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Sehr heißes Thema (Mehr als 25 Antworten) Aleksa <> (Gelesen: 5938 mal)

Re: Aleksa <>
Antwort #15 - 01. September 2008 um 20:04
Das ist die erste die mir diesen Scheiß schreibt.
Hier im Forum ist noch so eine junge von mir.
Die schreibt normales englisch.
Die sollten erst einmal deutsch lernen.
« Zuletzt geändert: 10. Oktober 2009 um 08:28 von Webmaster »  
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Themenstarter Themenstarter
Scam Warners

Ich liebe Scambaiting

Beiträge: 188
Standort: Benediktbeuern, Oberbayern
Mitglied seit: 08. Juli 2008
Geschlecht: männlich
Re: Aleksa <>
Antwort #16 - 01. September 2008 um 20:57
Uli schrieb on 01. September 2008 um 19:46:
Ist vielleicht noch in der Ausbildung und gehört in die Kategorie, die in der englischsprachigen Homepage von Cheboksary beschrieben sind. Die Fangen schon in der Schule damit an!  

Wie, die haben da eine Schule für SCAM? Zwinkernd
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Re: Aleksa <>
Antwort #17 - 01. September 2008 um 21:59
Die haben Schulen für Scam.
Aber keine gute.
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Themenstarter Themenstarter
Scam Warners

Ich liebe Scambaiting

Beiträge: 188
Standort: Benediktbeuern, Oberbayern
Mitglied seit: 08. Juli 2008
Geschlecht: männlich
Re: Aleksa <>
Antwort #18 - 02. September 2008 um 01:42
Neue Mail.
Die interessiert es überhaupt nicht, dass ich mich nur beschwert habe, 
dass ich dieses eine spezielle Foto von ihr nicht bekommen habe Smiley
Stattdessen haben sie mein "Beschwerdemail" als ur heart-warming letter bezeichent. 
Ist nach der "Arbeit"zu erledigt, zu dieser Kirche zu gehen und dieses Foto zu machen ...die arme  Durchgedreht
Statt dessen schimpft sie mich  Laut lachend
Dieses mal nur ein Bild.

how r u? i m fine & u? i was happy to receive ur heart-warming letter.
in turn i'll do my best to be an interesting 4 u in my messages. thank
u 4 ur keen attention to my letters. Hans, ur writing is very nice &
easy 4 understanding. Hans, did u receive my previous mail? or u just
waited a photo u asked from me? Hans, i don't go to the church every
day & also i work & after working i come back home being very tired &
how much i understand, i should go to the church 4 taking a photo from
there just bcz of ur asking? if i get sick & u would ask me that photo
to be taken.. Smiley it's silly & u understand it. of course, it isn't
problem. why u speak such silly things? Smiley i dont understand a reason
why u r such nervous, soon u will receive such photos as i promised u
in my previous letter. no, this letter doesn't have such photos bcz i
wasn't nearby from church. tomorrow or maybe after tomorrow, soon,
very soon, i promise. i wonder, u remember ur neediness from me but u
forget my neediness i asked u in my letters, if u won't keep on
answering to my questions, i won't make any special 4 u photos. do u
understaòâ me? u should be respectful to my letters. oh.. this day was
so crazy.. as u know already, i work as a seller & i was the
participant of competition "i m a seller". my task consisted in
persuading buyers to do buying & to earn the maximal profit 4 shop
during 30 min., the task was considered executed as soon as the buyer
paid money to a cash register. all participants should communicate
with clients actively, advise & show goods. i wasn't the winner of
this competition bcz i couldnt execute the largest sale of the goods &
i've not become the owner of the status "the best seller". but members
of jury, summing up this task, have told that they have been surprised
by how quickly i've managed to give professional consultations to
buyers about assortment of goods. i've been given a consolation prize.
it's 1000 rub. (about 28 euro). funny, isn't it? Smiley to say without
false modesty, i feel responsible while being in my shop, i've to work
hard at times. but i m not new to it & seems, i manage. it's
important! i've middle wages, it's 5000 rub. monthly. well, i think
now ur turn to reply me.. dear Hans, i m waiting 4 ur next message.
until then, pls know that u're pretty liked by ur aleksa.
« Zuletzt geändert: 10. Oktober 2009 um 08:30 von Webmaster »  
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Re: Aleksa <>
Antwort #19 - 02. September 2008 um 02:17
Ahja. Vieleicht schreibt die mir wieder.  Cool
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General Counsel

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Re: Aleksa <>
Antwort #20 - 02. September 2008 um 19:49
Uli schrieb on 01. September 2008 um 19:46:
Ist vielleicht noch in der Ausbildung und gehört in die Kategorie, die in der englischsprachigen Homepage von Cheboksary beschrieben sind. Die Fangen schon in der Schule damit an!  

Wie, die haben da eine Schule für SCAM? Zwinkernd

Keine eigentlichen. Unsere Kids haben ja auch Computerunterricht, aber noch nicht in Sachen Scam! Smiley
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Themenstarter Themenstarter
Scam Warners

Ich liebe Scambaiting

Beiträge: 188
Standort: Benediktbeuern, Oberbayern
Mitglied seit: 08. Juli 2008
Geschlecht: männlich
Re: Aleksa <>
Antwort #21 - 10. September 2008 um 00:26
Habe sie ein wenig vernachlässigt, nun geht es aber weiter. Gleich ein paar Stunden später war schon ihre Antwort hier. 
Die wird mich doch nicht vermißt haben? unentschlossen
Mit 2 Bildern, die älter sind als die bereits bekannten. Die sind schon zum Adi unterwegs. 
Das "spezielle" will sie mir nun aber machen. Abwarten und Tee trinken Zwinkernd 
Die stellt mich aber ganz schön unter Druck, mit ihren ewig langen Mails. 
Und bei ihr ist das dumme, dass sie auch auf Fragen meinerseits eingeht und das auch, wenn sie mitten im Text stehen. 
Schaut sehr persönlich aus. Hilft ihr aber nichts Smiley

hi Hans! thanks a lot 4 your reply! how r u? what's ur health? i've
just reached a computer with impatience in order to read ur message.
how much i've understood, u r going to make a mini trip to italy on
this friday & pls write me as often as u will be able to do being in
italy. do u promise me? Hans, well, today i'll make to u those photos
in front of church. Hans, i understand ur doubts. i do crave to say i
m glad to have our acquaintance. Hans, no doubt i m honored to be ur
interlocutor. our writing interchange should deserves all of our
attention. i m really longing to get knowing of u more. i m happy
madly that ur jaw drop open while looking at my sent pics. i joke of
course, pls dont get mad at me, i m just funny russian girl. here u
can find some other pics. Hans, i m fascinated by u & i believe, we
can get more trusting & responsible to each other not in so distant
future. baby, i m asking some questions. ok? u sound sweet & nice
person & i m sure u try to be on the top of any family parties always.
i always have an uncontrolled desire 4 gathering together with my mum
& relatives & u do? what do u do usually while being on leave? how do
u like to spend this time? Hans, & likely, my next question will sound
a bit of a vulgar thing but i do want u to be frank; seems, u should
have a lot of good friends & including women-friends certainly,
shouldnt u? bcz u've something special, pretty attractive
impeccableness.. so question.. do u have a woman whom u would like to
be closer with there in ur side? maybe there was someone especial
lately or in ur past life, whom u dont feel a peace of mind to, whom u
do like.. & if u have, pls let me know about what things r interfered
4 being her boyfriend.. likely, u r interested in asking some intimate
questions, i m ready to reply always. let's not be cold. we cant
divine the future of course bcz a probability to find the future
beloved in i-net is too insignificant bcz there r a lot of wrong
people, they tend to "earn" illegally. i hate such persons bcz it's
easy to stay at stake with frustrated heart & therefore i prefer to be
not vulnerable & be on the alert; i'd declare about such person to all
the people - nobody respects them - i consider it a human necessity to
warn someone else. in another way, i-net is better than a reality bcz,
firstly, people can get knowing of each other, to create a trusting &
a honesty &, as result, to prepare the initial step 4 relations
already without question. it's good of i-net in my opinion & what do u
think of it? always possible to stop sending messages if thoughts dont
coincide. but i think we r getting on, aren't we? i believe our
talking should measure in the large outlines. i can give u the
tenderness & a large explosion inside ur heart & i swear u'll be
overjoyed if we'll lead a right path, dont doubt Hans. we'll like one
another more & more like we do now, i often think of u & some new
dreams excite me. what's ur mind? my loneliness turn into waiting 4 ur
messages. destiny hasn't taken pity on us 4 living anywhere nearby,
likely it pulls together me with u & it gives me new emotions i never
had before now. "no distance of place or lapse of time can lessen the
friendship of those who r thoroughly persuaded of each other's worth."
i dont know about where i heard it but i agree with it entirely & u?
opssss... my girl-friend marina has just come here, do u remember her?
marina stands near me & she understands a little what i m writing now.
she sends hi to u.... & oh my god, she is asking e-mail of ur good
friend:) baby, i stop to write bcz marina waits 4 me and i should be
respectful to her! hugs and kisses! well! bye! i await 4 ur answer.
oh! the best regards from marina & me of course! aleksa.

Quelltext unverändert, statisch mit PHILKA4.
« Zuletzt geändert: 10. Oktober 2009 um 08:33 von Webmaster »  
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Themenstarter Themenstarter
Scam Warners

Ich liebe Scambaiting

Beiträge: 188
Standort: Benediktbeuern, Oberbayern
Mitglied seit: 08. Juli 2008
Geschlecht: männlich
Re: Aleksa <>
Antwort #22 - 13. September 2008 um 22:44
Sie zappelt an der Angel Zwinkernd
Die Mails kommen immmer schneller und sie glaubt schon selber an unsere Liebe! 
Aber mein spezielles Foto hat sie immer noch nicht hinbekommen, aber ich bin auch hartnäckig Smiley
2 neue Bilder sind zum Adi unterwegs.

hi Hans! aleksa is here:) i hope u dont mind calling u "prince"? how r
u today, my prince?Smiley I bet u have great day bcz u r a very kind
"prince" & a kindness comes back to such people! i appreciate
positively that u find the time 4 writing me back. i've to say it's
great to be talking to u after all. u make me smile & my smile doesnt
profess sneer or something else of this kind, it can mean just
happiness that invades me whenever u touch words about my close
people, marina, ur attention to my life.. yes sure.. should lead to
happy end. who knows.. what do u think of it? do we've a chance to
move forward? as for my photos, yes those photos re old & here u can
look at old photos too & in the next letters i'll make my new photos.
ok? Smiley oh my god, well i'll make a photos with a paper in my hand but
i won't write there "i m your erotic wife", i'll write to u something
another. ok? Smiley by the way, i didn't say to u, sorry, one boyfriend
was in my life about 1 years ago, at first he sounded noble, nice guy
& all my girl-friends envied me.. but my imaginary success was over
soon after our acquaintance. i waited 4 him at my home, but he
prefered to be sitting with his friends, he didnt work & took my money
at times. i was ready to share my intimate dreams with him & one of my
dreams was marriage, to have our own kid & one day he was drunk.. & i
stayed alone & cried.. being tet-a-tet just with numerous injuries &
bruises.. since then my naivety left me & likely, it was a motive of
seeking 4 my future in i-net. only pain was in my heart, only
disappointment & meaningless words went outside, asking the god to
take a little mercy on me. Hans, can u understand him? i cant.. i was
& i m definitely 4 serious relations, i do crave to find true love!
it's what makes me alive! to be honest, hard to recognize, being 24
years old & i miss my sweetheart, clearly that everybody doesnt look
like another one but.. the thirst to love & being loving 4 someone
especial is everyone's need, isn't it? Hans, if i've already found
him, i swear.. true.. i'll never let him go. maybe we r intended 4 one
another.. i m not sure 4 now but thinking of u is a wanted enjoying,
the writing to u is a heart necessity; without wanting to scare &
delude u, i do want to gaze right into ur eyes & ask about ur mind.
tell me Hans.. what do u think of right now? what would u like? baby,
u r so incredible, so impeccable & seductive, i m longing to be closer
to u by our thoughts, i m fascinated by u. i'll call u my baby
henceforth. ok? dont get angry with me but ur cute aleksa is a little
tired, pls take mercy on me Smiley like usually, ur messages r being
waited.. pls rush ur message back.

Quelltext unverändert, statisch mit philka4.
« Zuletzt geändert: 10. Oktober 2009 um 08:34 von Webmaster »  
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Themenstarter Themenstarter
Scam Warners

Ich liebe Scambaiting

Beiträge: 188
Standort: Benediktbeuern, Oberbayern
Mitglied seit: 08. Juli 2008
Geschlecht: männlich
Re: Aleksa <>
Antwort #23 - 16. September 2008 um 22:37
Weiter geht´s.

Hans, i waited ur news with bated breath. more gently, the better 4 me
to say hi to ur ear, do u hear my sweet words? i m whispering.. do u
enjoy listening my voice? Smiley i dont tease u. excuse me Smiley i m a lucky
woman having taken a man so special, so clever, u r! not reading the
words to define this beautiful feeling that invades me as soon as ur
messages arrive to read them. needless to say thank-u 4 being so
serious, so sensitive with me. i always think of what doing is the
number one whenever my message comes to ur in-box? i bet, before
reading, u enjoy looking at my sent photos, dont u? Smiley Hans, yes it's
clear that i speak russian but i also speak english as good as i speak
russian & i don't use a translator at all. Hans, well, if you're picky
so much, i'll write "Ich bin deine Schlampn" but only for the sake of
you. ok? maybe we can be talking in msn with web-camera? do u want to
be chatting in msn with web-camera. it would be better then holding a
paper with special sign. thinking of u more day by day often, thinking
of something what i'd like to tell u, about how much i adore u & ur
messages. so if i could, just i dont know.. i do enjoy reading ur
letters, to understand u & enjoy being understood. so hard to explain
but i m doing & it makes me insane. to have u as my i-net-friend & to
feel this way & to crave something deeper with u. i never met anybody
so especial like u r. i m thinking of u all day long & having read ur
message, i've sat in front of a computer's screen some time.. i was
fascinated by ur person, by ur regarding to life, to me of course &
seems, i've already found my soul consolation inside u. how much i'd
like to take ur arm & to feel its warmth & softness! i m falling in
love with u & can we talk of moving forward? "a true beloved is
someone who reaches 4 ur hand & touches ur heart". to be honest, i
feel ur touching to my heart.. so deeply that it's impossible to
endure without a life jacket u r. i guess nobody can imagine but it
sounds unconditional! we're adult people & pls let's be frank with our
feelings. say to me pls what feelings do u keep inside ur heart?
maybe.. a passion, a interest or something another? what do u feel
right now while reading my letter? what does ur heart speak? i m
excited by pending of ur answers! rely on ur heart right now. hard to
say what i feel.. i need u, i need reading ur messages every day! when
opening my in-box & seeing ur messages i look like a child! of course
it sounds amusing but it's the naked truth! when opening my in-box &
seeing ur messages i look like a child! of course it can sound amusing
but it's the naked truth! if u r really my sweetheart, i'll never
replace u, u will be my irreplaceable necessity. maybe the destiny has
already blessed me & if u treat any other way, i'll beg on my knees.
baby Hans, i miss u, longing 4 u being here next to me, so i can
whisper so true proper thing to say.. & more gently, the better 4 me..
i do need u being next to me.. do u hear, my baby? maybe i hurry up
speaking such words but it wouldn't be easy to conceal. i promised u
to be opening. i could conceal but this way isn't 4 me.. see u soon,
ur aleksa with the best regards!

Quelltext unverändert, statisch mit philka4. 
Bilder wieder per Mail an Adi unterwegs.

« Zuletzt geändert: 10. Oktober 2009 um 08:37 von Webmaster »  
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Re: Aleksa <>
Antwort #24 - 16. September 2008 um 23:40
Hi Leute! Alle Bilder sind zu 100 % aus Yoshkar-Ola! Die letzten Fotos sind aus dem Park der Kulturen! 
Links nicht im Bild steht eine Lenin-Statur! 
Das Bild in der Bluse vor dem Strauch zeigt mir ein bekanntes Gesicht aus YO, habe sie dort schon so gesehen! 
Bei den ersten Bildern war ich mir noch nicht sicher, da ich lieber etwas deutlicheres brauche um YO, es ist YO zu schreien, 
die Bilder sind zum Teil vom Boulevard der den 'PdK' durchläuft! Also wie sie geschrieben hat, sie lebt in YO! 
Grüße Stefan ... Smiley
« Zuletzt geändert: 10. Oktober 2009 um 08:37 von Webmaster »  
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Forum Administrator

Abgeschlafft und ausgepufft!!

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Re: Aleksa <>
Antwort #25 - 10. Oktober 2009 um 08:40
Anderl schrieb on 16. September 2008 um 22:37:
"Ich bin deine Schlampn"

Woher weiß ein Russe, was das ist???  Smiley
« Zuletzt geändert: 10. Oktober 2009 um 08:41 von Webmaster »  
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General Counsel

ich hasse Computer !

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Re: Aleksa <>
Antwort #26 - 10. Oktober 2009 um 09:20
Nein, ich bin nicht trauring mein schatz

schrieb mir gestern ein Armenierin, die eigentlich etwas Deutsch bei mir lernt. Ich war auch verblüfft, wie sie auf Schatz kommt.  unentschlossen

Gruß DL
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