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Normales Thema Richard Dave <> (Gelesen: 1196 mal)
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Beiträge: 20612
Standort: Pians
Mitglied seit: 07. Mai 2009
Geschlecht: weiblich
Richard Dave <>
24. August 2009 um 19:54

Hier hab ich noch einen aus meinem "Ich-warte-auf-Veröffentlichen" Ordner  Zwinkernd
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Profildaten, Bild und Inbox-Mail von Tagged

Richard D
ast Active: 9 hours ago
Profile Views: 448 times
Profile Skin: Default
Member Since: Mar 22, 2009
Gender: Male
Location: Norwood Young America, MN
Age: 40
Orientation: Straight

Inbox-Mail Zitat:

From:Richard D
Date:Aug 1, 2009 1:35 PM
Subject:Hi Pretty. How are u...

Hi Pretty. How are u doing today?I hope all is well with you and your family,health,work and how is the weather over there?well i was jsut browsering through this site and i saw your beatiful profile of which cought my attention so i decided to drop a message. I am Richard Dave,i am newin here and aslo new online dating,i am a father of one daughter name nancy, i am honest and gentle man.i hate lies and deception well if u dont mind i will like to know more about you...or if you will like to know more about me you can send me a mail or add me in your message feel free to send me mail or add me in yor message list .. Bye and take good care of your self. Hoping to hear from you soon. God bless. Dave.

Ich habe ihn nochmals an mich erinnert, denn wir wollen ja den Quelltext sehen.  Zwinkernd
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