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Normales Thema Evgenija <> (Gelesen: 1350 mal)
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Beiträge: 842
Standort: Stuttgart
Mitglied seit: 07. Mai 2009
Geschlecht: männlich
Evgenija <>
13. August 2009 um 13:18
Hello xxxxx!!!
How your mood???
I do not expect you to write me so soon. I was pleased to receive your letter. I had a feeling as if I saw the presents under the Christmas tree. You can not imagine how glad I am your pismu.V last time I wrote you a little about yourself, and now I wish once again to tell you about myself. We in fact need to know about each other as much more, is not it???
My favorite sport is track and field athletics, particularly running. Previously I had every morning I got up and running. Running not only a lot of health, but it helps to relax, to forget and concentrate their thoughts on anything and think about it. Usually, I ran for 15 - 20 minutes. But now when I started working, then I ran only on weekends. Also in school I loved volleyball and athletics has little, but it is running. Previously, I worked in sports with the pleasure and joy. Mnya Since childhood my parents learned to love sports and to take care of their health. I often went to the various competitions of their school and even won prizes. In winter I ski. We are out of town is very good and wonderful place where you can have a pleasant, but the main benefit for health, relaxation.
Tell me and you love sports? If so, what kind do you do?
You know that I love to cook and now would like to write about this earlier.
Also, I can say that is I did not get ill.
Everything I taught my mother, she is also my good cook.
I can cook different dishes. This - various soups, pies, salads and many other dishes.
I usually cook cakes with apricots and cherries.
Do you like pies? If yes, what?
Nevertheless, I love ice cream, especially chocolate. And I can cook it.
I do prefer our Russian kitchen.
From Italian cuisine, I love pizza.
I want to ask when your birthday? Tell me and how you spend your free time?
Unfortunately, my free time ended and I must conclude this letter. I am very, very even going to wait for your answer. I would be very happy!
Your Evgenija
P.S. I send you another my picture and very much hope that you enjoy it and you send me your picture instead!

Off Topic KommentarMore pictures in the gallery: Smiley

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Re: Evgenija <>
Antwort #1 - 29. April 2023 um 20:31
Die Bilder wurden bei Kristina Horomina (Vidergoldt) / Кристина Хоромина (Видергольдт) aus Moskau geklaut.

Kristina Choromina

Kristina Vidergoldt ist oder war mit Oleg Vidergoldt verheiratet und haben eine gemeinsame Tochter.

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