
Antwort #7 - 31. August 2009 um 23:48
Der Pass ist eine Fälschung unseres P-Fälschers!
Wir hatten in der Vergangenheit einen Fälscher, der dadurch auffiel, dass er in der ersten Zeile des maschinenlesbaren Teils zwischen Nationalität 
und Nachnamen noch ein P gesetzt hat. Auch hat er die ersten beiden Ziffern vor dem NO der Passnummer vergessen. 
Und diese Merkmale finden sich hier wieder!

Zum machinenlesbaren Teil nur ganz kurz:
- Die ersten beiden Ziffern der Passnummer fehlen. Die Kontrollziffer ist falsch!
- Nationalität stimmt
- Geburtsdatum passt nicht zum Datenteil. Kontrollziffer ist falsch
- Geschlecht stimmt. Ist also nicht umgebaut!
- Ablaufdatum passt! Aber auch hier passt die Kontrollziffer nicht!
- Für das Ausstellungsdatum 2008 wird wohl die 25 nicht stimmen!
- Für 2008 sieht der Pass sehr alt aus!
- Das Passbild sieht etwas geflickt aus!
« Zuletzt geändert: 19. Juni 2010 um 09:02 von Webmaster »  
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Themenstarter Themenstarter
General Counsel

Beiträge: 30473
Mitglied seit: 17. Januar 2008
Geschlecht: männlich
Re: Vera <>
Antwort #8 - 31. August 2009 um 23:51
Mail 7: 27. August 2009

I am very glad to write you again!!!!!!!!!!I in Capital of our country!!
I was in a travel agency, all my documents are ready.
Now they are checking a possible flight to your air port.
They will give me all information (date and time of my arrival, etc.)
tomorrow I think. 
Tomorrow I will continue to see M o s c o w, like a tourist. 
In Moscovthere are so many different museums! Here good weather, about
+20`C, but I feel myself so alone.   Smiley  Everything here is very
expensive, not like in my city...
Everywhere are big crowds of people! 
Everyone rush somewhere and I don`t know anybody here. I feel
uncomfortable because of it but I hope I will be OK soon.

You can't imagine how happy I am because I already started my trip to
I still cannot believe I've done it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Please  CONFIRM  the name of int.airport (and his code) and be sure you
wrote it right.

Kiss you, Vera!!!
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